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Vitality School

By August 2, 2021September 23rd, 2024No Comments

What if the tenets of homeopathic thinking were instilled in our children early on? What if instead of learning about germ theory, our children learned about building a strong terrain, the intelligence of life, the importance of expression (vs. suppression), how to be good observers, and that like cures like?

The Real Vitality Team has answered this call—we’ve created a virtual program for kids called Vitality School. Vitality School consists of 6 virtual classe. They have been designed by a certified teacher and homeschool parent.  The recommended age range is 10-15, but these lessons can be adapted to younger students easily and often include coloring pages so younger students can participate in the lessons. 

Many parents have reached out regarding the onslaught of germ theory propaganda that their children are being inundated with. Our new education series for kids, Vitality Classes, seeks to introduce and instill the vitality concepts introduced in the Real Immunity film series. 

Download a free lesson plan outline to get a better idea of what the classes in our program offer. (There are 6 in our program, and you will be sent one class outline.)

Vitality School seeks to build a solid foundation around terrain theory concepts, homeopathy and natural health. Each lesson will contain an instructional video on the topic, lesson plan, multidisciplinary assignments, and supplemental resources for expanding upon concepts learned. 

Here are answers to common questions asked about our Vitality Classes:

Can adults take Vitality Classes?
Absolutely! Adults new to terrain theory and homeopathy can absolutely benefit form these classes.

I have multi-aged students in my household, ages 8-16. Will they all be able to participate in this program.
Yes. We have diversified our activities so that there are options for expanding the lessons to challenge older students, and so that there is less challenging material for younger students. 

Our homeschool co-op would like to participate in these lessons. Do we pay per student?
To make this program more reasonable for coops and families, we charge per family rather than per individual. We trust that this understanding will be respected so that we won’t have to raise our prices. Much time and resources have been committed to the development of this project, and our prices are configured to make the costs for families more than reasonable. You can send each family to this link to purchase. 

Can students complete these classes on their own, or will parents need to assist?
Children under 12 may need some assistance in navigating and printing the materials. If you review and print the assignments in advance, you should be able to set your students up with the class video and materials with minimal parental assistance. Planning time for the basic lesson is less than 30 minutes. 


Learn Together:
If you are interested in extending the concepts learned in our Vitality Classes, you may want to consider leading an Empowerment Group. The Empowerment Group program uses the Real Immunity films to instill terrain theory concepts on a deeper level. The program offers everything needed for a leader to access the film segments and lead a discussion. This program has already been used in homeschool groups across the world.