Interested in leading an Empowerment Group but still have questions about how they work?
Empowerment Groups are an opportunity to educate your clients on how to build a healthy terrain, how to raise healthy kids, and how to have real and enduring vitality–without having to create your own class! It’s also a great opportunity for those looking to earn additional cash.
Meet three individuals and learn how they set about helping themselves and their group members embrace a new paradigm health paradigm. It was easy to execute and brought them together for support in a meaningful way.
Check out the Q and A section at the bottom of this blog, that answers commonly asked questions.
Meet Adrian
Adrian is a school counselor who used her time during quarantine to finally get together with some like-minded friends on Zoom. She decided it would be a lot of fun for her group of five friends to watch the Quest for Real Immunity Film together and participate in the Empowerment Group. The members of the group all chipped in to cover the costs of the program. They had their own “happy hour” once a week where they watched the film together (Adrian shares her screen with the group), and review the discussion questions afterwards. Their sessions were very laid back, and sometimes the group’s husbands chimed in too.
Meet Heather
Heather is a prenatal yoga instructor. She has seen the Quest film already and wanted to share it with her students, as she feels the concepts are essential for new parents. She has found this to be a lucrative addition to her prenatal offerings. She currently runs an Empowerment Group twice a week as an on-going part of her prenatal educational program.
Meet Philicia
Philicia is a stay at home mom to six homeschooled kids. She wanted to create an opportunity for the teenagers in her homeschool coop to learn the concepts of Real Immunity as part of their health curriculum. Empowerment Groups have become so popular that Philicia offers the twice a year through her coop. The program has really been an enlightening experience for all of the students, and she and the other parents are grateful they are being exposed to these concepts at such an early age.
Empowerment Groups Commonly Asked Questions:
Can my group members watch the episodes in their one time?
Yes, group members can view each episode on their own, and then you would convene (via Zoom, Skype, phone, in person, etc.) to have a group discussion. It is also an option to view the episodes together, as Adrian’s group did, above.
How often should my group meet to discuss? Is once a week ok?
You can roll it out on whatever schedule you’d like. During the beta testing, we found that one session each week worked well, but you can create whatever schedule works for you and your group members.
What is the total cost to leaders?
$42.99 is paid by the group leader/session. (Leaders can ask participants to chip in a small fee, or not). It covers links to Quest, discussion questions. If leaders want to run another group, they will need to repurchase the program each time.
In what format will I be receiving the material?
You receive the episode links immediately upon purchasing, and you will be able to distribute these to your group members as you see fit. The discussion questions/materials are online for you to grab and you are able to access this material as soon as you purchase the program.
Can the material be shared with my group members?
It’s your choice as the leader, but we found it makes for a better discussion if you act as a catalyst instead of just feeding them the questions to answer on their own. Again, your choice.
If you’re interested in more details, including: Costs, what’s included, where to join or find out more about leading an Empowerment Group, testimonials from our focus group, and more, see below.