Many who have experienced the current virus going around have a similar experience: General malaise quickly sets in, but a myriad of common viral symptoms often flood the system simultaneously. Which symptom does one choose to address first?
That’s where Real Immunity’s Viral Ally comes in handy. Featuring a combination of 13 common remedies for viral symptoms, taking it as soon as one notices symptoms can help to sort out a case so that the symptom picture clarifies and the remedy that best addresses what is being expressed can be properly selected.
The newest product in the Real Immunity suite. What to grab when symptoms arise.
With the early onset of viral symptoms, we often have inflammation in many parts of the body. People may experience headache, sore throat, congestion, stomach upset, or other evidence of early viral symptoms.
Homeopaths know that it is important to keep people moving through the phases of healing. Viral Ally helps move symptoms along so that we can get a clearer picture of what is needing to express. From there, the appropriate remedy can be selected with ease. It’s important to keep symptoms moving along so we don’t get stuck in one area and we can have full resolution. Viral Ally seeks to offer support in moving people through healing. It’s an essential first line to have on hand when illness strikes.
Let’s take Jane’s case as an example of how Viral Ally can be used:
Jane knew something wasn’t right. Her head was pounding, and her eyes ached. She had errands to finish, kids to feed and put to bed and other tasks she couldn’t ignore. She knew she was getting sick, but was just experiencing general malaise and foreboding, so she just continued to push through. She took a dose of Viral Ally before bed, which moved her immune system to express itself more clearly. By the next morning, Jane experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting. Her symptom picture had clarified, with symptoms indicative of Arsenicum album.