Cilla was recently interviewed by Ashley James of Learn True Health to discuss what to do if one should get the flu. If you are interested in hearing this interview, you can access it on the Learn True Health site or You Tube.
Here are some of the topics discussed:
Should you get the flu shot?
There are many issues with the flu shot, including the low odds of effectiveness. Cilla goes on to discuss how the flu shot detrimentally affects the immune system, with specific regard to how it compromises the innate arm of our immunity. She also goes more into depth on the inflammatory response associated with immunizations.
What can families do to prevent the flu?
Cilla recommends the use of homeoprophylaxis which builds the immune system. The remedy she recommends is Influenzinum. She references how one can take this remedy in the interview. Check out the Influenzinum CV30 survey results here.
Cilla Whatcot’s solution is Homeoprophylaxis: “Homeoprophylaxis is the use of diluted disease products to familiarize the system with the disease, prior to encountering it in nature, so that when you do encounter it in nature, you can either mount an immune response, or you can repel the disease completely.”
What to do if you get the flu?
Cilla shares many ideas and resources, most of which you will find here. There are many great homeopathic remedies for the flu that families can learn. Cilla has some great classes that address using homeopathy and cell salts for illness and the flu that are important to note. She also has a free knowledge vault that anyone can access. The vault offers an assortment of documents and videos to help people on their journey to health and wellness through homeopathy.
Two courses that Cilla recommends checking out that can help one know more about what remedies are effective for flu-symptoms:
Kali Salts
9 Flu Remedies
Learn more about Immunity:
The second part of Cilla Whatcott’s groundbreaking film docuseries on immunity, The Passage to Real Immunity, is now available for live screening here. Passage takes a look at resources available to support real immunity, including a closer look at the controversial method called homeoprophylaxis. Hear from parents, doctors, and experts from around the world!