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Find out what others are saying about The Real Immunity Film Series


“Parents with young children or parents-to-be [would greatly benefit from watching this film]. I wish I had all this information when I was pregnant so I could have made better informed decisions.” Amy J.

“[The film teaches that we]  need to follow our instincts when it comes to medical decisions. I am in control of my own health. Evelin S.

“[What I learned from the film is that] fear affects our healing and our intuition for choosing the best path! Be confident in the body’s wisdom.” Julie D.

“I wish I knew [this information] before I had my children. When I was pregnant I was looking for all the information that’d help me raise healthy children. I learned about the dangers of vaccines, but I had no idea there were other options. I wish I did. So [I definitely recommend this to] mothers and mothers-to-be, parents, grandparents and everyone who has immune deficiency or autoimmune diseases. I liked how instead of telling people what to do for their health [the film] encouraged everybody to listen to their body for the answer what’s best for them. I believe that’s the only way that one can find true health and freedom.” Dr. Alicja P.

“I learned truly the importance of truly treating our body as a Temple so that we can heal ourselves!” Michelle S.

“[I learned] that fear really drives us from our sense of reason and trusting our bodies. The world needs to understand how far we have fallen from the strength of our own selves and the power of nature. Thank you for your courage and determination to spread these truths and knowledge. Our world needs this.” Stephany A.


HP is a much more effective and safer way of supporting our immune systems. I had no idea something like this existed when my first child was born and I wish I would have.” Jeni C.

“I enjoyed the interviews from the parents. It provided something tangible and “concrete” that I could relate to. [I learned from the film] that my “mothers intuition” is something to trust and cherish.” Brandi H.

“I love hearing more about homeoprophalaxis and it’s effectiveness, it’s very satisfying to know it is another option to vaccines.” Alyssa C.

“Both my husband and I have engineering backgrounds and have worked years in the medical device industry.  Having the data laid out in that way was very helpful. Thank you so much for putting it together and getting it out there!” Lisa


“I loved the interviews with experts. New moms, young adults, late teens and grandmas [should all see this film]. Plus any [parent] with a health challenge or who has a child with a health challenge.” Lisa R.

“Refreshing. I am a Family Nurse Practitioner and have always had a level of discomfort with immunizations and pill pushing endorsed by western medicine. The three [films] support my concerns.” Betty A.

“I love the way the film was portrayed, all the beautiful places and the great people that was interviewed, each one has empowered me with knowledge and to trust in my inner doctor and how to help my inner doctor to boost it in order to get real immunity.” Evelin S.

“So much of the traditional medical community focuses on the fear aspect of getting sick. I loved what Cilla said at the end, ‘if you are afraid then you just need to do more research.’ There are so many options out there that we don’t even realize.” Jeni C.