For anyone looking to broaden their understanding of immunity, inoculations, homeoprophylaxis, and historical evidence for homeopathy, the support and research to investigate these and many more topics are found in Cilla’s book, There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis, An Appeal to Mothers.
This is Cilla’s second book, and it’s a gold mine of resources to support families considering alternatives to inoculations. You’ll come away feeling confident that you are on the right path to health. While providing concrete research and evidence in regard to vaccines and homeoprophylaxis, this book isn’t written to overwhelm; laypeople can come to the book to have their questions answered and feel supported by Cilla’s gentle words and recommendations. Here is a list of just some of the topics covered:
The Big Business of Inoculations, The Immune System (cell-mediated and antibody mediated response), Chronic and Acute Disease, Germ vs. Terrain Theory, Vaccine Studies, Homeoprophylaxis, Current and Historical Evidence for HP, Dr. Isaac Golden (founder of HP), Your Legal Rights, CEASE Therapy
Cilla begins her book by sharing her own family’s experience with inoculations and how she came to choose HP as a viable alternative. She describes the overwhelming, yet empowering experience that came from her daughter’s diagnosis of aseptic meningitis after being inoculated. The story from there is an all too familiar one: Her pediatrician refused to validate the clear evidence that her daughter had an inoculation injury. What followed was the understanding that “no one was going to look out for my kids as I do. It was up to me. Period.” From there Cilla made it her life’s work to support other mothers and offer them alternative choices to the inoculations offered by conventional medicine.
She goes on to share this alternative, Homeoprophylaxis (HP), but not before she discusses the deception campaigns that have long made alternatives to inoculations unavailable. She goes on in her second chapter to reveal the year-to-year sales growth of the various vaccines offered, as well as how many of the CDC administrators are also high-ranking executives or consultants of major pharmaceutical companies, an obvious conflict of interest.
As Cilla has often shown us, one cannot appreciate the power of HP without first understanding the immune system and how the body responds to disease. She describes the body’s response to the multivalent inoculations as problematic: “Allowing the body to mount a complete response to one disease at a time is the most beneficial.” She goes on to describe what a “complete response” looks like on page 61 of her book. Paola Brown, President of Americans for Homeopathy Choice and creator of Teach Me Health and Homeopathy interviewed Cilla and created a really neat illustrated depiction of this complete response, and how homeopathy can be used to assist the body when needed, you can view this illustration by clicking here.
To watch Paola Brown’s illustration of the Cycle of Illness, click here.
Cilla goes on to describe that as HP only introduces one disease at a time, the immune system is able to “mount a response and resolve the disease effectively.” Here are some other essential points she covers regarding HP:
- HP improves your overall terrain, utlizing a method that used diluted and potentized (homeopathically prepared) particles.
- HP respects the immune system by offering one disease at a time through the natural route of the mucous membrane.
- HP contains no adjuvants, antibiotics, detergents, foreign DNA and other materials that can cause adverse reactions and side effects.
- HP has been utilized since the 1800’s, and has been endorsed by many nations and countries for epidemic diseasesThe major benefit of HP is that is “educated the immune system” strengthening the terrain to overcome disease symptoms and/or mildly symptomatic cases should the disease be contracted.
If you are looking for more support in broadening your understanding of HP, this resource has everything you need–including solid advice on how to make the best choice for your family. You may also be interested in signing up for our free HP Resource Sheet.
For parents who are not on the same page as far as what choice to make, Cilla also offers valuable input on how to find common ground. You can hear the non-judgemental voice of a homeopath in her sage advice regarding the importance of listening and validating one another:
“Once they feel validated, they are actually able to listen without getting defensive…All I want to do is empower parents. I’ve spent many years gathering information and seeing the clinical results of my patients. If I can share that, with you, or your partner, you will have more information to make a good decision for your child.”
For families interested in finding out if HP is a good fit for them, you can schedule a brief 15 minute appointment with Cilla.
Purchase Cilla’s book There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis here.
And again, if you are interested in watching Paola Brown’s illustration of Cilla’s Cycle of Illness, click the caption on the image below (which is Paola’s adorable drawing of Cilla!)
Click here to watch Paola’s presentation.