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Considering the Flu Shot?

By Immunization, Infection
Closeup of a doctor holding a tablet computer with a chalkboard screen with the words Flu Shots Here.

Pregnant women, babies as young as six months old, the immuno-compromised, and the elderly are all being told they need an annual flu shot. This has not always been the case.

Pregnant women, babies as young as six months old, the immuno-compromised, and the elderly are all being told they need an annual flu shot.

This has not always been the case. Before 2000, only the elderly were advised to receive these inoculations. And the elderly didn’t actually benefit. Researchers report that the increase in elderly influenza inoculation coverage in the U.S. after 1980 wasn’t actually accompanied by reduction in influenza-related mortality. (Read findings here.)

Let’s take a deeper look at effectiveness and safety issues, along with a natural option.


The CDC’s committee that advises on immunization practices announced nasal spray flu inoculations should not be used in the 2016-2017 flu season because, no protective benefit could be measured” from taking them.”

A study in the American Journal of Perinatology found that women who received flu inoculations during pregnancy had the same risk for influenza-like illness as uninoculated women. The same was true for their infants.

What About Safety?

The safety of flu shots in pregnant populations has never been adequately tested. For example:

Questionable ingredients

Many inoculations still contain thimerosal, despite claims that it’s been removed. According to the CDC, 48 million flu inoculations now available contain mega-doses of thimerosal. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) for thimerosal warns that it may cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects in humans.

Infection risk

A peer-reviewed study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases (March 2016) found people inoculated against the flu three years in a row were actually at higher risk of being infected with the flu.

Adverse reactions

In 2014, $4.9 million was paid out to individuals with adverse flu shot reactions. By 2015 they paid out $61 million, as reflected in this report from the U.S. court of Federal Claims.

Two smiling healthy children

Ready to learn more about cultivating real immunity for yourself and your family? Watch our Real Immunity documentary series.

Is There an Option?

Many pregnant women, hospital workers, doctors and nurses are asking for homeopathic influenzinum for natural immune boosting during flu season. Naturally sourced, influenzinum causes zero injuries. It’s safe for infants, the elderly, and pregnant women.

During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, homeopathy shone brightly for its success. Those treated with conventional medicine at that time had a 28% mortality rate. The mortality rate for those treated with homeopathy was a mere 0.8%.

It’s important to understand more about influenza itself in order to make informed choices for yourself and your family.

Interested in learning more about how to address the flu and flu-like symptoms homeopathically? Cilla’s class Nine Remedies for the Flu is an excellent resources for families looking for alternatives to the flu shot.

Check out the Influenzinum CV30 survey results here.

Download our free HP Resource Sheet.

Learn More about Immunity

Ready to learn more about how you can cultivate real immunity for yourself and your family? Watch our Real Immunity documentary series.

The Top Ten Reasons to Consider Homeoprophylaxis

By Immunization

Lots of parents are asking questions about inoculations these days. The more answers they find, the more questions they have. Searching for a safe and effective choice has become a common goal. Many parents are finding it in homeoprophylaxis, commonly called HP. Here’s why.

1. Clean and green.

The smiling Moonen family, parents and children.

Featured in Passage to Real Immunity, the Moonen familly has found homeoprophylaxis the best choice for their family. HP is ideal for parents who ask questions and trust their intuition.

HP is made by serial dilution. This means that starting with the source material, such as mucus or biological tissue from a disease; it is then diluted over and over again until no molecules of the original substance are present. This type of ‘attenuation’ or weakening of the source material is similar to how vaccines are made, but to a much higher degree, making it very safe.

2. No foreign media.

Inoculations need to be attenuated using foreign media such as monkey kidneys, eggs, porcine (pig) tissue, or even fetal cells. These mediums contain the DNA of the source as well as any foreign viruses that may be present. We know that SV40 (Simian Virus) was delivered via the polio inoculation with some serious consequences. HP involves no such media.

3. No chemicals of any kind.

HP contains no preservatives, no adjuvants, no antibiotics, no excitotoxins, and no carcinogens. That’s saying a lot in a world where we come into contact with so many chemicals, pesticides, and substances that can overload a developing immune system.

4. No shots.

Homeopathic granules scattered on a wooden table close to their green containers

Homeopathic pellets: when the pellets touch mucous membrane, the disease is introduced in the same way that Mother Nature introduces disease.

HP is delivered by tiny pellets taken by mouth. When the pellets touch mucous membrane, the disease is introduced in the same way that Mother Nature introduces disease.

5. One disease at a time.

Just like Mother Nature intended, a developing immune system can recognize and mount an appropriate immune response to one disease at a time. HP always gives just one at a time.

6. Parents are in the driver’s seat.

Parents know their child best. They should be the ones making health decisions for a child after doing their homework. Doing something proactive is empowering. Seeing and understanding the maturation of the immune system as you learn about how to administer HP is empowering. HP is ideal for parents who ask questions and want to choose what they feel is best for their child.

7. Homeoprophylaxis is not a replacement.

The goal is to encourage children’s immune systems function at their highest potential. In this way when challenged by an environmental threat, their bodies have the capacity to find healing.

The principle behind HP is to educate the immune system to recognize disease and, either resist it or be able to mount an appropriate immune response.

For more information on the importance of educating the immune system, check out Cilla’s class on the Health Helix.

8. Disease is not the enemy.

The inoculation campaign is based upon fear – fear of disease; fear of symptoms; fear of contagion; fear the body has no natural capacity to manage illness. HP is based upon living in a compatible relationship with bacteria and viruses. They are part of our human biome; without them we wouldn’t survive. It makes more sense to live with these evolving organisms than to fight against them. We can see how over-use of antibiotics has painted us into a corner. HP is about understanding the natural human ability we possess to manage illness; that illness is the mechanism that exercises and matures the immune system. Knowing this is powerful.

9. It’s about the terrain, not the germ.

This is what Louis Pasteur said on his deathbed. He recognized that coming into contact with germs is not the reason we get sick; it’s about our susceptibility. This knowledge is the hallmark of homeopathic theory. Fortifying the individual with clean food and water and the natural gift of homeoprophylaxis is far better than suiting up with protective armor against perceived threats.

10. Homeoprophylaxis works.

No method is 100% effective. The 2016-2017 influenza inoculation was 48% effective. The pertussis inoculation is estimated to be 73% effective in the first year and 34% in the following two to four years.

HP has been assessed for epidemic prevention in the following populations:

  • Meningitis 65,826 people/ 95% effective;
  • Dengue fever 20,000 people/74%-100% effective;
  • Swine flu 9.8 million people/90% effective;
  • Childhood diseases 3500 children/90% effective

Having free agency to make decisions regarding our own health and that of our children is essential. In a world where food and water are contaminated with toxins and biologically incompatible substances, it makes sense to seek out the most natural methods for optimal health. Homeoprophylaxis is one such method.

To Learn More

Watch the Real Immunity documentaries.
Watch Cilla’s Presentation Healing Our Relationship with Microbes
Review the data on HP

It’s All About Germs

By Infection

They first said germs do not exist.

We’ve been arguing about germs for a long time.

Ignaz Semmelweis (1816-1865), a Hungarian physician, died in an insane asylum in 1865 at the age of 47. He was committed for suggesting that child-bed fever and deaths were caused by germs: germs from the filthy hands of doctors who had dissected cadavers then immediately delivering babies.

The medical and scientific communities were highly offended at Semmelweis’ suggestion that they should wash their hands.

After hand-washing protocols were implemented, the mortality rate dropped from 18.27 per cent, to 1.27 per cent, to zero.

They next said germs do exist.

Germs growing on an agar plate in laboratory

German microbiologist Robert Koch identified the relationship between specific germs and diseases. He devised a method for testing which germ caused which disease.

Not long after, a German and a Frenchman were revered for their “discovery” of germs.

The French wine industry engaged French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)  to identify the process of fermentation. It was all about the wine. He developed ways to prevent wine from being contaminated by unwanted microorganisms. Thus, “pasteurization” was born.

Robert Koch (1843-1910), a German microbiologist, took it a step further by identifying the relationship between specific germs and diseases. He devised a method for testing which germ caused which disease, and Koch’s Postulates resulted. These four postulates are worth examining, as they inform the battle-ready stance against bugs that prevails to this day.

Koch nabbed the bacteria responsible for dreaded tuberculosis, winning him the Nobel prize for advancing this newfound knowledge that germs caused disease.

With germs as culprits, we began to inoculate.

Prior to Pasteur and Koch conducting their research, the English physician Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was experimenting with cows. He observed that milkmaids who contracted cowpox, a relatively mild disease, were immune to deadly smallpox. One such milkmaid caught cowpox from Blossom, her dairy cow. Jenner took pus from the milkmaid’s sores and rubbed it onto a scratch on a subject’s arm. His subject, James Phipps, did indeed come down with a mild case of cowpox, and this is where it gets interesting.

Jenner then intentionally infected James with smallpox. The boy’s enhanced immunity was able to resist the smallpox virus and he didn’t get sick. Presto–inoculations were invented.

The risk with using foreign media is the inevitability of also acquiring unknown viruses common to species other than humans. We have seen repercussions of this with polio inoculations containing Simian Virus 40.

Germs can now be manipulated.

At the same time, a medical doctor from Vienna, James Compton Burnett (1840-1901), expressed concern over the new practice of innoculation. Steeped in homeopathic theory, Burnett postulated that grafting a foreign disease onto the body would have far-reaching negative effects.

Inoculation exemplifies an attempt to exercise domination over all pathogens, and insulate the human biome from perceived pathogenic effects.

The human vital force evolved to acquire infectious contagious disease naturally. The innate wisdom of the vital force governs the physical body, the energy body, and the spiritual body. It has been doing an eloquent dance with the process of maturing the immune system since time began. The principle of vitalism governs this concept.

Vaccinosis is the grafting of a foreign disease onto the human being by bypassing the normal mechanism of contracting disease, which takes place through mucosal membrane. Injecting pathogens directly into the bloodstream is an unnatural introduction.

Have you noticed the increase in exaggerated forms of inflammation such as eczema, asthma, mollescum, and serious autoimmune irregularities? This is because when you impose an immune challenge containing excipients and foreign mediums, bypassing the innate arm of the immune system, the humoral arm overreacts, producing a terrifying array of compensatory responses. The individual now has unfamiliar disease grafted upon the human biome.

For more information on vitalism and factors that detrimentally effect our immune system, check out Cilla’s class on the Health Helix.

Manipulating germs carries terrifying risks.

This manipulation derails the brilliant design of Mother Nature and her natural evolution of immunity that’s taken place over millions of years. Burnett posited that homeoprophylaxis would be much safer and support the natural immune process. Homeoprophylaxis aims to integrate and synchronize the human species with other life forms, in the most compatible way, instead of imposing separation.

In the late 1700s Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), physician, chemist, and linguist, discovered that his patient taking homeopathic belladonna was immune to the scarlet fever epidemic to which all her family members had succumbed. With this, the first homeoprophylaxis application was discovered. It continued to work prophylactically for others and the King of Prussia mandated its use to stem future scarlet fever outbreaks.

Homeoprophylaxis collaborates with germs.

Since there is no material substance in a homeopathic remedy, it does not act in a physiological manner. Rather, it is energetic, meaning the solution contains the frequency of the source material after being diluted repeatedly until no molecules remain. And why is this important?

Manipulation carries risk, then let’s not manipulate! Mother Nature knows what she’s doing. The evolution of these microbes—bacteria and viruses–has occurred right alongside of humans. All life forms have a place and are interrelated. We will never understand the full implications of manipulating them to what we assume is our benefit.

Homeoprophylaxis honors our relationship with other organisms. Instead of manipulation, it offers cooperation. By introducing the frequency of a pathogen to the human organism, a recognition takes place. It’s like downloading information.

According to Carlo Rubbia, Italian physicist and Nobel Laureate (1984) in physics, “Less than one billionth of the universe is matter – the rest is energy and information.”

Recognition of this information provides a reference point. When the pathogen is met in nature, its frequency is recognized. Either the human doesn’t contract the disease, or a natural and appropriate immune response takes place. As studies have shown no antibody production with homeoprophylaxis, there is no artificial emphasis on the humoral arm of the immune system.

Natural immunity is the goal.

Gustavo Bracho, PhD, is an immunologist with the Findlay Institute in Havana Cuba. In 2010 he injected rats with leptospirosis after orally receiving homeoprophylaxis. Eighty percent did not contract the disease while producing no antibodies. The rat control group without homeoprophylaxis all died. Bracho and others have suggested that becoming familiar with the frequency of a disease confers all the benefits of receiving the wild disease, without the risks. Because there is nothing material in the exchange, there is no resulting chaos from manipulation through attenuation, additives, or introduction in a way other than nature’s way by contraction through mucous membrane.

Homeoprophylaxis does not manipulate.

We have a clear example of wreaking havoc by suppressing bacteria when antibiotics were the magical discovery of 1928 and in full scale use by the 1940s. Sure, they gave a one-two punch to the scourge of syphilis, but at what cost? It became too easy to simply prescribe antibiotics for every perceived infection. When you reduce one population, another expands to take its place, and here we go again. Manipulation!

This has not been the case with over 200 years of clinical observation of homeoprophylaxis. In fact, based on Isaac Golden’s 15-year study with 3000 children, more robust long-term health was observed in the HP group than in unvaccinated children. Surprisingly, they experienced fewer ear infections, allergies, and eczema.

To ensure health, we must co-exist.

Girls Hugging Large Tree

We benefit from the presence of other life forms to communicate information, to digest our food, maintain homeostasis, and even shape emotional temperament. They are in, on, and around us all the time, contributing to our immune maturation and evolution.

By introducing pathogens in their energetic state, one disease at a time, there is no disruption of the natural relationship we humans share with these microbes.

We do not have all the answers. We never will. In the end, we benefit from the presence of these other life forms to communicate information, to digest our food, maintain homeostasis, and even shape emotional temperament.

They are in, on, and around us all the time, contributing to our immune maturation and evolution. In fact, the human organism is made up of only 10% human cells; the rest is bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Additionally, according to the endosymbiotic hypothesis, cellular mitochondria closely resemble certain bacteria and this symbiotic relationship was probably formed millions of year ago in the process of evolution.

Our relationship with all other life forms is meant to reflect respect and mutual cooperation in order to assure the balance of life itself. Relating with pathogens as information is more beneficial, less invasive, and enables peaceful co-existence.

The war against disease ends.

To learn more about real immunity

Watch my three-part docu-series Real Immunity.”
Get Healing Our Relationships with Microbes for $3.99

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Alternative Ways to Build Terrain

By Immunization, Infection

To date, marketing for conventional immunity products has instructed us that inoculation is the only method of building a strong terrain. There is another choice. We are all in agreement that keeping our children healthy is the top priority.

Redefining Health

True health is not just a matter of producing antibodies to specific diseases. If this were the case we wouldn’t be seeing outbreaks of diseases such as mumps or pertussis in people who have gone the conventional route. True health is a multi-faceted process. It includes sometimes getting sick. Exposure to microbes teaches our immune system to recognize and mount an appropriate response to bacteria and viruses. Microbes are all around us, inside of us and on our skin. Disease is not separate from us. The complex task of keeping these microbes in balance begins on the first day of life. It happens by contact with life itself.

Health is about more than forcibly producing antibodies.

On his deathbed, Louis Pasteur said:
“I was wrong. The microbe [germ] is nothing. The terrain [milieu] is everything.”

How to Educate Our Immune Systems: Homeoprophylaxis

Homeoprophylaxis (HP) addresses our terrain. It educates the immune system to recognize a disease and either repel it or mount an effective immune response. HP is the harmonious interface of microbes and the human vital force. Harmony is necessary to strike a balance and maintain homeostasis. The fear of disease is a well-wrought marketing device that promotes symptoms as the enemy.

Symptoms are nothing more than expressions of the whole organism in an attempt to correct itself and find balance to survive and flourish. When we listen to the expression and address it in a holistic way, there’s a positive outcome. We are designed, as human beings, to expand and grow and to survive. We are programmed to self-heal, given the right environment and ingredients—love, nurturing, nutrition, stimulation and challenges. Our immune systems are attuned to this process.

The perceived reduction of symptoms by use of anti-pyretics, antibiotics and other over-the-counter products is a false solution and ultimately stagnates the system at the expense of true health.

Smiling Tim and Helen with their son.

Tim, Helen, and their healthy son. Their family is featured in Cilla Whatcott’s newest documentary Passage to Real Immunity.

Homeoprophylaxis respects the natural balance between bacteria, viruses, and human beings. We have all shared this planet for millennia. We depend upon bacteria for our survival. HP provides a way to live in concert with these organisms and thrive. HP educates the immune system in a gentle way, allowing maturation to occur naturally and safely. HP is delivered by mouth, traveling through the gut where 70 per cent of all immunity resides. Used for over 200 years in many countries around the world, there has never been a death or injury from HP. Abundant evidence of its effectiveness exists.

If we agree that our children’s health is a priority, we must also agree that keeping them safe with natural forms of immunization, allowing them to inherit a sustainable planet, is essential.

Resources for Learning More

Cilla’s book There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis contains a wealth of information on homeoprophylaxis.

Those interested in learning more about Homeoprophylaxis (HP), are invited to check out the online class Homeoprophylaxis created by Cilla.

Practitioners interested in HP Training can learn more here.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Childhood Diseases

By Clinical Studies

Project Description

Dr Isaac Golden of Australia conducted a 15 year clinical study and ongoing trials. The results of this study, including the safety and efficacy of HP, are published in Dr. Golden’s recent publication Homeoprophylaxis – A Fifteen Year Clinical Study. His findings included a 90% effectiveness rate for preventing pertussis in those children exposed. Additionally, he found that long term health outcomes were improved for those participating in the HP program. They had fewer ear infections, colds, sore throats and asthma.

To check out the study, click the link below:

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Homeopathy Shines with Influenza

By Infection

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was no match for homeopathy!

A homeopathic remedy

There’s a safer way to acquire immunity naturally without the risks of vaccination: homeoprophylaxis.

The mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was over 28 percent: those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of just 1.05 percent. Homeopathy works!

The body has natural intelligence and the capacity to heal itself. It needs to express symptoms, have discharges, and be supported by natural means such as homeopathy. A runny nose is purging sinus waste products. A cough purges the airway. A fever resets the immune system, eliminates toxins, and restores the bacterial balance thus maturing the immune system. We can often see developmental leaps after a fever.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old science of medicine that addresses both acute and chronic conditions. It’s based upon the principle of “like treats like.” If something in nature is capable of causing symptoms, early homeopaths who “proved”  remedies found remedies that addressed those symptoms. To treat homeopathically every symptom of an illness is noted – physical, emotional, and mental – and a remedy is chosen that most closely matches the exact characteristics.

For example: if stung by a bee, you are likely to experience pain, and hot redness with inflammation. Apis mellifica (bee venom) prepared homeopathically can quickly reduce all of these symptoms. It’s safe with no side effects due to the principle of minimum dose.

Minimum dose means the source material is diluted repeatedly until there are no original molecules left. This dilution is then applied to small lactose/sucrose pellets and taken by mouth. The individual’s vital force recognizes the frequency of the source material and sets healing into motion. The immune system then initiates healing naturally, without getting stuck at any stage, or suffering any side effects.

A mother comforts her sick son.

One of the most urgent questions young parents face is how best to cultivate their children’s immunity.

How to Chose & Use a Homeopathic Remedy

Each of the following remedies can be found at most co-op or natural food stores, and will be effective for influenza or flu-like illnesses. For dosing, simply start with a dose each hour for three doses, then give 3 doses per day until symptoms are 70-80% improved. A dose consists of 2-3 pellets of 30c potency.

Don’t touch the pellets with your fingers. Just tap them into the cap of the vial and pop them in the mouth to melt. If no relief after three doses, then re-evaluate symptoms and remedy choice. If you have a peaceful sleep after dosing, this is a good sign that the vital force has recognized the remedy and it’s a good match. You may see a dramatic improvement, or a gradual one. The goal is to support the system so it doesn’t get “stuck” in any phase of the illness, but moves through the stages smoothly. Frequently, the stages are actually shortened with the aid of homeopathic remedies.


Keynotes listed below are the main symptoms in a case. An illness can have many symptoms, so the question to ask is “what one symptom, if removed, would make it possible to feel better? What is most limiting in the case?” That symptom is the leading keynote upon which you should prescribe. Don’t worry if all symptoms listed under the remedy aren’t evident. You need a few strong keynotes to go on, and then consider “modalities.”


Modalities are either times of the day when symptoms are better or worse, or what condition or activity reduces the discomfort. Many people will say nothing makes them feel better. In this case, you just observe what they have a desire for. Hot drinks? Cold drinks? Activity? Company? To be left alone? These are all various modalities.

Preventing Flu

Influenzinum is a great preventative to take for flu-like illnesses. An excellent study from Brazil (2011. International Journal of High Dilution Res. “Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children:” blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial) concluded that use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children, was cost-effective, and carried no ill effects, encouraging the homeopathic prophylactic potential to be investigated in further studies.

Choosing a method for flu-like symptoms is a wise choice when your goal is to support real immunity naturally. Purchase Cilla’s preferred Influenzinum product here

Remedies for Influenza or Flu-Like Symptoms

Aconite, arnica and belladonna pills.

Remedies for flu-like symptoms include Aconitum and Belladonna.

More detailed information on remedies for Influenza and flu symptoms, can be found in the class Homeopathy and Influenza. 


This is the first remedy to think of when coming down with a flu-like illness. It can be taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms suddenly appearing. This is especially true if the symptoms came on after being exposed to harsh weather or a cold wind. You can often nip the virus in the bud with Aconitum in this way if taken immediately. The symptoms you may see are a fever with chills, flushed cheeks and a rapid pulse.

Arsenicum album

“Don’t leave me alone!”

  • Great restlessness and anxiety; you can see pacing, jitteriness, or hand-wringing
  • Fear of being left alone
  • Ominous feeling that they could die
  • Very chilly
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Worse between 11 pm-1 am; the illness frequently starts at this time
  • Very thirsty but only wants small sips of water


“Feel the heat radiating from me.”

  • Rapid onset of symptoms
  • High fever
  • Red, flushed face; Pupils dilated
  • Thirstlessness
  • Delirium or hallucinations with fever
  • Headache
  • Can be right-sided symptoms
  • Body is hot yet hands/feet are cold
  • Worse with motion
  • Worse at 3 pm
  • Craves lemons


“Leave me alone!”

  • Severe aching
  • Wants to go home
  • Irritable and averse to answering
  • Headache
  • Thirst
  • Marked perspiration
  • Desires warm drinks
  • Worse from motion or jarring
  • Worse at 9 pm


“I ache horribly.”

  • Unbearable aching
  • Chilled to the bone
  • Thirst for cold drinks
  • Pain in bones
  • Desperate: moaning
  • Fever over 102
  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting of bile
  • Watery coryza
  • Worse 7-9 am
  • Desires cold food or ice cream

Ferrum Phos

“Inflammation is starting.”

  • No clear local symptoms
  • General malaise
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fever


“I’m so weak and heavy.”

  • Debility, weakness
  • Dull; foggy
  • Eyelids droopy; eyes may be half open
  • Head heavy
  • Tremulous weakness
  • Thirstlessness even though there is fever
  • Onset of fever slowly over 1-3 days
  • Yellow coating on tongue
  • Chills running up & down spine
  • Headache
  • Chills alternating with flushes of heat

Nux vomica

“Every nerve is frayed!”

  • Overly sensitive to all stimuli
  • Intense chills
  • Irritable
  • Sleepless
  • Sensitive to light, noise, touch
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat with raw sensation
  • Body aches better with warmth
  • Desires warm food and drinks

Rhus tox

“I’m so stiff unless I move around a bit.”

  • Anguish
  • Sore throat
  • Cold sores on lips; tongue red on the tip
  • Moderate to high fever
  • Chilly and restless
  • Bed feels too hard; whole body aches
  • Pain relieved with slow movement
  • Craves warm drinks
  • Stiffness; desire to stretch



Case Study: Meningitis

By Clinical Studies

Project Description

In 1974 there was an epidemic of meningitis in Brazil.  Dr. Francisco Eizayaga gave 18,640 children the Brazil Meningitis Case Study meningitis Case Study: Meningitis Brazil Meningitis Studyhomeoprophylactic remedy called meningococcinum. Only four cases of the illness were found. In the untreated group of 6,340 children, there were thirty-two cases found.

The study was repeated in 1988 with individuals between the ages of 0-20 years old. In the group of 65,826 treated with homeoprophylaxis, only one case of meningitis was reported in the six months following the study. Of the 25,532 untreated individuals, seven cases were reported during the same time. Twelve months later, the follow-up reported three cases in the protected group and thirteen cases in the unprotected group. This reflects eighteen times the disease attack rate in the untreated group.

Statistical analysis demonstrated homeoprophylaxis displayed 95% protection from contracting meningitis in children under six months old and 91% protection in children over 12 months old. There were no deaths, no adverse effects, and no side effects from the use of homeoprophylaxis.


By Clinical Studies

Project Description

Dr Gustavo Bracho, an immunologist with the Carlos J. Finlay Institute, a world renowned center for vaccine research and production in Havana, Cuba used HP for 2.3 million people in 2007 and 2008. Dr. Bracho is Advisor to the President and General Director of Finlay Institute, and head of the Homeopathy and Biotherapic Projects at the Institute. He is an experienced researcher in molecular and cellular biology, and has headed the Adjuvant Group within the Immunology Department of Finlay.  

The PubMed study states:

CONCLUSIONS: The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further research is warranted.[i]
 [i] PubMed 2014. Retrieved from: Bracho G1, Varela E, Fernández R, Ordaz B, Marzoa N, Menéndez J, García L, Gilling E, Leyva R, Rufín R, de la Torre R, Solis RL, Batista N, Borrero R, Campa C. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.009.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.