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May 2020

Leading an Empowerment Group is Easy: See How Others Have Made It Work

By Real Immunity Film Series

Interested in leading an Empowerment Group but still have questions about how they work?

Empowerment Groups are an opportunity to educate your clients on how to build a healthy terrain, how to raise healthy kids, and how to have real and enduring vitality–without having to create your own class! It’s also a great opportunity for those looking to earn additional cash.

Meet three individuals and learn how they set about helping themselves and their group members embrace a new paradigm health paradigm. It was easy to execute and brought them together for support in a meaningful way.

Check out the Q and A section at the bottom of this blog, that answers commonly asked questions.

Meet Adrian

Adrian is a school counselor who used her time during quarantine to finally get together with some like-minded friends on Zoom. She decided it would be a lot of fun for her group of five friends to watch the Quest for Real Immunity Film together and participate in the Empowerment Group. The members of the group all chipped in to cover the costs of the program. They had their own “happy hour” once a week where they watched the film together (Adrian shares her screen with the group), and review the discussion questions afterwards. Their sessions were very laid back, and sometimes the group’s husbands chimed in too.


Meet Heather

Heather is a prenatal yoga instructor. She has seen the Quest film already and wanted to share it with her students, as she feels the concepts are essential for new parents. She has found this to be a lucrative addition to her prenatal offerings. She currently runs an Empowerment Group twice a week as an on-going part of her prenatal educational program.


Meet Philicia

Philicia is a stay at home mom to six homeschooled kids. She wanted to create an opportunity for the teenagers in her homeschool coop to learn the concepts of Real Immunity as part of their health curriculum. Empowerment Groups have become so popular that Philicia offers the twice a year through her coop. The program has really been an enlightening experience for all of the students, and she and the other parents are grateful they are being exposed to these concepts at such an early age.


Empowerment Groups Commonly Asked Questions:

Can my group members watch the episodes in their one time?
Yes, group members can view each episode on their own, and then you would convene (via Zoom, Skype, phone, in person, etc.) to have a group discussion. It is also an option to view the episodes together, as Adrian’s group did, above.

How often should my group meet to discuss? Is once a week ok?
You can roll it out on whatever schedule you’d like. During the beta testing, we found that one session each week worked well, but you can create whatever schedule works for you and your group members.

What is the total cost to leaders?
$42.99 is paid by the group leader/session. (Leaders can ask participants to chip in a small fee, or not). It covers links to Quest, discussion questions. If leaders want to run another group, they will need to repurchase the program each time.

In what format will I be receiving the material?
You receive the episode links immediately upon purchasing,  and you will be able to distribute these to your group members as you see fit. The discussion questions/materials are online for you to grab and you are able to access this material as soon as you purchase the program.

Can the material be shared with my group members?  
It’s your choice as the leader, but we found it makes for a better discussion if you act as a catalyst instead of just feeding them the questions to answer on their own. Again, your choice.

If you’re interested in more details, including: Costs, what’s included, where to join or find out more about leading an Empowerment Group, testimonials from our focus group, and more, see below.

Blog Resources:

Lead an Empowerment Group
-Watch this video with Cilla describing the benefits of Empowerment Groups
-Read this blog on Empowerment Groups to learn more on how they work
-Testimonials, example Empowerment Group discussions, and more can be found here

Go It Alone or Get Support: Why a Practitioner-Supported HP Program Is Better

By Immunization

Guest blog by Real Immunity Team member, Courtney Ingham

In my on-going search for ways to enhance and protect my children’s immune systems, I have taken many detours. I’m definitely a DIYer at heart, but after much consideration, I chose to enroll my children in Cilla’s homeoprophylaxis (HP) program.

In 2010, when my oldest was 2, I stumbled upon Cilla’s book and I was determined to get my kids going with HP. I knew about homeopathy, have taken many classes, and I figured I was a smart girl and I could figure this out for myself. Despite my good intentions, that never happened. The book sat next to my bed, the remedies I needed were in a shopping cart online, never to be ordered. Each time I got the gusto to place my order, I felt overwhelmed with insecurities and questions.

What if there was a reaction? What if I didn’t stay on schedule? (That was likely, as I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter soon after my initial investigations into HP). I also wasn’t certain I fully understood what I was doing. It became clear that I was really going to need much more education, and confidence to go at it alone. In the meantime, while stammering around, we added another baby to the family (and also several goats), and I was distracted by life enough to put my inquiries on the back burner.

Fast forward to 2018—my children were in public school with a religious exemption. They were previously homeschooled, but for this year, we decided to “try it out.” When New York State cut our experience short by axing religious exemptions at the end of the year, we were faced with a big decision: Get the injections so the children can attend school, or homeschool. We chose to decline the injections, and that decision led me to pick up the HP conversation again. This time, I decided I wanted the support of a homeopath, and I enrolled my children in Cilla’s program. I immediately knew it was the best choice, and I haven’t regretted it for a moment. Here’s why:

Support: New things are often more surmountable with human to human interaction

When I entered the program, not only did I receive an HP kit, I received an education on HP and the immune system. Everyone who enrolls receives a one-on-one session with a certified homeopath. How easy it was to be able to ask the questions I had and get answers that made sense, from a real human! Much different than using a book and trying to meander through the process alone.

Courtney’s three children ages 12, 8 and 6. All partake in the Real Immunity HP program.

Another thing received from the program is a video presentation that shares exactly what you need to know to give the HP remedies to your family. With this video, anyone is able to get started using HP—even beginners who know nothing about homeopathy. Most questions are answered in this video.

Having guidance is beyond valuable. For instance, you may want to rearrange your schedule to take the Tetanus nosode if you are embarking before summertime when children are much more likely to be running around barefoot. Summer will certainly be a lot easier on me as a parent knowing that my often-barefoot kids have another line of defense against tetanus!

The booklet that Cilla distributes is also helpful. More than just education and a bunch of remedies, you’re getting the tried and true schedule on how to dose the remedies, based on Issac Golden’s longitudinal HP study. The booklet leads you through the program, offering a place to record the date you administer the remedies, as well as any response that may occur while undergoing the program. It helps you know how many doses to give and what will be the next remedy on your schedule. It really helps you move through the program with ease. Should you have any concerns, you are able to contact your homeopath to get their feedback: It’s such a relief to not have to go at it alone!

Education: It’s much more dynamic to learn from a professional than to try and learn something from a book or website

Many parents are first called to HP because they think it is accepted by schools. Sadly, it is not. Nor does HP promise titiers. But what I learned through Cilla is that titers don’t equal immunity, and that was a big surprise! Cilla informed me that while shots stimulate the humoral immune response, (where antibody production occurs,) this can cause side effects like inflammatory diseases (yikes!). She explained that the innate arm of the immune system, (often disregarded by many medical professionals and politicians), provides the cell mediated response, which HP addresses. In other words, I learned that antibodies aren’t the gold standard of immunity! No wonder HP doesn’t promise to offer such subpar markers of “immunity!”

Cilla also shared with me that Dr. Isaac Golden, leading expert in HP, studied 3000 children who underwent HP programs and found that they had way fewer illnesses and infections compared to their cohorts who didn’t take the shots or HP. He attributed this to the fact that they received the diseases in an energetic form, thereby gaining all the health benefits of the natural disease with none of the risks.

Our family decided that since we were vested in building and supporting health and wellness that we would definitely partake in the program in order to receive those benefits. With a 91% effective rate with no side effects, it definitely raises many questions as to why HP isn’t recognized as a legitimate alternative. (Note: Many governments, such as India and Cuba do recognize the benefits of HP.)

What others are saying about joining an HP program:

“To work with a practitioner who was supporting my role as a mom and respecting and encouraging my innate knowledge of my child was a game changer. We’ve been so thrilled to have found Cilla and homeoprophylaxis. My children have not yet completed the whole program, but I do feel that I see their systems growing stronger each month with every dose. I had a friend today comment just how healthy my kids always are! Thank you, Cilla for your message, knowledge, and willingness to devote your life to families like ours, we are so grateful!”   – Sarah J.

“Cilla is a professional in every sense of the word. She has been a delight to work with and is very knowledgeable and so helpful in providing guidance and direction with her programs. I appreciate Cilla’s efforts as she strives to help so many that are seeking for great ways to provide immunity for their families!” – Dr Jeff K.

To find out why other parents decided to join an HP program, sign up for our FREE HP Resource Sheet.

Blog Resources:

HP Clinical Studies


Enroll in a Real Immunity HP Program

What to do if you must get the shots

Read Cilla’s HP Blogs

Want to learn to follow your intuition and find your tribe? Join an Empowerment Group!

Schedule a free 15 minute Complimentary HP Inquiry Session to determine if HP is a good fit for your family.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.