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Real Immunity Film Series

Real Vitality Empowerment Groups

By April 22, 2020December 19th, 2024No Comments

Living a Real Vitality lifestyle is easier said than done, right? It certainly takes a lot to move from the limited and fear-based conventional view of health and wellness to a place where one has complete ownership of their health and immune function. Yet lately, that call has become loud and clear for so many during these tumultuous times when health care freedoms are challenged more than ever before.

It also takes a lot of support to feel confident enough to forgo the recommendations from physicians that don’t quite feel right. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to not feel like you have to go at it alone?

And what about that feeling…That sense that there’s a better option out there? That is what we call intuition, and the purpose of the Real Immunity Film series is to help people align with their innate intuition and liberate that voice that is asking questions and interested in more options.

Over the last year, the Real Vitality Team has tested out a new product called Empowerment Groups, that are aligned with the values and intentions of the Real Immunity film series. This product seeks to provide further guidance and support through the essential points in the first film, Quest for Real Immunity.

By creating a study-group format for viewing and discussing the films, it is now possible to have community and support through all the questions and fears that arise when embracing Real Immunity:

What’s the best option for my family?

Who are the experts I can look to?

How does this lifestyle look?

How can I make it work for my family?

What basic information and skills do I need to live a Real Immunity lifestyle?

Empowerment Groups are a way for you to find your tribe!

Who Are Empowerment Groups Perfect for?

  • Parents who want to be fed support (rather than fear) for the health and wellness choices they are making for their children
  • People who want to be empowered about their health in a world full of confusing and complicated options
  • Parents who want to build their instincts when it comes to the health of their children
  • People who want to know who the experts in the field of natural health are, and how to access their messages
  • Individuals seeking their tribe, people who share their common health beliefs

How Do Empowerment Groups Work?

First, one must decide if they want to lead an Empowerment Group.

If you have decided you want to LEAD a group, your Empowerment Group will have access to the three 30 minute episodes of the Quest for Real Immunity film. The Empowerment Group Leader is equipped with a discussion packet and guidance on how to lead a discussion for each of the three sessions with the materials found in the class portal. By using an application like Zoom, group leaders can offer their Empowerment Group remotely to individuals around the world, or they can choose to host a more intimate, in-person gathering with those living close-by.

Empowerment Groups are limited to a maximum of 10 individuals (plus a leader), and leaders can choose to charge their group members a fee for the ability to participate in the program.

It is also an option to purchase the program for yourself, for those who are not interested in learning with a group. Parents have purchased the program and taught it to their high school students or coop groups. There is no minimum number required to conduct an Empowerment Group.

If you are interested in LEADING an empowerment group, feel free to share the image below on social media to help build your group:

What are the “perks” of  Empowerment Groups?

While Quest for Real Immunity can be streamed at home by anyone, by joining a Real Immunity Empowerment Group, not only will you be able to watch the film, but you’ll be able to take part in lively discussions around the topics in the film.

During our beta focus group sessions, we found that the participants reported a greater understanding of the topics as well as a greater sense on how to implement the concepts relayed by the film after participating in the program. An example of some of these concepts covered are:  Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory, the gifts of childhood diseases, allopathic vs. homeopathic health solutions, using and developing your intuition, understanding the innate intelligence of the body, moving past fear, and many more. For anyone interested in venturing into or supporting a Real Immunity lifestyle, Empowerment Groups are an essential starting point.

If you’re interested in more details, including: Costs, what’s included, where to join or find out more about leading an Empowerment Group, testimonials from our focus group, and more, please go here.

Blog Resources:
Lead an Empowerment Group
Watch this video with Cilla describing the benefits of Empowerment Groups
Testimonials, example Empowerment Group discussions and more