
Vitality School Program

Original price was: $108.99.Current price is: $69.99.

Looking for a way to share Terrain Theory based health information with your children?

Vitality School is your answer!


We’ve created a health program that embraces natural health and wellness concepts such as:
-What are the issues with the war against germs?
-How can we build a strong terrain?
-What is the immune system?
-Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory
-How does susceptibility factor in to health?
-What is homeopathy?
-How is homeopathy different from conventional allopathic medicine?
-What is Homeoprophylaxis (HP)?
-Why is the antibody theory incomplete?
-What studies support HP?
-How does homeopathy and HP support the terrain?


With this purchase, you will receive 6 full lessons covering the topics above and more. Each lesson includes a video presentation, printable and easy to follow lesson plan for the instructor to follow, printable worksheets to help students demonstrate and apply what they have learned, and additional activities that can be added to each lesson to enhance them or take them to the next level. 


Our 6 lessons cover the following topics: 

Lesson 1: What are Viruses?

Lesson 2: Health and Susceptibility

Lesson 3: What is Homeopathy, Part 1

Lesson 4: What is Homeopathy, Part 2

Lesson 5: Intro to Homeoprophylaxis, Part 1

Lesson 6: Intro to Homeoprophylaxis, Part 2


To learn more about our Vitality School program and gain answers to our frequently asked questions, please read our blog.


This educational resource is a digital download (immediately downloadable).
All materials will be available to download upon purchasing. 

The link to this course is listed under “Order Details” on your receipt page.


Please Note: 

Homeopathic claims are not intended to be interpreted as medical advice. Claims are based on traditional homeopathic practice, not “accepted” medical evidence. Statements made here are not evaluated by the FDA. Products listed on the Real Vitality site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare practitioner for medical advice and treatment. Visit for government approved medical advice.

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