Did you get your blue eyes from your grandmother? How about your curly hair, or your infectious laugh?
Often, inheritance plays a key role in influencing a person’s state and vitalism as well as these physical details. We all inherit proclivities and predispositions towards certain disease. Often these diseases are ones our parents and grandparents may have had or were susceptible to as well. In homeopathy, these inherited proclivities are known as “Miasms.”
Just like hair and eye color, we also inherit proclivities towards certain disease, known in homeopathy as “Miasms.” Miasmic prescribing mitigates the expression of these
proclivities, often reducing the severity of symptoms.
Through miasmic prescribing, homeopaths are able to mitigate the expression of certain genetic inheritances and diseases. Though a person’s genes cannot be altered, the expression of the proclivities carried on these genes can be made less severe or less life threatening.
For example: Those born with Downs Syndrome are often subject to lots of severe respiratory and cardiac symptoms. With constitutional homeopathic treatment, we see a lessening of these symptoms. The vital force has been unencumbered to express itself more freely.
Women treated constitutionally prior to having children diminish the miasmatic influence upon their own vital force, thus offering their offspring freedom from these liabilities.
This is just another area where homeopathy presents a massive opportunity for healing. While science acknowledges the important genetic markers we inherit, homeopathy takes this a step further maintaining that our inheritance also includes aspects of our ancestor’s vital force. In this way, ancestors who may have suffered from scabies may pass on skin issues. Recent scientific genetic research may actually support this claim:
“Genes may only be receivers of information transmitted by the vital force, much like the television is only the receiver of a broadcast transmitted over the airwaves. Thus, just fixing your television won’t improve the quality of the shows you can receive on it, replacing or removing your body parts won’t repair underlying problems with the vital force. And even if you can’t replace your television (your genes) there is still the possibility of improving the quality of the programs it receives (the activity of the vital force.)” From Amy Lansky’s Impossible Cure (p. 104)
Women treated constitutionally prior to having children diminish the miasmatic influence upon their own vital force, thus offering their offspring freedom from these liabilities.
Often miasmic expression can be kept at bay. But under stress or times when the terrain may be disturbed, these expressions often manifest, and a homeopath may augment constitutional treatment to address the miasm that is manifesting.
There are many miasms. In the class Miasms: Painting Health and Emotions, Cilla presents the Cancer, Psoric, Sycotic, Syphlitic and Tubercular Miasms.
When considering miasms, a homeopath looks at the central disturbances and disease manifestations (physical symptoms) as well as the mental-emotional picture. Symptoms that may indicate a Syphlitic Miasm would be alcoholism, depression, suicidal tendencies, mental illnesses, eating disorders, violence, cardiac conditions, birth defects and self-destructive behaviors such as cutting. Often there is also Nocturnal Periodicity: Individuals who are either worse at night or consider themselves Night Owls.
To describe the Syphlitic mental-emotional picture, Cilla offers the case in her Miasm class:
A woman came to her as a client who carried a gun in her purse. She felt she had to protect herself, like others were out to get her, and was very depressed. Upon further observation, it was discovered that she was simply fearful and felt threatened. Syphilinum helped her to move out of this internal state.
Another case involved a small child born with a severe case of Stabismus (crossed-eyes) who was very much helped by Syphilinum.
With homeopathy, there is never a time when the vital force cannot be empowered to promote healing in the body. Miasmic prescribing is simply another tool in the professional homeopath’s tool belt.
Interested in learning more about Miasms? Check out Cilla’s class on the topic.
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