Have you ever wondered why the same things keep happening to you over and over again? Maybe it’s having bad luck, or being betrayed, changing jobs so much, or physical accidents. There’s a reason for that.
Have you ever questioned what all the hub-bub is about over getting the flu? Or what the crazy side effects from medications are really doing to you? Have you questioned how much influence your genetics have over your physical condition, or even your mental health?
So have I! That’s why I became a homeopath. The minute I walked into the classroom to start my four-year education in homeopathy, I knew I was home. It all made sense. My questions were answered. I never looked back, and my life was forever changed.
The answers (and more) lie in these eight ways to think homeopathically. Give it a try!
- Accept that life has intelligence. This is wisdom we all possess. The body is designed to move toward perfection. It does many miraculous things naturally. It digests, eliminates, detoxes, grows, and evolves from a helpless, adorable, dependent being that cannot walk, talk or feed itself, into a full-grown human that can reproduce itself. How can you support vitality and healing in yourself and your children?
- Express your symptoms! Whether it’s suppressing a fever, holding back a burp, or denying emotions, we can trust the body/mind/spirit to cough up a symptom as an honest expression of the inner state. And for those mucous producing conditions that can be tempting to suppress, learn instead how to navigate and support them with the Kali Salt Class.
- Observe. Observe. Observe. Symptoms hold clues to how to heal and move toward perfection. Now we’re
Be a homie. Use the tips in this blog to start thinking Homeopathically.
talking about prescribing a remedy. That’s for a future blog.
- Acknowledge it all. Befallments are also symptoms. Symptoms aren’t just physical. “Befallments” is a fancy word we use to describe events in our lives. We are whole beings. Duh. Moods are symptoms. Events are symptoms. Fears are symptoms.
- Keep it moving. (Or, Go with the flow.) Motion is health. Expressing a symptom, interpreting what it means, then supporting that need, is very very health promoting. Suppression isn’t motion. (see #2)
- Celebrate your acutes! Acute disease is a vent of the deeper state. This is one fact the rest of the world just doesn’t get. Colds, viruses, childhood illnesses (even the flu) are all mechanisms to exercise the immune system and allow a discharge. This is an effective way to purge toxins, waste, and unneeded energetic ju-ju. It resets the system and promotes developmental surges. Who doesn’t love a developmental surge?
- Remember it is all a perspective. Everyone views reality through the lens of their internal state. This is a biggie. This explains why some people are aggressive, some are wallflowers, some are nomads, and a thousand other variations. This is a good thing but becomes problematic when we judge others through our own lens. Life is easier when you can shrug and say “It’s just their state.”
- Live by the golden rule: Like Cures Like. This one has depth and breadth you can barely fathom. It’s one of the main tenants of homeopathic theory. When you apply “like” there is no resistance. Try telling a toddler (or a teenager) they have to do something. You’ll get schooled in “resistance.” Try understanding what they are thinking and feeling and it opens up the channels of energetic exchange. (see #4)
My homeopathically trained buddies are on the same wave length and we save so much time. These eight facts help us to cut through the chatter and keep our blood pressure down nicely. You can make life easier for yourself, too. Think like a homie!
Got a teen who you’d like to teach to think homeopathically? Sign them up for our Vitality School and get six full health lessons focused on terrain theory, natural health, real immunity, homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis.