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Cell Salts

Structuring Water with Homeopathic Cell Salts

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy

Water is the foundation of life, and its structure plays a crucial role in how well it supports our health. While many people focus on water purification, fewer consider the potential benefits structured water may offer in regards to enhanced energetic qualities.

While the use of cell salts to structure water is still largely still anecdotal, nascent theories on the use and function of cell salts to maintain coherency in water and respond to changes in salt concentrations highlight the important contribution cell salts may offer to ion regulation within cellular environments.

Structured water or coherent water, is a form of water in which the molecules are arranged in a more organized, coherent pattern, resembling the hexagonal structure found in nature. This structured arrangement is believed to enhance water’s bioavailability, making it easier for cells to absorb and utilize. Modern water extraction and treatment methods disrupt the natural coherence of water as it is pumped through pipes that lack the spirals and vortexes that water flows through in nature. Exposure to chemicals and other depolarizing mechanisms further disrupt water’s energetic imprint and diminish its ability to hold structured patterns.

Ion regulation is a fundamental process in the body, ensuring that minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium maintain proper cellular function. Structured water is thought to facilitate more efficient ion transport across cell membranes, optimizing hydration, nutrient delivery, and waste removal. Cell salts are prepared through a potentization process, which enhances their energetic signature. When cell salts are dissolved in water, they imprint their structured, crystalline nature onto the water, creating a more coherent molecular arrangement.

By structuring water with cell salts, we may be able to align water’s natural coherence with the body’s mineral and energetic needs, making hydration more effective at a cellular level. This explains why cell salts are uniquely suited for water structuring, as they work both physically (providing essential minerals) and energetically (enhancing coherence in water and the body).

The Crystalline Structure of Cell Salts

One of the key aspects that make cell salts effective for structuring water is their crystalline nature. Each mineral salt forms a unique crystal lattice that, when potentized homeopathically, imprints an energetic signature onto water. This crystalline structuring helps align water molecules into a coherent pattern, similar to naturally occurring structured water. The micro-crystals in cell salts act as templates, guiding water into a coherent and bioavailable state.


Our virtual cell salt class is a great place to start your journey learning about cell salts and common applications.


Veda Austin’s Work with Water and Structured Water Imaging

Veda Austin, a researcher in the field of water consciousness and crystallography, has demonstrated how water responds to intention, environment, and energetic influences. Through her unique means of capturing the crystalline structure of water that has been exposed to various stimuli, Austin has explored ways in which water holds memory and can form structured, coherent patterns when exposed to specific stimuli. Her freeze-frame imaging of water droplets reveals intricate crystalline formations influenced by words, thoughts, and substances.

We can extend the concept Austin has experimented with: that water has an ability to remember what it has been exposed to, in regards to homeopathic cell salts. Due to their potentized crystalline structure, cell salts can also imprint water with a specific energetic frequency. By using cell salts, we are essentially providing water with a highly organized template (information) that has the potential to structure water with the specific “instructions”supplied by the cell salts used.

Cells Salts Versus Higher Potency Remedies for Water Structuring

Cell salts are ideal for structuring water for various reasons. Typically, high potency remedies are used infrequently and under the guidance of a homeopath, however, cell salts are low potency homeopathic remedies that are safe to use more frequently, making them ideal for the home prescriber.

There are many methods for structuring water, including vortexing, exposure to sunlight, and the use of specific crystals or magnets. However, using cell salts has unique advantages, including:

  • Bioavailability: The minerals in cell salts are already in an easily absorbable form that are more readily absorbed by the blood and then into the body’s tissues and cells because of their low potency.
  • Dual Function: They have been known to work both physically (providing essential minerals) and energetically (enhancing coherence in water and the body).
  • Gentle and Safe: Cell salts are safe for all ages.
  • Inexpensive and Easy to Use:  Unlike some structuring methods, the use of cell salts does not require special technology and it’s easy to learn how to use and administer cell salts (see resources below). The cost is low, usually $5-$12 per bottle.

How to Structure Water with Cell Salts at Home

Structuring water with cell salts is simple and requires only a few basic steps. Here’s how you can do it:

Ingredients and Materials:

  • A clean glass jar or bottle (preferably made of glass to maintain purity)
  • Pure, filtered, or spring water
  • One or more homeopathic cell salts (based on your needs)
  • A wooden or glass spoon for stirring (avoid metal to prevent energetic interference)


  1. Fill your glass container with pure water.
  2. Add 3–5 pellets of your chosen cell salt(s) to the water.
  3. Stir gently.
  4. Let the water sit for at least 10–15 minutes to allow full imprinting and structuring.
  5. Optionally, place the water in sunlight for enhanced energetic activation.
  6. Drink throughout the day.

Which Cell Salts Should You Use?

Different cell salts can be chosen depending on your specific needs. We recommend learning more about which cell salts may be of most help to you. You can also consider our Cell Salt Combinations:

  • Real Relaxed: supports the nervous system
  • Real Strong: supports bone health
  • Real Soothing: supports digestion
  • Real Beauty: supports skin health

The Real Vitality Cell Salt Kit contains all 12 cell salts in glass vials, plus resources for learning more about cell salts. We also have combination cell salt remedies available.

Since cell salts carry a stable crystalline structure and energetic signature, they may offer a unique way of imprinting coherence back into water that has been energetically damaged or denatured, while also enhancing hydration and offering bioavailable minerals. By adding homeopathic cell salts to water, it may be possible to restore its molecular harmony, bioavailability, and energetic vitality.

Resources for Learning More About Cell Salts: 

Amazing Cell Salts blog post
Real Vitality Cell Salt Virtual Class
Real Vitality Cell Salt Products

Getting Your Homeopathic House in Order

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy, Immunization, Real Immunity Film Series

So you want to bring more of a homeopathic focus to your family’s health strategy?

Spring is a great time to assess your family’s health strategy and get clear on what needs to be cleaned out and what needs to be added to the picture. When assessing the changes that you want to make in order to get your homeopathic house in order, consider these two questions: What are the big concerns? And what are the first steps?

What Are the Big Concerns?

Depending on where you are at in your health journey or health consciousness, the concerns will be different. Fear mongering has long been the go-to strategy of coercion. We have to be very careful about assessing whether or not what the media is trumping up is a valid concern. It starts with doing research and gathering the facts before we jump on the hysteria train. From there you want to assess your family’s personal susceptibility. If you want help assessing any concerns, schedule a free 15 minute HP appointment with one of our homeopaths who can help you determine a logical plan.

Your concerns may vary depending on the ages of your children,  as well as the state of their health. Having a homeopath on your side for constitutional care is essential when you’re dealing with complex health issues. If your family is relatively healthy, you may want to just consider enrolling in an HP program. The conclusion of Issac Golden’s 20-year study on HP that included 2,342 children was that “HP remedies are non-toxic and safe – free of the side-effects or resulting damage…” Golden’s comprehensive HP program had a 90.4% efficacy against epidemic childhood diseases. The children in his study had lower incidences of both chronic and acute health issues than their counterparts as well.

Older kids considering college will have a different set of concerns. If you’ve already enrolled your kids in an HP program, you may want to consider boosting them. Consider speaking to Brion if you have adolescent-aged kids and you have questions about their immunity, boosting, or what you can do now to prepare their immune systems for college.

Disentangling From the Conventional Health Paradigm

Before one can implement new strategies, it’s important to first disentangle oneself from unhealthy habits and reliances. If your family still uses conventional medicines for dealing with cold and flu symptoms, consider learning to address these acute concerns with homeopathy. Cilla created several online courses that will support you in learning what remedies to have on hand when there are acute needs. For starters you can consider:

Healing Our Relationship with Microbes —If you’re ready to unlearn what you’ve been taught about germs, viruses and bacteria, this is the class for you! A great one for high schoolers, as it exposes the campaigns that skewed the truth about health in favor of Big Pharma and shares how homeopathy spins the “war on microbes” dogma on its head.






9 Flu Remedies —Learn about the 9 remedies you need to have on hand for colds and flus, as well as the symptom picture that will help guide your home prescribing.







Homeopathy and Influenza — This class covers far more than just flu remedies, it provides helpful information about Influenza and offers a homeopathic understanding of the flu and how homeopathy has been used successfully during epidemics.







First Aid — It’s only a matter of time before you’ll encounter an acute issue that you’ll need to know how to address without suppressive conventional measures. This is an in-depth, two-part class that covers how to use homeopathy for bruises, wounds, pink eye, burns, UTIs, otitis, colic and teething and much more.





If your family is looking to replace toxic personal care products, consider Stone and Steal Tallow products. Some favorites are the moisturizing soap, the tallow face cream, and the toothpaste (which includes ground deer & elk antler powder). Use coupon code REALVITALITY to get 10% off your purchase!

If you’re looking for a guide to moving beyond conventional healthcare options, Quest for Real Immunity was created to provide support for families interested in alternative health choices and features experts like Dr. Paul Thomas who share their insightful knowledge.

You are not alone, and once you have watched Quest, consider forming your own group of “Homies” (homeopathy lovers, of course!) and host an Empowerment Group to connect your friends in to this new-found information! When you sign up to lead an Empowerment Group, you get access to Quest for Real Immunity, which you can share with your group members, along with discussion questions and other resources to help guide lively conversations. If you do start an Empowerment Group and you’re looking for others to join you, email us at  We’d be happy to publish your upcoming class in our newsletter. 

Launching Your New Homeopathic Health Consciousness

While all of the Real Vitality courses briefly cover how to use homeopathy, the first step is to learn the basics and gain a foundation in homeopathic theory. Cilla’s Intro to Homeopathy will have you off and running in no time, by helping you to understand the basic principles of homeopathy as well as how you can get started using it at home. Cell Salts, an off-shoot of homeopathy, are easy to learn—there are only 12—yet safe and effective means of addressing common acute ailments. Many families focus on cell salts as their mainstay “medicine.” 

You’ll want a few helpful books in your library, for reference purposes. Some favorites are Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Danan Ullman, The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro and Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Nigey Lennon. Cilla’s book on HP There Is A Choice is a fabulous resource for those looking to explore HP. You can find a list of all our recommended books here

You’ll also need a kit. Our 50 Remedy Kit contains everything you need to get you going to address the top acute ailments. It also comes with a downloadable companion guide addressing dosing and 12 common family ailments that are covered by the remedies in your kit. You will also get FREE access to our virtual Intro to Homeopathy class…It’s basically a package deal giving you everything you need to get started using homeopathy right away!

If you’re interested in getting started with cell salts, our Cell Salt Kit contains all 12 cell salts plus 5-Phos, a combination formula of the 5 Phos remedies for addressing emotional issues, anxiety, nerves, general debility and lack of vitality. Plus, you’ll get an informational download on all the cell salts, a resource for using cell salts in pregnancy and a code for 25% off our Cell Salt class. (We love loading you up with supportive resources!)

Likely the steps you choose to take won’t be in order of how they are laid out here, but regardless of where you start, if you follow these basic guidelines, you’ll be off and running, just like many of our other “Homies” already have, and you’ll have your homeopathic house in order in no time!

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Amazing Cell Salts: Homeopathic Vitamins

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy

Homeopathic cell salts, also known as Biochemical cell salts or Schüessler Salts (after their founder, Dr. William Schüessler) are thought of as the “easy” homeopathy and are certainly accessible to beginners. But even those who have used homeopathy for years have a lot to gain from the use of cell salts. In fact, cell salts are often considered “Homeopathic Vitamins,” so they can often complement your homeopathic health regimen. 

The human body, if reduced to ash would contain the following 12 cell salts discovered by Schüessler in 1873:

Calcarea fluoride
Calcarea phsophoricum
Calcarea sulphuricum
Ferrum phos
Kali muriaticum
Kali phosphoric
Kali sulphuricum
Mag phos
Natrum muriaticum
Natrum phos
Natrum sulphuricum

Cell salts are, in fact, the building blocks of life. Our cells depend on these minerals for basic functioning, and a deficiency in one or another can cause the appearance of bothersome symptoms.

Cell salts are perfect for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly. They are known as “homeopathic vitamins” and offer vital minerals our cells need.

An important thing to remember about cell salts is that potency matters! Cell salts are found in 3x, 6x, 9x and 12x potencies only. Also, Cell Salts are never found in “C” potencies, only “X” potencies. Potency, as well as dosing for emergencies, convalescence, and maintenance, is covered in our virtual class Cell Salts. Taking breaks while on a cell salt regimen is recommended and advice on how to do this can also be found in our virtual class.

So what can cell salts be used for? The list is endless: Colds, flu, infections, rashes, burns, cramps, cavities, brittle hair and nails, stress, fever, dehydration, inflammation, sore throat, digestive disturbances, coughs, headaches, irritability, colic, teething, constipation, rheumatism, insomnia, heartburn, bloating, allergies, congestion, varicose veins, fatigue and so much more!

Let’s look at a couple cell salts and what they specifically address for a better understanding of how they can be used.

Calcium fluoride: This cell salt is useful in conditions where the body hasn’t “bounced back.” Postpartum, when tissues remain chronically relaxed, is an opportunity to try this remedy. Other times that this tissue salt may be used is for enlarged glands, prolapse, muscle weakness, hemorrhoids, and cysts. The mental/emotional picture may be that the person is a hard worker motivated by fear of poverty and the need to excel at what they do. In our Cell Salts class, we cover the facial features that can be used to help diagnose a need for this cell salt as well.

Silica: Known as the “homeopathic surgeon,” Silica helps the body to push out splinters and foreign objects that do not belong in the body. Silica is great for promoting healthy hair, skin and nails as it stimulates keratin production. When we see brittle nails, infections, constipation, and boils, Silica is indicated. The mental/emotional picture includes the inability to make decisions, need for approval from others, and stubbornness.

We’ve recently added 4 combination cell salts to our Store. These formulations are called Real Relaxed, for nervous conditions; Real Soothing, for balancing acid in the body; Real Beauty, for skin complaints such as eczema, dandruff, psoriasis; and Real Strong, for healthy bones.

Yes, cell salts, like homeopathy, are completely safe for pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy offers the perfect opportunity to use cell salts, as mom and baby’s bodies go through so many changes and require nurturing and support. In Cell Salts, there is a wonderful protocol shared by Cilla that can be started in the third month of pregnancy. This protocol supports the different systems that baby is developing: Structural, neurological, blood, and mucous membranes.

Purchase the Real Immunity Cell Salt Kit here