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July 2019

When Tensions Run High: A Response to the Loss of Religious Exemptions

By Homeopathy, Immunization

When rights are removed with no regard for due process, families naturally feel threatened and frightened. We are certainly living in interesting times. It‘s now more important than ever to stay focused in the present moment.

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s retreats teach the power of focusing our attention to where we want our energy to go. Thoughts and emotions have a vibration. They produce hormones and wire synapses in our brain. Repetition of thoughts or emotions have the potential to manifest results on the material plane.

On-going mandates and the loss of religious exemptions has led many to wonder:

-What if I am forced to perform a medical act that may cause harm?
-Is there a way to mitigate such harm?
-What if I am in the military or immigrating an adopted child to the USA?  

Freedom is a state of mind and many who have chosen to step out of the public school matrix are discovering a new-found sense of freedom and joy in homeschooling. Listen to our podcast with Robin Shirley who has envisioned a cooperative homeschool program. 

Our goal here at Real Vitality is to contribute to health and vitality; to uplift and inspire; to educate and expand. The remedy to much of the insanity we are observing is to go within and find peace and steadiness. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice… No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.”

For those struggling with fear, indecision and uncertainty regarding titers, mandates and detoxing, this class is for you. This online class will address the health concerns parents may be experiencing and ways to deal with the current compliance required by many states who have outlawed religious exemptions.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Get Empowered About Detox, Homeschooling, Titers, and Your Next Steps” 

The following topics are covered, and more:

  • Do alternative methods create antibodies?
  • Are antibodies the answer?
  • Is HP a “substitute” for conventional methods?
  • Can I send my child to college?
  • Where can I find a doctor who is respectful of my choices?
  • Is there “proof” that HP works?
  • What detox steps can be taken if needed?
  • What do I need to know about mitigating injuries and damage?
  • What do I need to know if I’m considering homeschooling?











Is HP a good fit for your family? Need a free 15 min consult with Brion to learn more? Schedule a session today.