Saved By The Animals
Saved by the Animals!
Size: 1 oz, 30 ml
Saved By The Animals! is an “emergency essence” similar to Rescue Remedy. It provides powerful support in times of physical, emotional and spiritual crisis.
This formula includes five animal essences:
Dove — Nurtures peace and calm.
Turtle — For emotional & psychic protection.
Buffalo — Enhances grounding.
Eagle — Nurtures connection with the Divine.
Elephant — For grounding & Spiritual openness.
The Wild Earth Essences are vibrational remedies. Vibrational remedies are natural, energetic remedies made from a wide variety of substances. The most widely-used remedies of this type are flower essences. Other vibrational remedies are also known as Imponderables. Vibrational remedies are characterized by their energetic nature — each remedy contains the energetic imprint of the animal/flower/gem/star/etc from which it is derived and no material substance.
The essences are made during a ceremonial process. This ceremonial process includes attuning with and invoking the spirit of the animal involved. The resulting liquid contains the energy of the animal but does not contain any animal parts.When one takes an animal essence, it is the consciousness of the animal that interacts with our own consciousness. This interaction occurs in a gentle, supportive way.
What else is in the essences?
Along with the energy of the animal, each essence contains distilled water and brandy (40%) as a vibrational preservative. Without the brandy, the vibration would quickly dissipate. (If you are alcohol sensitive, drops may be added to a cup of boiling water and the alcohol will quickly evaporate.)
More resources:
>>Hear how David Mapel, founder of Wild Earth Essences describes Saved by the Animals in his own words.
>>Listen to the full podcast interview with David available here.
>>Read our blog on essences.
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