Empowerment Group Part 1: Quest (Virtual Class)


Ready to lead the revolution in health?
Lead an Empowerment Group from the comfort of home!

Empowerment Groups are as easy to lead as 1-2-3: 

1. Pick a date/time you want to meet for your 3 discussions 

2. Organize your group (you can have up to 10 people/group)

3. Purchase the Empowerment Group program and access your discussion materials!


Listen to what Cilla has to say about Empowerment Groups. 


Upon purchasing this program, you will be given access to the following materials that will allow you to conduct your own Empowerment Group:

  • Links to the 3 Quest for Real Immunity film episodes for your group
    (Watch together or have your group members watch on their own before you meet.)

  • discussion guide with questions, links and materials to help you lead a discussion for each episode of the film

What prerequisites are required before leading an Empowerment Group?
We invite all individuals to become leaders, however, we strongly recommend that you have a firm understanding of what Real Vitality is, and have previously seen Cilla’s films.


By purchasing this product, you agree to the terms:

  • You agree not to record your sessions. This would be in violation of U.S. Copyright law since the Real Immunity films and discussion materials are protected. Our sincere “thank you” for your attention to this request and your commitment to not recording any sessions.
  • You agree not to share materials provided in this course to unauthorized persons. The materials are on loan to you, and available only after purchasing. Permission to share these materials and film links with the members of your group is authorized only for the duration of your sessions together. After that time if you wish to conduct another Empowerment Group, you will need to repurchase the product in order to retain consent of use.


Empowerment Groups aren’t just for adults, they can be used to teach kids 10 and up terrain theory health concepts! We’ve included graphic organizers to support using Empowerment Groups with homeschoolers.

Don’t send your college students off to school without them learning the key concepts covered in our Empowerment Group sessions!

Looking for members for your Empowerment Group? We’ll help you find them by publishing a notification about your Empowerment Group in our weekly newsletter. Email us at realimmunityts@gmail.com once you’ve purchased and set up your schedule.

To learn more about this class, please read out blogs:
Now Announcing: Real Vitality Empowerment Groups
Leading An Empowerment Group Is Easy
Empowerment Group Homepage

This educational resource includes video links and 9 downloadable resources.

Film links are listed under the first download.


Please Note: 

Homeopathic claims are not intended to be interpreted as medical advice. Claims are based on traditional homeopathic practice, not “accepted” medical evidence. Statements made here are not evaluated by the FDA. Products listed on the Real Vitality site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare practitioner for medical advice and treatment.

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