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Where Does HP Stand in Regards to Contagion Theory?

By Homeopathy

In light of the pandemic, prevailing views on Germ Theory have faced considerable challenge. Debates have escalated to a new level, focused in recent years on the topic of whether or not viruses exist. Such debates have been popularized by Exosome Theory, which offers a new interpretation of viral symptoms, and Radiowave Illness (AKA Radiowave Sickness), which establishes a connection between viral symptoms and frequency poisoning. As a result, the alternative health community has been polarized into virus believers and virus doubters.

Many may wonder where Homeoprophylaxis (HP) falls on this spectrum of virus believers and doubters. You may be comforted to know that the existence of viruses is inconsequential when it comes to the use and application of HP. On the other hand, HP aligns well with much of the thinking around Exosome Theory and it is a good match for “Radiowave Illness.”

Before we can elaborate on this point, it’s important that we first explore the concepts of Exosome Theory. Exosome Theory offers a new explanation for the wide-spread prevalence of flu-like symptoms (like what we saw during the pandemic.) Rather than blaming a microbe, the explosion of flu-like symptoms instead are connected to the increase in environmental toxins and the surge in electromagnetic frequencies. As the body attempts to discharge these toxins and regulate, Exosome Theory explains that the symptoms of this detox process are actually what has come to be known as “flu symptoms.”

Exosome Theory asserts that symptoms often labeled “the flu” are a result of the body’s natural detoxification responses to environmental toxins. The suggestion is that that what we often identify as “contagious disease” might actually be the result of shared environmental stressors or collective biological responses to toxins and energetic imbalances. In this view, viruses are not external invaders but rather exosomes—particles produced by our own cells in response to toxicity or stress.

The environmental stressors consist of chemicals like glyphosate (and others), as well as invisible frequencies like radiowaves (hense Radiowave Illness). At times in history when we’ve had world-wide flus and pandemics, there has often been correlated increases of radiowave frequencies. In 2020, we had a major increase in 5g towers.

The book Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg offers one of the most thorough examinations of this correlation between electrical pollution and illness. Firstenberg establishes a connection between several flu outbreaks and significant increases in radiowave frequencies, including:

  • The 1889 Influenza Outbreak connected to major installations of power line frequencies associated with a suppression of the earth’s magnetic activity.
  • The Spanish Influenza of 1918 that happened during the Radio Era.
  • The Asian Flu Pandemic of 1957 correlated with the Radar Era.
  • The Hong Kong Flu Pandemic of 1968 that occurred during the Satellite Era.

The perspective that it isn’t invisible microbes causing problems, but instead environmental toxins, provides an important opportunity to shift the focus from “fighting microbes” to supporting the body’s innate ability to heal and maintain balance. This is also where the conversation starts to sound especially familiar to homeopaths and practitioners of frequency-based medicines, which are focused on increasing vitality. The foundation of this argument is actually the basis of homeopathic thinking, also known as Vitalism.

Environmental Protection Essence is our flower essence combination remedy that provides EMF support.

Homeoprophylaxis (HP) does not seek to assault suspected microbes. It doesn’t attempt to kill, neutralize, or obliterate viruses. Instead, it works based on the premise of vitalism that all homeopathy is based on: It seeks to strengthen the immune system, aka the vital force. In this way, HP aligns with Exosome Theory, which states that the expression of symptoms is the body’s way of detoxing and creating balance. Homeoprophylaxis understands that expression is healing; it does not, therefore, seek to suppress symptoms.

We have many studies suggesting that HP supports vitality. Results of brief and long-term interventions suggest an effectiveness rating averaging around 90%. In Dr. Isaac Golden’s study that followed children who received HP for 15-years, not only did the results show a 90% efficacy against childhood illness, but children who received HP (and did not receive and childhood immunizations), as compared to the children in the control cohort, (who neither received their childhood immunization nor HP), had significantly less acute and chronic illness:

In relation to asthma, HP alone was 15 times safer than immunizations, and 6 times safer than doing nothing. In relation to eczema, HP was 7.4 times safer than immunizations and 2.8 times safer than doing nothing. In relation to allergies, HP was 5 times safer than immunizations and 2 times safer than no method. The incidence of asthma (3%) in children who used HP was well below the national average of 19%.

The ultimate goal of HP is increased vitality, exemplified in the ability to reduce susceptibility and overall ocurance of acute and chronic illness. This isn’t achieved through the process of identifying and destroying viruses. Instead, HP works at the energetic level by strengthening the vital force.

The virus debate has been a huge invitation for us to reconsider our assumptions about health, contagion, healing, and it nudges us to unlearn what we previously considered true. It has been instrumental in bringing environmental toxins and Radiowave illness to the forefront of conversations. Thereby putting the spotlight on frequency-based remedies, like homeopathy, that provide a powerful pathway for addressing these illnesses of our modern world.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.


*Please note: We don’t claim to be experts on this topic. This is a complex topic, and this should not be considered a thorough summation. As always, we suggest exploring the topic on your own and doing your own research.  This message is not approved of by the CDC. Consult their website for their recommendations. Statements made are not intended to be interpreted as medical advice, treatment, or prevention of illness. Consult with a physician for medical advice.

The Gentle Healing Power of Essences: A Guide to Their History, Preparation and Use

By Essences

You’ve likely heard of flower essences, these are the most commonly known of all essences that have become popular through the work of Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath, well known for his line of flower essences known as Bach Flower Essences. But, there is so much more to the story of essences! We’ve come along way, and you can find a diverse array of essences available made from gemstones and other environmental energies.

Essences have been used for centuries as a natural way to restore emotional balance and well-being. Essences tap into the energy of plants, flowers, and other natural elements to help bring about emotional, mental, and even spiritual balance.

What Are Essences?

Essences are subtle yet potent liquid extracts derived from plants, flowers, gemstones, or other natural elements. Unlike herbal tinctures or essential oils, which act primarily on the physical body, essences work on an energetic or emotional level. They are believed to influence the emotional, mental, and spiritual realms, helping to clear blockages, balance emotions, and promote inner harmony.

Essences contain the vibrational energy of the source material (a flower, gem, or environmental element), which is thought to resonate with the user’s energy system. In essence therapy, each type of essence is said to hold specific qualities that can help individuals address their unique emotional or spiritual needs. There are specific Essence Practitioners who focus on prescribing essences, but many homeopaths are versed in prescribing essences as well.

How Are Essences Prepared?

While often considered homeopathic, essences are created quite differently than a homeopathic remedy that starts with a Mother Tincture. The traditional method of preparing essences involves capturing the energetic imprint of a plant or flower by placing it in water under sunlight. This method, also known as the sun infusion method, was popularized by Dr. Edward Bach, a key figure in the development of flower essences.

Here is a step-by-step overview of the typical preparation process for flower essences:

  1. Selection of the Source Material: The most vital part of the process is choosing the right flower, gem, or plant. This is typically done at a time when the flower is in full bloom.
  2. Infusion in Water: The flower or plant is placed in a clear bowl of pure water, and the bowl is left in direct sunlight for several hours. During this time, the energy of the flower is believed to be transferred into the water. When one is creating an essence from the frequency from an animal, event or place, a bowl of water is often used to collect the “spirit” or essence of the place/object, along with the intention to collect this frequency.
  3. Filtering and Preservation: Once the infusion is complete, the flower material is removed, and the water is preserved by mixing it with a natural preservative like brandy. This mixture is called the “mother essence.”
  4. Dilution and Bottling: The mother essence is then diluted further into stock bottles, which are what most people use in their daily routines.

Some essences are prepared using a boiling method, especially when the sun infusion method is not suitable, such as in the case of hard materials like gemstones.

Types of Essences

There are many types of essences, each with its own unique qualities. The most well-known are:

  • Flower Essences: Made from various flowers, these are designed to address emotional issues, such as stress, fear, and depression. The Bach Flower Remedies are among the most recognized flower essences in the world.
  • Gem Essences: Created using gemstones and crystals, these essences are believed to promote healing on a deeper energetic level. Each gem essence carries its own vibrational frequency, which can support mental clarity, creativity, or protection.
  • Environmental Essences: These are prepared using elements from nature like water from sacred springs or special places like mountain peaks. They are thought to help balance the user’s energy with the natural world.
  • Animal Essences: These are less common but are created using the energy or spirit of animals. They are used to tap into the qualities or wisdom that certain animals symbolize, like courage from a lion or transformation from a butterfly.

We carry many essences from the Wild Earth Animal Essence line, available in our store.

History of Essences

The history of essences dates back to when cultures around the world used plants, flowers, and stones in sacred healing rituals. However, it was in the early 20th century that essences became more formally recognized as a form of natural healing.

The most notable figure in the history of essences is Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath. In the 1930s, Bach developed the famous Bach Flower Remedies, a system of 38 flower essences designed to treat various emotional states. He believed that physical illness was often the result of emotional imbalances and that by addressing these imbalances, the body could heal itself naturally. His system is still widely used today.

Other founders and pioneers in the field of essences include:

  • Ian White, the creator of Australian Bush Flower Essences, which use native Australian plants to address emotional and spiritual challenges.
  • Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, who developed the FES (Flower Essence Services) system in California, bringing flower essences to the forefront of holistic healing in the modern era.

How Can Essences Be Used?

Essences are incredibly versatile and easy to use. Here are a few ways you can incorporate them into your life:

  1. Direct Use: A few drops of an essence can be taken under the tongue or added to a glass of water and sipped throughout the day. This is the most common method of use.
  2. In Bathing Rituals: Add a few drops to your bathwater for a soothing and balancing effect.
  3. Sprays: Some essences are made into sprays that can be misted around your body or living space to clear negative energy or create a calming atmosphere.
  4. Meditation or Healing Practices: Essences can be incorporated into meditation or energy work, helping to balance chakras, clear emotional blockages, or raise your vibration.
  5. For Pets and Plants: Essences can be used for the emotional well-being of animals or added to plants to promote growth and vitality.

Essences are gentle and non-toxic, making them safe for people of all ages, including babies and pets. Listen to our podcast with Daniel Mapel on his line of animal essences to learn more about essences and how they can be used.

Real Vitality has added many of the essences from the Wild Earth Animals essence line. We also have our own combination essence called Environmental Protection Essence, a combination blend providing support against EMFs and other environmental threats.

Whether you are seeking emotional healing, spiritual alignment, or simply want to connect more deeply with nature, essences offer a profound yet gentle way to restore balance. With a rich history and a wide range of formulations, essences can be customized to meet your individual needs. By incorporating essences into your daily life, you can experience a deeper sense of harmony and well-being.

Exploring Homeschool Styles: What’s Best for Your Family?

By Homeschool

Homeschooling has become an increasingly popular choice for families seeking a more personalized and flexible approach to learning. It has also become an increasingly important choice for families who have lost access to public school and who are leery of the curriculum and climate of public schools.

Top reasons families have given for choosing homeschooling in recent years include: Flexibility; dissatisfaction with public school curriculum and/or values and beliefs and of course lack of access for kids in states that do not accept religious or moral exemptions.

As you embark on this journey, you’ll encounter various methods of homeschooling. It can be overwhelming to decide which is the best fit. A first step would be to determine which style you’ll want to use. For many families, a “cobbled” approach with various styles works best. Often times a style that worked one year (or during the elementary years) doesn’t work the next–or doesn’t work as well for some children as others. Let’s explore the more common homeschool methods to get a sense of the various styles:

1. Traditional Homeschooling

Traditional homeschooling is modeled after the structure and regimen of public or private schools. Parents typically follow a set curriculum that includes textbooks, worksheets, and tests. This style is ideal for families who prefer a structured environment and want their children to follow a standard educational path, similar to their peers in conventional schools. On the other hand, it’s becoming less appealing to parents who have chosen to remove their children from the public school system because the structure, regimen, and curriculum are not a match for their children or household.


  • Familiar structure for parents and children
  • Easy to track progress with clear benchmarks
  • Often easiest style for meeting state requirements with minimal adjustment
  • Religious families can find online programs that cater to their values


  • May lack flexibility
  • Can feel restrictive or too rigid for some learners


A Quick Guide To Start Homeschooling: From Traditional School to Homeschool Workbook

The Homeschooling Father, How and Why I got started.: Traditional Schooling to Online Learning until Homeschooling


2. Charlotte Mason

The Charlotte Mason method emphasizes literature, nature, and the arts, focusing on cultivating a love for learning rather than rote memorization. Named after the British educator Charlotte Mason, this style encourages short, focused lessons, nature walks, and the use of “living books” that bring subjects to life.


  • Nurtures a child’s natural curiosity
  • Emphasizes the beauty of learning through real-world experiences
  • Encourages a love for literature and the arts
  • Though not intrinsically Christian, it’s easy to find Charlotte Mason curriculums with a Christian focus
  • Requires parents to be hands-on and creative
  • May not cover all traditional academic subjects in depth


Home Education

In Vital Harmony: Charlotte Mason and the Natural Laws of Education

3. Montessori Homeschooling

Montessori homeschooling is based on the educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, which emphasizes child-led learning. In this approach, children have the freedom to choose their activities within a prepared environment, fostering independence, curiosity, and a love for learning. Montessori materials and hands-on learning are key components, and this is a popular early education choice.


  • Promotes independence and self-discipline
  • Child-centered and allows for personalized pacing
  • Engages children with hands-on activities


  • Requires specific materials and a prepared environment
  • Parents must be well-versed in Montessori principles


The Montessori Toddler

Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three

4. Unschooling

Unschooling is a more radical approach where traditional education structures are largely set aside in favor of child-directed learning. This philosophy is based on the belief that children learn best when they pursue their own interests and passions. Learning is often spontaneous, with life experiences serving as the primary curriculum.


  • Highly personalized to the child’s interests
  • Encourages creativity, critical thinking, and self-motivation
  • Flexible and adaptable to any lifestyle


  • Lack of structure can be challenging for some families
  • May require more effort to meet state educational requirements


Sandra Dodd’s Big Book of Unschooling

The Unschooling Handbook : How to Use the Whole World As Your Child’s Classroom

5. Classical Education

Classical education is rooted in the traditions of Western culture, emphasizing the Trivium, which consists of grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages. This method focuses on teaching children how to learn and think critically, often through the study of classical texts, languages (like Latin), and Socratic dialogue.


  • Strong foundation in critical thinking and logic
  • Emphasizes a deep understanding of subjects
  • Encourages a love for classical literature and history


  • Can be academically rigorous and demanding
  • Requires a significant time commitment from both parents and children

The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home

Trivium: The Classical Liberal Arts of Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric

6. Eclectic Homeschooling

Eclectic homeschooling is a flexible, customized approach that combines elements from various homeschool methods. Parents pick and choose resources, activities, and curricula that best fit their child’s learning style and interests. This method allows for adaptability and creativity, making it a popular choice among homeschoolers.


  • Highly adaptable to individual needs
  • Allows parents to tailor education to their child’s strengths
  • Can incorporate the best aspects of multiple homeschooling methods


  • Requires time and effort to curate materials
  • Lack of a clear structure may be challenging for some families


Do It Yourself Homeschool Journal: & Eclectic Learning Handbook

Kitty Doodle’s Homeschooling Curriculum: For Artistic and Playful Students

7. Waldorf Education

Waldorf homeschooling is inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and emphasizes holistic, artistic, and imaginative learning. This method integrates academic subjects with creative arts, storytelling, and handcrafts, aiming to develop the whole child—intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. This is a popular early-education choice, but also tends to pair with a Waldorf-based lifestyle.


  • Fosters creativity and imagination
  • Emphasizes the development of the whole child
  • Integrates arts and academics seamlessly


  • Requires parents to be highly involved and creative
  • May be less focused on conventional academic achievements
  • Requires parents to be ares of Rudolf Steiner’s theories


Rhythm & Waldorf Homeschool Planning

Waldorf Alphabet Book


8. Unit Studies

Unit studies focus on a specific topic or theme, integrating various subjects like math, science, history, and language arts around that central theme. This approach is often hands-on and project-based, making it an engaging way to learn through real-world connections.


  • Makes learning relevant and connected
  • Encourages in-depth exploration of topics
  • Engages multiple learning styles


  • May require more planning and preparation
  • Can be challenging to cover all subjects equally

Choosing the Right Homeschool Style for Your Family

Selecting a homeschool style is a deeply personal decision that depends on your family’s values, educational goals, and the unique needs of your children. Some families find that a blend of several methods works best, allowing them to create a customized educational experience. Some families find that it is best to switch their focus year-to-year or at major shift years such as middle or high school. Remember, homeschooling is a journey, and it’s okay to adjust your approach as you learn more about what works for your family.

Tips for Those Transitioning from Public School

If you’re looking for support in making the shift from public school to homeschool, our class Between A Rock and A Hard Place offers support and tips for families and reviews some helpful options. It is recommended that before launching into homeschooling that parents spend a decent amount of time deschooling. Cilla did a series on Homeopathic Homeschooling where she shared various other tips for homeschoolers that you may want to check out as well:

Creative Curriculums


Sick days

Want to Teach Them Terrain Theory? Consider Vitality School

For those interested in teaching kids important health concepts, like Terrain Theory, our Vitality School Program will help instill the tenants of homeopathic thinking. The 6 classes in our Vitality School program cover the basics of understanding the immune system, building a strong terrain, as well as the basics of homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis. Grab our free lesson plan download to learn more.

In the end, the most important thing is to foster a love of learning and create an environment where your children can thrive. Whether you choose a structured approach or a more flexible one, homeschooling offers the opportunity to tailor education to your child’s individual needs, making it a rewarding experience for the entire family.


Ready to get started homeschooling and want a guide?
Download our Getting Started with Homeschooling–Free Guide


Getting Your Homeopathic House in Order

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy, Immunization, Real Immunity Film Series

So you want to bring more of a homeopathic focus to your family’s health strategy?

Spring is a great time to assess your family’s health strategy and get clear on what needs to be cleaned out and what needs to be added to the picture. When assessing the changes that you want to make in order to get your homeopathic house in order, consider these two questions: What are the big concerns? And what are the first steps?

What Are the Big Concerns?

Depending on where you are at in your health journey or health consciousness, the concerns will be different. Fear mongering has long been the go-to strategy of coercion. We have to be very careful about assessing whether or not what the media is trumping up is a valid concern. It starts with doing research and gathering the facts before we jump on the hysteria train. From there you want to assess your family’s personal susceptibility. If you want help assessing any concerns, schedule a free 15 minute HP appointment with one of our homeopaths who can help you determine a logical plan.

Your concerns may vary depending on the ages of your children,  as well as the state of their health. Having a homeopath on your side for constitutional care is essential when you’re dealing with complex health issues. If your family is relatively healthy, you may want to just consider enrolling in an HP program. The conclusion of Issac Golden’s 20-year study on HP that included 2,342 children was that “HP remedies are non-toxic and safe – free of the side-effects or resulting damage…” Golden’s comprehensive HP program had a 90.4% efficacy against epidemic childhood diseases. The children in his study had lower incidences of both chronic and acute health issues than their counterparts as well.

Older kids considering college will have a different set of concerns. If you’ve already enrolled your kids in an HP program, you may want to consider boosting them. Consider speaking to Brion if you have adolescent-aged kids and you have questions about their immunity, boosting, or what you can do now to prepare their immune systems for college.

Disentangling From the Conventional Health Paradigm

Before one can implement new strategies, it’s important to first disentangle oneself from unhealthy habits and reliances. If your family still uses conventional medicines for dealing with cold and flu symptoms, consider learning to address these acute concerns with homeopathy. Cilla created several online courses that will support you in learning what remedies to have on hand when there are acute needs. For starters you can consider:

Healing Our Relationship with Microbes —If you’re ready to unlearn what you’ve been taught about germs, viruses and bacteria, this is the class for you! A great one for high schoolers, as it exposes the campaigns that skewed the truth about health in favor of Big Pharma and shares how homeopathy spins the “war on microbes” dogma on its head.






9 Flu Remedies —Learn about the 9 remedies you need to have on hand for colds and flus, as well as the symptom picture that will help guide your home prescribing.







Homeopathy and Influenza — This class covers far more than just flu remedies, it provides helpful information about Influenza and offers a homeopathic understanding of the flu and how homeopathy has been used successfully during epidemics.







First Aid — It’s only a matter of time before you’ll encounter an acute issue that you’ll need to know how to address without suppressive conventional measures. This is an in-depth, two-part class that covers how to use homeopathy for bruises, wounds, pink eye, burns, UTIs, otitis, colic and teething and much more.





If your family is looking to replace toxic personal care products, consider Stone and Steal Tallow products. Some favorites are the moisturizing soap, the tallow face cream, and the toothpaste (which includes ground deer & elk antler powder). Use coupon code REALVITALITY to get 10% off your purchase!

If you’re looking for a guide to moving beyond conventional healthcare options, Quest for Real Immunity was created to provide support for families interested in alternative health choices and features experts like Dr. Paul Thomas who share their insightful knowledge.

You are not alone, and once you have watched Quest, consider forming your own group of “Homies” (homeopathy lovers, of course!) and host an Empowerment Group to connect your friends in to this new-found information! When you sign up to lead an Empowerment Group, you get access to Quest for Real Immunity, which you can share with your group members, along with discussion questions and other resources to help guide lively conversations. If you do start an Empowerment Group and you’re looking for others to join you, email us at  We’d be happy to publish your upcoming class in our newsletter. 

Launching Your New Homeopathic Health Consciousness

While all of the Real Vitality courses briefly cover how to use homeopathy, the first step is to learn the basics and gain a foundation in homeopathic theory. Cilla’s Intro to Homeopathy will have you off and running in no time, by helping you to understand the basic principles of homeopathy as well as how you can get started using it at home. Cell Salts, an off-shoot of homeopathy, are easy to learn—there are only 12—yet safe and effective means of addressing common acute ailments. Many families focus on cell salts as their mainstay “medicine.” 

You’ll want a few helpful books in your library, for reference purposes. Some favorites are Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Danan Ullman, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro and Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Nigey Lennon. Cilla’s book on HP There Is A Choice is a fabulous resource for those looking to explore HP. You can find a list of all our recommended books here

You’ll also need a kit. Our 50 Remedy Kit contains everything you need to get you going to address the top acute ailments. It also comes with a downloadable companion guide addressing dosing and 12 common family ailments that are covered by the remedies in your kit. You will also get FREE access to our virtual Intro to Homeopathy class…It’s basically a package deal giving you everything you need to get started using homeopathy right away!

If you’re interested in getting started with cell salts, our Cell Salt Kit contains all 12 cell salts plus 5-Phos, a combination formula of the 5 Phos remedies for addressing emotional issues, anxiety, nerves, general debility and lack of vitality. Plus, you’ll get an informational download on all the cell salts, a resource for using cell salts in pregnancy and a code for 25% off our Cell Salt class. (We love loading you up with supportive resources!)

Likely the steps you choose to take won’t be in order of how they are laid out here, but regardless of where you start, if you follow these basic guidelines, you’ll be off and running, just like many of our other “Homies” already have, and you’ll have your homeopathic house in order in no time!

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

New Hysteria on the Rise: Measles Madness

By Infection

Fear mongering has begun yet again around a potential Measles outbreak . Those of us who have been alert to these shenanigans know measles hysteria is a seasonal occurrence and a rather predictable means of promoting the injection. In the past outbreaks at Disney Land in 2014 and NYC in 2019 created similar hysteria. Fingers were pointed erroneously at the unvaccinated. Now that the Covid pandemonium has subside, Measles hysteria will be following suit.

What are the concerns?

In a recent interview on Children’s Health Defense TV(CHDTV), Andy Wakefield shares that this is a big concern for the entire population. We can only speculate about the implications for individuals who have gotten the Covid shot, but the outcome could look grim due to increased blood clotting. As Andy explains, there are too many unknowns because we have intervened with nature so much.

Natural measles was historically a mild childhood virus occurring mostly in primary school. Mortality declined significantly prior to the inoculation coming out in 1963. The natural disease confers lifelong immunity, protecting both older populations and very young infants. Nursing babies historically acquired immunity from their mothers who conferred natural measles antibodies through breast milk, and the elderly were protected with lifelong immunity from wild measles acquired as children. In her ultimate wisdom, Mother Nature bestowed this mild virus upon children between the ages of 4-12, exercising their immune systems, granting lifelong immunity, and sparking developmental leaps.

What are the facts?

Andy clarifies many important facts about measles—it’s history, symptoms, and the documented fallacy of the [conventional immunity products] causing previous outbreaks. He illustrates why the shot is ineffective, and how it can put lives at risk. Andy explains how we have become susceptible to measles because of the vaccine, which decimated natural immunity.

“The healthy population of Americans do not have any neutralizing antibody titers to speak of, should Measles come back. That makes us all susceptible to measles….We have all become susceptible because of the vaccine and there’s nothing we can do about it…The [shot] will not protect us.”

Should you be worried about measles?

Families in the Real Vitality Homeoprophylaxis (HP) program will be relieved to know that they are boosting their immunity specifically to measles. HP is a great way to boost immunity to childhood diseases like measles. It also helps regulate immunity in individuals who may have deregulated their immune systems through the use of conventional immunity products. To learn more about Real Vitality’s HP Programs—guided by board certified homeopaths visit our site. Interested in learning how to boost immunity to measles? Sign up for a Custom Immunity Package.

In Quest for Real Immunity, world renowned immunologist, Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, explains that many childhood diseases can be solved by proper nutrition or supplementation. It is always wise to eat nutritionally dense food and seek appropriate supplementation when necessary.

We are not at the mercy of “deadly diseases.” With natural support and calm thinking, we can rely on real immunity.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Tending to Fertility: A Homeopathic Approach

By Homeopathy, Immunization

Women’s health has long been a hot topic, and women are often caught in the crosshairs of political agendas that cause much confusion when it comes to selecting options with their best interest at heart. As more and more conventional treatment options for reproductive health have fallen under the spotlight of controversy, it is no wonder that many women are confused and seeking alternative options.

One such area of concern is fertility and how to best protect and nurture reproductive health. While infertility has been on the rise for several decades, in 2021, data from the Defense Database (DMED) showed a remarkable increase in fertility issues, including:

  • A 155% increase in birth defects.
  • A 471% increase in female infertility
  • A 350% increase in male infertility

Similar data from VAERS shows an escalation in symptoms related to infertility, including: miscarriage, menstrual disorders, uterine haemorrhage, Caesarean, Preterm Labour, Birth Difficulties, stillbirth, as well as male fertility issues:

Click the graph above to view VAERS report.


Many doctors have come forward to study this development and discuss the increase in infertility and “the new injection,” including Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Northrup and Dr. Craig Turczynsk. These concerns ought to be carefully considered by any woman who plans on having children.

As Cilla discusses in HomeoMama, a virtual class about using homeopathy during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, there are many important factors to consider to promote a healthy pregnancy and birth. Here are a few to consider:

Artificial light. Excessive indoor lighting and screen use, especially in the evening, is can be very disruptive to our hormones. Dr. Northrup has shared about human biocycle disruption often.

Chemicals. From cleaning supplies to makeup, chemicals are abundant in our world. Men and women should both be aware of exposures to chemical exposures, especially fertilizers and pesticides. It is also essential to avoid plastics whenever possible. Avoiding conventional produce and foods is important as well, since links to diets high in nonorganic fruits and vegetables and infertility have long been established.

Medical procedures and prescription drugs. Be aware of side-effects of birth control, NSAIDs and antibiotics that are known to disrupt the gut microbiome, which is linked to infertility. Opt for natural options family planning options whenever possible. Avoid unnecessary medical procedures and do your research.

Infradian rhythm disruptions. Beware of health fads that advocate ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, and High Intensity workouts and learn to cycle sync your diet and exercise. While beneficial to men, according to functional nutritionist and women’s hormone expert, Alisa Vitti from FloLiving, such practices disrupt the female 28-day hormone cycle (called the Infradian cycle), and have not been proven to benefit women during their fertile years.

There are many steps that can be taken to promote fertility and put you in the optimal position for having a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few to look into:

Eat nutrient dense. Traditional diets, which include liver, butter, raw milk and egg yolks have been proven beneficial to increasing fertility.

Add in essential superfoods. Foods high in healthy fats and iron promote fertility by supplying essential micronutrients, as do Royal Jelly, turmeric, cinnamon and leafy greens.

Consider supplementing hormone-supporting nutrients. B6, magnesium, D3, Iron, Probiotics and Zinc may be important supplements to consider supplementing with if you do not get them in your regular diet.

Consider having a constitutional consult. Constitutional care prior to pregnancy can address miasms, minimizing the potential of passing these down to unborn children.

If you are already pregnant, or planning to be pregnant, you may want to consider taking HomeoMama, our virtual course that offers homeopathic advice for addressing common symptoms during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


Interested in getting our guide on newborn procedures?
It includes information on:

  • 4 common newborn procedures
  • What you need to know
  • Alternatives
  • Research and study references

First Line Support for Viral Symptoms

By Homeopathy, Infection

Many who have experienced the current virus going around have a similar experience: General malaise quickly sets in, but a myriad of common viral symptoms often flood the system simultaneously. Which symptom does one choose to address first? 

That’s where Real Immunity’s Viral Ally comes in handy. Featuring a combination of 13 common remedies for viral symptoms, taking it as soon as one notices symptoms can help to sort out a case so that the symptom picture clarifies and the remedy that best addresses what is being expressed can be properly selected. 

The newest product in the Real Immunity suite. What to grab when symptoms arise.

With the early onset of viral symptoms, we often have inflammation in many parts of the body. People may experience headache, sore throat, congestion, stomach upset, or other evidence of early viral symptoms.

Homeopaths know that it is important to keep people moving through the phases of healing. Viral Ally helps move symptoms along so that we can get a clearer picture of what is needing to express. From there, the appropriate remedy can be selected with ease. It’s important to keep symptoms moving along so we don’t get stuck in one area and we can have full resolution. Viral Ally seeks to offer support in moving people through healing. It’s an essential first line to have on hand when illness strikes. 

Let’s take Jane’s case as an example of how Viral Ally can be used:
Jane knew something wasn’t right. Her head was pounding, and her eyes ached. She had errands to finish, kids to feed and put to bed and other tasks she couldn’t ignore. She knew she was getting sick, but was just experiencing general malaise and foreboding, so she just continued to push through. She took a dose of Viral Ally before bed, which moved her immune system to express itself more clearly. By the next morning, Jane experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting. Her symptom picture had clarified, with symptoms indicative of Arsenicum album.


New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

How Homeopathy Can Help You

By Homeopathy

Why Homeopathy?







Modern medicine has advanced many times over in the past few decades, more so when you look at the last century. Yet for all these advances, people remain unsatisfied with their treatment. It’s incomplete, and more often than not, come with a host of unwanted and often uncomfortable (or dangerous) side effects. Thankfully, there’s an alternative that offers gentler, more natural solutions.

What Is Homeopathy?

Quite simply, homeopathy is a full system of natural medicine that can be used to treat any person – i.e., any age, including infants and the elderly – as well as both pets and livestock. That’s because each treatment is customized specifically to the individual being treated. It was developed more than 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and it’s still being used today by more than 500 million people worldwide. It was even used in American hospitals until the mid-1900s, and is approved by the FDA.

How Homeopathy Works

Professional homeopaths are trained and certified to interpret the information shared by the body through energy in order to identify the cause of your symptoms. Utilizing the principle “like treats like,” homeopathic practitioners will match your symptoms to something in nature that causes them. When the correct remedy is used, relief can occur quickly, although it will take longer for chronic ailments. What’s more, homeopathy is curative and doesn’t simply mask your symptoms, the way many prescription medications do.

Why Choose Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle, natural way to heal the body in a way that encourages movement toward vitality and the body’s capability of healing and protecting itself. It’s also a straightforward and affordable process that makes treatments easy to dispense at home. In fact, while you ought to meet with a homeopathic practitioner to guide you, there’s a number of every-day bumps and bruises you can identify and remedy yourself.

Overview of Homeopathy’s Benefits:

  • You’ll receive individualized care and undivided attention from a professional homeopathic practitioner.
  • Homeopathic practitioners can be found worldwide, including regions like Europe, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America.
  • Homeopathy is tried and true through 200 years of practice.
  • It was used in hospitals in the U.S. through the mid-1900s, and it’s still trusted today.
  • It can be used to treat anyone of any age, as well as pets and livestock.
  • It’s completely natural, and naturally supports the body’s ability to heal itself.
  • It can be used to address chronic conditions, including sinusitis, ear infections, asthma, and behavioral complaints.
  • It’s easy to practice some basic homeopathy at home, especially if you take advantage of resources like classes and digital materials.
  • Kits for home care are incredibly affordable, and no prescription is required.
  • Homeopathic remedies do not have side effects, unlike most pharmaceutical medications.
  • Advanced treatments, such as homeoprophylaxis, can protect you and your loved ones from infectious diseases.
  • Relief is felt quickly, and it never masks symptoms.

Homeopathy is a safe, natural alternative for anyone who’s dissatisfied with the treatment they’ve received from traditional, pharmaceutical-driven medicine. Each treatment is unique, because each body is unique, but homeopathic results are always the same – movement toward a healthier life and true vitality.

For more information on the intelligence of the body, read our blog post on the subject. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can use homeopathy to treat yourself or your family, don’t hesitate to book a consultation.

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Homeopathy Shines with Influenza

By Homeopathy, Infection

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was no match for homeopathy!

A homeopathic remedy

There’s a safer way to build vitality and the terrain without risk: homeoprophylaxis.

The mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was over 28 percent: those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of just 1.05 percent. Homeopathy works!

The body has natural intelligence and the capacity to heal itself. It needs to express symptoms, have discharges, and be supported by natural means such as homeopathy. A runny nose is purging sinus waste products. A cough purges the airway. A fever resets the immune system, eliminates toxins, and restores the bacterial balance thus maturing the immune system. We can often see developmental leaps after a fever.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old science of medicine that addresses both acute and chronic conditions. It’s based upon the principle of “like treats like.” If something in nature is capable of causing symptoms, early homeopaths who “proved”  remedies found remedies that addressed those symptoms. To treat homeopathically every symptom of an illness is noted – physical, emotional, and mental – and a remedy is chosen that most closely matches the exact characteristics.

For example: if stung by a bee, you are likely to experience pain, and hot redness with inflammation. Apis mellifica (bee venom) prepared homeopathically can quickly reduce all of these symptoms. It’s safe with no side effects due to the principle of minimum dose.

Minimum dose means the source material is diluted repeatedly until there are no original molecules left. This dilution is then applied to small lactose/sucrose pellets and taken by mouth. The individual’s vital force recognizes the frequency of the source material and sets healing into motion. The immune system then initiates healing naturally, without getting stuck at any stage, or suffering any side effects.

A mother comforts her sick son.

One of the most urgent questions young parents face is how best to cultivate their children’s immunity.

How to Chose & Use a Homeopathic Remedy

Each of the following remedies can be found at most co-op or natural food stores, and will be effective for influenza or flu-like illnesses. For dosing, simply start with a dose each hour for three doses, then give 3 doses per day until symptoms are 70-80% improved. A dose consists of 2-3 pellets of 30c potency.

Don’t touch the pellets with your fingers. Just tap them into the cap of the vial and pop them in the mouth to melt. If no relief after three doses, then re-evaluate symptoms and remedy choice. If you have a peaceful sleep after dosing, this is a good sign that the vital force has recognized the remedy and it’s a good match. You may see a dramatic improvement, or a gradual one. The goal is to support the system so it doesn’t get “stuck” in any phase of the illness, but moves through the stages smoothly. Frequently, the stages are actually shortened with the aid of homeopathic remedies.


Keynotes listed below are the main symptoms in a case. An illness can have many symptoms, so the question to ask is “what one symptom, if removed, would make it possible to feel better? What is most limiting in the case?” That symptom is the leading keynote upon which you should prescribe. Don’t worry if all symptoms listed under the remedy aren’t evident. You need a few strong keynotes to go on, and then consider “modalities.”


Modalities are either times of the day when symptoms are better or worse, or what condition or activity reduces the discomfort. Many people will say nothing makes them feel better. In this case, you just observe what they have a desire for. Hot drinks? Cold drinks? Activity? Company? To be left alone? These are all various modalities.

Building Terrain

Influenzinum increases vitality, activating innate immunity towards flu-like illnesses. An excellent study from Brazil (2011. International Journal of High Dilution Res. “Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children:” blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial) concluded that use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children, was cost-effective, and carried no ill effects, encouraging the homeopathic prophylactic potential to be investigated in further studies.

Choosing a method for flu-like symptoms is a wise choice when your goal is to support real immunity naturally. Purchase Cilla’s preferred Influenzinum product. 

Remedies for Influenza or Flu-Like Symptoms

Aconite, arnica and belladonna pills.

Remedies for flu-like symptoms include Aconitum and Belladonna.

More detailed information on remedies for Influenza and flu symptoms, can be found in the class Homeopathy and Influenza


This is the first remedy to think of when coming down with a flu-like illness. It can be taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms suddenly appearing. This is especially true if the symptoms came on after being exposed to harsh weather or a cold wind. You can often nip the virus in the bud with Aconitum in this way if taken immediately. The symptoms you may see are a fever with chills, flushed cheeks and a rapid pulse.

Arsenicum album

“Don’t leave me alone!”

  • Great restlessness and anxiety; you can see pacing, jitteriness, or hand-wringing
  • Fear of being left alone
  • Ominous feeling that they could die
  • Very chilly
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Worse between 11 pm-1 am; the illness frequently starts at this time
  • Very thirsty but only wants small sips of water


“Feel the heat radiating from me.”

  • Rapid onset of symptoms
  • High fever
  • Red, flushed face; Pupils dilated
  • Thirstlessness
  • Delirium or hallucinations with fever
  • Headache
  • Can be right-sided symptoms
  • Body is hot yet hands/feet are cold
  • Worse with motion
  • Worse at 3 pm
  • Craves lemons


“Leave me alone!”

  • Severe aching
  • Wants to go home
  • Irritable and averse to answering
  • Headache
  • Thirst
  • Marked perspiration
  • Desires warm drinks
  • Worse from motion or jarring
  • Worse at 9 pm


“I ache horribly.”

  • Unbearable aching
  • Chilled to the bone
  • Thirst for cold drinks
  • Pain in bones
  • Desperate: moaning
  • Fever over 102
  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting of bile
  • Watery coryza
  • Worse 7-9 am
  • Desires cold food or ice cream

Ferrum Phos

“Inflammation is starting.”

  • No clear local symptoms
  • General malaise
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever


“I’m so weak and heavy.”

  • Debility, weakness
  • Dull; foggy
  • Eyelids droopy; eyes may be half open
  • Head heavy
  • Tremulous weakness
  • Thirstlessness even though there is fever
  • Onset of fever slowly over 1-3 days
  • Yellow coating on tongue
  • Chills running up & down spine
  • Headache
  • Chills alternating with flushes of heat

Nux vomica

“Every nerve is frayed!”

  • Overly sensitive to all stimuli
  • Intense chills
  • Irritable
  • Sleepless
  • Sensitive to light, noise, touch
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat with raw sensation
  • Body aches better with warmth
  • Desires warm food and drinks

Rhus tox

“I’m so stiff unless I move around a bit.”

  • Anguish
  • Sore throat
  • Cold sores on lips; tongue red on the tip
  • Moderate to high fever
  • Chilly and restless
  • Bed feels too hard; whole body aches
  • Pain relieved with slow movement
  • Craves warm drinks
  • Stiffness; desire to stretch

    Our Viral Ally product is a great “first response” all-in-one homeopathic combination remedy that addresses many of the symptoms listed above.

Thinking Parent’s Guide to Fearless Health

By Immunization

Many of us with children have navigated some interesting terrain regarding conventional immunity products offered.

Unless you have witnessed or experienced an adverse reaction, there seems no reason to explore other options. Experience makes us want to share the information we’ve gleaned with others so they can avoid pitfalls and make informed choices.

Enter the Thinking Parent’s Guide to Fearless Health, a 12 page, downloadable resource offering links to studies and support documents that clarify common misconceptions regarding inoculations, a list of ingredients in inoculations, a background on what every parent needs to know regarding childhood diseases, important considerations and alternatives for supporting immunity, as well as a list of recommended reading and follow-up resources.

This is our answer to the many times people have reached out to ask, “Is there anything I can show my spouse, my child, my friend to educate them?” 

This guide provides non-overwhelming support and accurate information. The last thing we want to do is promote fear, or discourage new parents. We’ve kept the guide simple, yet thorough, with many resources for continued research.

If you’ve ever attended a baby shower and witnessed the onslaught of gifts (many of which parent’s likely won’t even use!) and wondered where the support is for the BIG decisions that parents will be making, you’re not alone. Our Thinking Parent’s Guide is something that can be printed and put into a folder and discretely left for the expectant parents as an offering that will support them educationally. The guide can also be offered to pediatrician offices as well.

As Cilla always says, “Information is the antidote to fear.” By sharing this resource with new parents, together we can empower them to face the pressures of today’s world with confidence!

Interested in getting our free guide on newborn procedures?
It includes information on:

  • 4 common newborn procedures
  • What you need to know
  • Alternatives
  • Research and study references