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When the Shortcut Becomes the Detour

By Homeopathy

“Short cuts make long delays.”

 J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

I’d like to share with you a story that has become rather commonplace in my practice, one that is an example of an alarming situation many of my homeopathic colleagues face.

Meet Diane, a 43-year-old woman who came to me with a laundry list of symptoms, but worse than that, a laundry list of remedies she has been on (many of which she takes daily) for the past 18 months. Diane’s symptoms, although complex, weren’t as overwhelming and painstaking as the sorting out process that we underwent when she first came to me.

After years of practicing allopathic homeopathy and taking a handful of remedies for her chronic issues, Diane sought constitutional care in hopes of finally resolving her on-going issues.

Diane’s symptoms, although complex, weren’t as overwhelming and painstaking as the sorting out process we underwent, as Diane was on 9 self-prescribed remedies after having taken a home-study course on homeopathy.

Before we go into the issues that can result from self-prescribing or taking multiple remedies at one time, it is important to note that for acute situations, (ailments and complaints that are short-lasting) homeopathy is often successfully employed by self-taught individuals, and this is generally accepted since detrimental effects are far less likely to occur. Many parents have effectively used homeopathy to address teething, cold and flu symptoms, ear aches and other common acute childhood ailments. However, when it comes to chronic, long-term issues, take caution when gathering information from blogs or online materials and forums; chronic cases are often more complex and require a consult with a certified homeopath.

There are many reasons why classically trained homeopaths recommend against taking more than one remedy at a time. The conundrum in Diane’s case was not so much the symptom picture that was presenting, but the significant amount of energy required to educate her on why taking more than one remedy at a time could potentially delay the healing process. It took several conversations for her to finally grasp that the way she was using homeopathy previously was more of an allopathic approach and didn’t follow the same set of guidelines that classical homeopaths are trained to evaluate cases and progress with.

Let’s examine some of the issues that arise with allopathic homeopathy. For starters, sorting out a case like Diane’s requires patience that most individuals drawn to the practice of multiple remedy taking frankly aren’t often very excited about. The homeopath needs not only to take the case, but to sort out whether any of the remedies being taken are helping or causing issues. It is essential to identify any potential aggravations occurring, as well as any healing crises that may be caused by one of the many remedies.

From Homeopath, George Vithoulkas’ The Science of Homeopathy, “The practice of giving combinations of remedies obviously violates all of the fundamental laws of homeopathy—and common sense as well…Such practice can only create complete chaos, and indeed some of the most pitiable cases in homeopathic practice are those who have undergone years of such chaotic treatment. The defense mechanism of such patients is so disturbed that it is often completely impossible to restore their health to even the level prior to such prescribing, let alone bring about a cure.”

I say all of this because it has become regular practice for some homeopaths to prescribe multiple remedies, or for students of such homeopaths to take matters into their own hands and self-prescribe multiple remedies, only to realize many months into this practice, as Diane did, that they are not making appropriate gains in their healing, or worse, that they are being detrimentally affected. Still others find that they are dependent upon their daily intake of remedies to feel normal, pointing to the remedies acting suppressively.

When enlisting the help of a classical homeopath, it is essential that people who have taken multiple remedies in the past realize that their treatment will look very different compared to what they were used to, as only one remedy will be given at a time. The case will need to be reexamined after the initial remedy prescription and a new remedy is often selected at that time. It is often necessary that a client wait a period of time after going off their multiple-remedy schedule before starting their constitutional remedy.

What is often thought to be the inexpensive and quick route to healing with homeopathy has become something that many are finding is quite the opposite: a painstakingly long route to regaining health that can often require long-term care from a classically trained homeopath. Before you are deluded into allopathic homeopathy, that can have detrimental effects to overall vitality, consider making an appointment with a classical homeopath to determine if homeopathy is right for you.

Selecting Kali Salt Remedies

By Homeopathy

Having a familiarity with the Kali salt remedies is especially helpful when selecting a remedy when there is mucous production involved.

In her class, Kali Salts, Cilla explains some of the keynotes of the Kali personality. She explains that often Kali-types are rigid in their principles, and are strongly family-oriented individuals who tend to suppress their sensations. They often thrive with routines and can be controlling and fearful as well. Often stomach symptoms can be expressed due to stress and suppressed fears.

Knowing the Kali-Constitutional type can help one determine if a Kali-remedy would be helpful in an acute case.

Like many of the mineral remedies, pressure can be a keynote seen when taking the case of a Kali-constitution. Interesting enough, many of the aggravations experienced by Kali types can come up between 2am-4am because this is when their guards are down enough to allow them to be evoked through the subconscious.

Cilla does an analysis of various Kali-types, sharing a description of the Kali-ars, Kali-phos, Kali-brom and Kali-sulph attributes.

This is a great class for those interested in learning more about this interesting mineral constitutional type, as well as the layperson interested in becoming more attuned with selecting remedies to address symptoms related to mucous production, including sinus infections, white or yellow discharges, menstrual discharges, coughs and more.

To learn more about Kali salt remedies and constitutional types, check out Cilla’s online Kali Salt class.

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Flu Resource Round Up

By Homeopathy, Infection

This year’s flu season is already being promoted by pharmacies and world health organizations. Natural health officials have warned us for months now that flu-shot propaganda will reach an all time high, and warnings to avoid the potential devastation of getting the flu and the virus are steadily coming in. Already, flu shot selfies by celebrities are seen all over social media.

To counter this flood, the Real Immunity Team has put together a whitepaper called Flu Shot Fallacy, containing articles and information about many of the chronic health conditions associated with the flu shot. Those already subscribed to the Real Immunity newsletter can request this by emailing our support team at All others subscribe to receive it in their inboxes.

For those who want to study up on the flu, check out the flu resources from Real Immunity below.

Real Immunity Flu Resources

Learn to Think About the Flu Homeopathically
Wondering if you may have the flu? Want to be prepared in case your family does come down with the flu?

Should You Get a Flu Shot?
A deeper look at effectiveness and safety issues, along with a natural option.

Homeopathy Shines with Influenza
Our $3.99 primer class giving you remedies for Influenza and flu symptoms.

INF-PNC-CV30: How to Dose and More
Cilla’s live discussion regarding Influenzinum. She answers the following questions: What is in Influenzinum? (What is it made of?) How would one dose? Are there concerns individuals with asthma and other diseases should be aware of when using Influenzinum? How can Influenzinum be ordered?

Nine Remedies for the Flu
Cilla’s online class offering homeopathic advice to help you handle fevers, vomiting, aches, pains, and more.

Purchase Cilla’s INF
Homeopathic influenzinum is prepared from a broad spectrum of current and historical influenza viruses. Homeopathic dilution and succussion render the contents devoid of all original molecules. INF-PNC-CV30 is the foundational influenzinum product with an added component to boost immunity during current outbreaks.

One of the most challenging cold and flu symptoms are coughs. To help guide you through addressing coughs homeopathically, we’ve created a free cough download.

Relationships During the Pandemic: Taking the 30,000 Foot View

By Homeopathy

Rent: noun
1: an opening made by or as if by rending 2: a split in a party or organized group: SCHISM

A dear friend tearfully approached me expressing her fear that our relationship would be fractured over differences of opinion on the pandemic. It broke my heart to think that a cherished friendship could fall apart as a result of the turmoil taking place in the world.

Relationships are based on communication. As long as there is honest communication, differences don’t matter. Love transcends differences.

Perhaps you too have experienced a “rent” in relationships. Here are some important things to remember:

  • Relationships are based on communication. As long as there is honest communication, differences don’t matter. Love transcends differences.
  • People who love each other, support each other. They don’t judge each other. We are entitled to learn, evolve and grow at our own speed. This isn’t a race.
  • Despite the maelstrom of conflicting information, we can still be pro-active with our health. Terrain theory vs germ theory totally applies here and that’s another discussion. Suffice it to say, take responsibility for your health and trust, don’t judge yourself for your choices.
  • The track record of homeopathy in many epidemics is stellar. Between using homeoprophylaxis and having homeopathy for treatment, fear can be greatly reduced. This brings us to the elephant in the room:
  • Transmuting fear is part of the bigger picture. Because this is a global influence, step back and take the 30,000 ft view — the spiritual perspective. Part of it is:
  • Humanity is transforming. We are being called to raise the level of consciousness individually and as a result, collectively. This includes moving from a 3-dimensional consciousness to a 5-dimensional consciousness. And this means:
  • When we perceive reality as good/bad; right/wrong; black/white; true/false; us/them–it’s a 3-dimensional view. Duality causes us pain.

5-dimensional consciousness is embracing non-judgement and love. We are safe, we are observing instead of judging. If there “is opposition in all things” as we are taught by religions around the world, then the energy present that divides and frightens us is especially strong right now. The call is to transform that energy and keep moving back into 5D perception.

There are no easy answers for how to accomplish this monumental shift in awareness. The challenges are unique to each person. We need to be forgiving with ourselves. In the process we will move back and forth between 3D and 5D consciousness. It’s actually necessary for the pendulum to swing. This is how we learn – by feeling the discomfort, learning to recognize the contrast, and then making a conscious choice about how we want to see the world.

We are powerful enough to do this.    

There is a Choice: A Review of Cilla’s HP Book

By Homeopathy, Immunization

For anyone looking to broaden their understanding of immunity, inoculations, homeoprophylaxis, and historical evidence for homeopathy, the support and research to investigate these and many more topics are found in Cilla’s book, There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis, An Appeal to Mothers.

This is Cilla’s second book, and it’s a gold mine of resources to support families considering alternatives to inoculations. You’ll come away feeling confident that you are on the right path to health. While providing concrete research and evidence in regard to vaccines and homeoprophylaxis, this book isn’t written to overwhelm; laypeople can come to the book to have their questions answered and feel supported by Cilla’s gentle words and recommendations. Here is a list of just some of the topics covered:

The Big Business of Inoculations, The Immune System (cell-mediated and antibody mediated response), Chronic and Acute Disease, Germ vs. Terrain Theory, Vaccine Studies, Homeoprophylaxis, Current and Historical Evidence for HP, Dr. Isaac Golden (founder of HP), Your Legal Rights, CEASE Therapy

Cilla begins her book by sharing her own family’s experience with inoculations and how she came to choose HP as a viable alternative. She describes the overwhelming, yet empowering experience that came from her daughter’s diagnosis of aseptic meningitis after being inoculated. The story from there is an all too familiar one: Her pediatrician refused to validate the clear evidence that her daughter had an inoculation injury. What followed was the understanding that “no one was going to look out for my kids as I do. It was up to me. Period.” From there Cilla made it her life’s work to support other mothers and offer them alternative choices to the inoculations offered by conventional medicine.

She goes on to share this alternative, Homeoprophylaxis (HP), but not before she discusses the deception campaigns that have long made alternatives to inoculations unavailable. She goes on in her second chapter to reveal the year-to-year sales growth of the various vaccines offered, as well as how many of the CDC administrators are also high-ranking executives or consultants of major pharmaceutical companies, an obvious conflict of interest.

As Cilla has often shown us, one cannot appreciate the power of HP without first understanding the immune system and how the body responds to disease. She describes the body’s response to the multivalent inoculations as problematic: “Allowing the body to mount a complete response to one disease at a time is the most beneficial.” She goes on to describe what a “complete response” looks like on page 61 of her book. Paola Brown, President of Americans for Homeopathy Choice and creator of Teach Me Health and Homeopathy interviewed Cilla and created a really neat illustrated depiction of this complete response, and how homeopathy can be used to assist the body when needed, you can view this illustration by clicking here.

To watch Paola Brown’s illustration of the Cycle of Illness, click here.

Cilla goes on to describe that as HP only introduces one disease at a time, the immune system is able to “mount a response and resolve the disease effectively.” Here are some other essential points she covers regarding HP:

  • HP improves your overall terrain, utlizing a method that used diluted and potentized (homeopathically prepared) particles.
  • HP respects the immune system by offering one disease at a time through the natural route of the mucous membrane.
  • HP contains no adjuvants, antibiotics, detergents, foreign DNA and other materials that can cause adverse reactions and side effects.
  • HP has been utilized since the 1800’s, and has been endorsed by many nations and countries for epidemic diseasesThe major benefit of HP is that is “educated the immune system” strengthening the terrain to overcome disease symptoms and/or mildly symptomatic cases should the disease be contracted.

If you are looking for more support in broadening your understanding of HP, this resource has everything you need–including solid advice on how to make the best choice for your family. You may also be interested in signing up for our free HP Resource Sheet.

For parents who are not on the same page as far as what choice to make, Cilla also offers valuable input on how to find common ground. You can hear the non-judgemental voice of a homeopath in her sage advice regarding the importance of listening and validating one another:
“Once they feel validated, they are actually able to listen without getting defensive…All I want to do is empower parents. I’ve spent many years gathering information and seeing the clinical results of my patients. If I can share that, with you, or your partner, you will have more information to make a good decision for your child.”

For families interested in finding out if HP is a good fit for them, you can schedule a brief 15 minute appointment with Cilla.

Purchase Cilla’s book There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis here.

And again, if you are interested in watching Paola Brown’s illustration of Cilla’s Cycle of Illness, click the caption on the image below (which is Paola’s adorable drawing of Cilla!)

Click here to watch Paola’s presentation.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Learn to Think About the Flu Homeopathically

By Clinical Studies, Homeopathy, Immunization, Infection

Wondering if you may have the flu? Want to be prepared in case your family does come down with the flu? You’ve come to the right place.

In Cilla’s online class Nine Remedies for the Flu, she shares a brief, yet impactful history of the use of homeopathy versus conventional methods for various flus. As you may have guessed, homeopathy came through with flying colors in several cases with unprecedented results. Frequently, the conventional treatment for influenza actually caused severe side effects, as in the case of the 1918 Spanish flu when Aspirin was employed to lower fevers and it simply drove the illness to the lungs.

Be prepared for flus and viruses with homeopathic knowledge! These nine remedies will help you manage whatever comes your way in the most gentle and natural way. The practical tips will prepare you to use nine remedies for fevers, vomiting, aches, pains, and more. Ideal for the mom who wants applicable knowledge to use with her family right away.

Most Real Immunity followers are already familiar with the Health Helix, Cilla’s visual explanation of how illness, when suppressed, can be driven deeper into the body. The Health Helix presents a visual explanation of the damage conventional drugs and suppressed symptoms can cause by giving many examples, like how the use of cortisone cream actually is correlated with later onset of asthma as benign skin issues such as eczema are driven deeper into the body. 

Cilla starts the class by making an important distinction regarding the flu: Often what we think is the flu is a different virus or illness, but regardless of the cause, flu-like symptoms: fever, headache, lack of energy, sore throat, runny nose, and body aches can be addressed with homeopathic medicines. Cilla reviews nine remedies for the flu (or flu-like symptoms), including physical and emotional indications for the use of each. In the class she discusses how to distinguish flu symptoms from flu-like viral symptoms as well.

This class is so much more than a list of remedies though. There’s quite a bit of homeopathic theory as well. Cilla shares how mainstream thinking regarding viruses is shortsighted for various reasons. One reason is because our bodies are mostly comprised of bacteria, viruses and parasites: four pounds of such materials on average. She names the many viruses that most humans have riding along with them and shares that usually there is nothing at all wrong with these viruses lying latent in our bodies “as long as we just live in a balanced state.” She further shares that viruses, in fact, are essential for human evolution.

To better understand how homeopathy can benefit and address flu symptoms, Cilla addresses many of the misunderstandings regarding the immune system and the flu shot. She shares that herd immunity can only happen when one acquires a disease naturally, which creates a cell-mediated immune response. It’s important to note that injections do not create a cell-mediated response, instead, as Cilla explains in her class, they artificially elevate antibody production (which compromises general immunity). Cilla shares research that shows the increased risk of respiratory viruses associated with the flu shot. Antibody production is not the gold standard for immunity.

Furthermore, Cilla warns that vaccines are often recommended for individuals who are actually at greatest risk of suffering a side-effect from the injection. She shares the many issues associated with flu shots in pregnant women, and how injections after age 50 are associated with neurological damage.

Another misconception that Cilla rebukes is that fevers are problematic. She shares why it is important to support a fever, how to support a fever and issues related to suppressing fevers. Fevers are simply another way the body discharges symptoms, and we never want to suppress such discharges. She offers information on how to support the flu and fevers using cell salts as well. By supporting the discharge process of flu symptoms with homeopathic remedies recommended in this class, Cilla shares that she has often seen lengthy flu symptoms truncated from two weeks to a few days. She shares a story of how she used Bryonia, when indicated for her flu-like symptoms and within hours she was back to normal.

Cilla ends the class by offering suggestions on how to homeopathically address flu symptoms. Learn more here.

More Flu Resources:

Join the Knowledge Vault for free flu resources and more

The Health Helix: Understanding how suppressed symptoms can become chronic problems

Flu Remedies to Get You Started

Flu Shot Side Effects

How to Use Influenzinum

Where to Purchase Influenzinum 

Cilla’s online classes, including her flu class

Intro to Homeopathy: The Perfect Starting Point

By Homeopathy

So you are interested in homeopathy, but you would like to learn more about what it is and how it is used? Over 500 million people around the world use homeopathy. Here are just some reasons to learn more about this amazing medicine:

  • Homeopathy offers a safe way of addressing your children’s health concerns
  • Homeopathy is an option for individuals who have not found help from conventional and natural health modalities
  • Homeopathy is inexpensive and FDA regulated

If you’ve been considering learning more about homeopathy, Cilla’s class, Intro to Homeopathy, is an excellent starting point. If you have already delved into the study of practical homeopathy, but want to know how it differs from classical homeopathy (and whether or not it is safe), you should also consider this class

Interestingly enough, homeopathy has appealed to intelligent and well-educated individuals for decades. As we learn in Intro to Homeopathy, homeopathy isn’t simply a medicine, it is a discipline and a way of thinking about health that far surpasses the limited viewpoints of conventional medical thought. Let’s start by highlighting some of the viewpoints this class presents:

Health and Adaptability:

Ever hear a mom brag that her child is “never sick?” Western society is guilty of exalting this idea that constant equals health. In Intro to Homeopathy, Cilla dives into the topic of wellness and how health is all about adaptability. Health is demonstrated by an immune system that is capable of rebounding after an illness. Regulation of the immune system is essential to health and only taught through a process of moving through the stages of an illness back to health. A homeopath looks for symptoms that point to a lag in physical, emotional or mental adaptability and assigns a remedy that addresses those areas.

Herring’s Law of Cure:

Unlike conventional medicine that seeks to suppress symptoms, homeopathy is all about listening to what our symptoms are saying! Through the course of homeopathic treatment, a homeopath tunes in to the symptoms presenting in order to determine a remedy and track progress towards health. In Intro to Homeopathy, Cilla describes Herring’s Law of Cure, and how this law helps us to determine one’s state of health as well as the healing process.

Three Principles of Homeopathy:

In order to define what homeopathy is, one must first understand the three distinguishing principles of homeopathy: The Law of Similars, which describes how like cures like; The Law of Totality, which says that a remedy is prescribed based on its expression through the entire organism; and finally, The Law of Minimal Dose, which says that only the smallest amount of medicine that initiates a healing should be given.

Ready to learn more about homeopathy or interested in sharing homeopathy with your family? Intro to Homeopathy is a fantastic class for homeschooling families! This is also a great class if you are someone who struggles to have a confident answer to the question what is homeopathy? 

If you’ve already taken Intro to Homeopathy and you’re looking for your next steps, check out the Health Helix. This class delves even deeper into the what health and adaptability look like.

New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you!
Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy! 

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Your HP Questions Answered

By Homeopathy

I love curiosity. It reflects an open mind, a desire to grow, and a spirit of self-reliance. In the current climate of polarization around injections, people are seeking accurate information about homeoprophylaxis (HP)– What it is? How does it work? Is it safe?

Parents: Find out more about the safety and efficacy of HP by reading the commonly asked questions in this article. For further reading and information, see the resources listed at the bottom of the page.

Here are some of the most common questions and answers the Real Immunity Team has fielded. Find out how HP can benefit children that have already been gone the conventional medicine route, how it can be used for those traveling to foreign countries and for college students, how it is safe and does not shed, and how studies have shown that it provides better long-term health outcomes, and more: 

I’ve been hearing this word, homeoprophylaxis, more and more. What exactly is it?

Homeoprophylaxis, also called HP, is the use of highly diluted substances for the purpose of educating the immune system in a gentle, non-toxic way.  These are completely natural; contain no foreign cells, no antibiotics, no preservatives, no adjuvants, and no chemicals of any kind.

My doctor says there is no proof that HP works. Are there any studies?

HP has been studied over the last 200 years in retrospective studies, prospective studies, observational studies, and real-life, boots-on-the-ground applications for epidemics. You can see some of these studies by joining the free Knowledge Vault.

Someone told me this is a “homeopathic inoculation.” Is HP a substitute for conventional recommendations?

HP is perfectly safe when used under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. There are no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, or other excipients in the pellets.

No, it is not a substitute. HP is “educating and exercising” the immune system to mature in the most robust way. It’s a completely different paradigm – one that promotes robust immunity and better long-term health.

How does it actually work?

HP provides the frequency of disease. It’s an energetic imprint that is recognized by the vital force of the body and as a result the disease is either not contracted, or an appropriate immune response is raised. For more on vitalism and how HP and homeopathy works, you can stream Cilla’s films Quest for Real Immunity and Passage to Real Immunity from the comfort of your home.

I’m worried about safety since there was a scare about those homeopathic teething tablets.

HP is completely safe when administered with proper supervision. It’s energetic information and contains no material substance. You cannot overdose. Additionally, there are no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, or other excipients in the pellets. With over 1500 children in our programs, we have never seen any adverse effects.

Can HP benefit my child if he’s gone the conventional route?

Lots of parents choose to change lanes after seeing something that makes them uncomfortable. It’s possible to administer HP regardless of prior inoculations. While HP does not reverse injury, it can help to re-regulate the immune system to help it get back on track.

I’m worried about “shedding” since I have relatives with very young infants.

HP does not “shed” nor can you catch the disease from taking the pellets.

My daughter is older and starting college. Can she use HP at all?

Yes! HP can be used by babies (starting after 1 month of age), children of any age, college students, adults, people traveling to tropical areas, pregnant women, or to protect in an epidemic. Download our free HP Resource Sheet to see all the services available.

I live in a state that will accept titers for the required diseases. Will HP provide these?

No, titers reflect an inflammatory response in the adaptive arm of the immune system. Real immunity results from a balanced response. HP aims to support natural maturation of immunity. Besides, some people are low or non-responders and don’t produce antibodies yet still don’t get sick. Homeopaths know this. Science hasn’t caught up yet.

My son was inoculated, and I just want to detox him.
Is this necessary before doing HP?

He may or may not need detoxing depending on how limiting symptoms are. Perhaps constitutional homeopathy can help, or maybe HP can be started.  Best to consult with someone who is properly trained in HP administration.

HP can be given to babies (starting after 1 month of age), children of any age, college students, and adults–even pregnant women. Previously vaccinated individuals can actually BENEFIT from the use of HP.

What’s proper training?

The practitioners with Real Immunity are nationally board-certified homeopaths with over four years of training in homeopathy and additional in-depth training in homeoprophylaxis. Other practitioners trained through Real Immunity are provided 8 hours of training in all aspects of HP. Most importantly, find a practitioner you can relate to comfortably and who will provide you with any support needed as you administer the program at home.

My doctor says we need protection from all childhood diseases.

Is your doctor up to date on information about rotovirus, diphtheria, HPV and other diseases? Schedule a brief 15 minute consult with one of us at Real Immunity and we can fill you in. Or take a quick look at this page:

Isn’t it better to just do nothing, eat well and take supplements?

Yes, that’s the common assumption.  And sound nutrition is definitely a part of robust immunity.  Here’s the difference – When Dr. Isaac Golden did his 15-year study he found that the HP group had better long-term health outcomes. In other words, they had fewer colds, allergies, eczema, etc.  He attributed this to the concept that they were actually receiving the diseases in an energetic form and thus had all the benefits of natural disease with none of the risks. In other words, they were “exercising their immune systems” in a healthy way.

How can I get started?

The programs and offerings at are easy to understand and all inclusive.  If you’d like to speak with a practitioner first, you can schedule a free 15-minute consult with your additional questions.

For further reading, check out these additional resources:

Does HP Produce Antibodies?

Top Ten Reasons to Use HP

Are There Alternative Forms of Immunization?

Dr. Isaac Golden’s 15 year study on HP

Stream the Real Immunity film series here

Schedule a 15 minute consult to determine if HP is the right fit for your family

Medical professional? Get trained to implement HP. 

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

When Tensions Run High: A Response to the Loss of Religious Exemptions

By Cell Salts, Immunization

When rights are removed with no regard for due process, families naturally feel threatened and frightened. We are certainly living in interesting times. It‘s now more important than ever to stay focused in the present moment.

Remember the words of Dr. Debra Gambrell in The Quest for Real Immunity: “Fear is just a prayer for what we don’t want.”  The most effective way to stay out of fear is to stay anchored in the present moment, not ruminate on the possible (unpredictable) future, and envision the outcome we want to see happen. This requires focus!

In a recent week-long meditation retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza, we learned that where we focus our attention is where our energy goes. Thoughts and emotions have a vibration. They produce hormones and wire synapses in our brain. Repetition of thoughts or emotions have the potential to manifest results on the material plane. I witnessed this over and over again during that week and also saw scientific data validating brain scans associated with certain thoughts and moods.

Effort to focus attention is never wasted. Attention equals awareness; awareness equals consciousness. And each person who expands their consciousness, then raises the consciousness of others. No one needs to convince anyone else of anything; we just need to be clear and confident and aware. All things will work together as a result. Trust me. This is real.

We also live in a material world and are the observers of cause and effect. We need to prepare to the best of our ability. What are the options?

What if I am forced to perform a medical act that may cause harm? Is there a way to mitigate such harm? What if I am in the military or immigrating an adopted child to the USA?  

Remember the cell salts that often offer us support in times of crisis, and are accessible even to those of us embarking onto the path of homeopathy. They offer a helping hand in moments of emotional turmoil, and can prepare the body in order to mitigate injuries without being swept away by the panic?

These are all answers I want to share with you. My goal is to contribute to health and vitality; to uplift and inspire; to educate and expand. The remedy to much of the insanity we are observing is to go within and find peace and steadiness. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, “Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice… No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.”

For those struggling with fear, indecision and uncertainty regarding titers and detoxing, I have created a class for you. This online class will address the health concerns parents may be experiencing and ways to deal with the current compliance required by New York and other states who outlaw religious exemptions.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Get Empowered About Detox, Homeschooling, Titers, and Your Next Steps” 

The following topics are covered, and more:

  • Do alternative methods create antibodies?
  • Are antibodies the answer?
  • Is HP a “substitute” for conventional methods?
  • Can I send my child to college?
  • Where can I find a doctor who is respectful of my choices?
  • Is there “proof” that HP works?
  • What detox steps can be taken if needed?
  • What do I need to know about mitigating injuries and damage?
  • What do I need to know if I’m considering homeschooling?











Is HP a good fit for your family? Need a free 15 min consult with Brion to learn more? Schedule a session today.









Amazing Cell Salts: Homeopathic Vitamins

By Cell Salts, Homeopathy

Homeopathic cell salts, also known as Biochemical cell salts or Schüessler Salts (after their founder, Dr. William Schüessler) are thought of as the “easy” homeopathy and are certainly accessible to beginners. But even those who have used homeopathy for years have a lot to gain from the use of cell salts. In fact, cell salts are often considered “Homeopathic Vitamins,” so they can often complement your homeopathic health regimen. 

The human body, if reduced to ash would contain the following 12 cell salts discovered by Schüessler in 1873:

Calcarea fluoride
Calcarea phsophoricum
Calcarea sulphuricum
Ferrum phos
Kali muriaticum
Kali phosphoric
Kali sulphuricum
Mag phos
Natrum muriaticum
Natrum phos
Natrum sulphuricum

Cell salts are, in fact, the building blocks of life. Our cells depend on these minerals for basic functioning, and a deficiency in one or another can cause the appearance of bothersome symptoms.

Cell salts are perfect for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly. They are known as “homeopathic vitamins” and offer the vital minerals our cells need.

An important thing to remember about cell salts is that potency matters! Cell salts are found in 3x, 6x, 9x and 12x potencies only. Also, Cell Salts are never found in “C” potencies, only “X” potencies. Potency, as well as dosing for emergencies, convalescence, and maintenance, is covered in our virtual class Cell Salts. Taking breaks while on a cell salt regimen is recommended and advice on how to do this can also be found in the class.

So what can cell salts be used for? The list is endless: Colds, flu, infections, rashes, burns, cramps, cavities, brittle hair and nails, stress, fever, dehydration, inflammation, sore throat, digestive disturbances, coughs, headaches, irritability, colic, teething, constipation, rheumatism, insomnia, heartburn, bloating, allergies, congestion, varicose veins, fatigue and so much more!

Let’s look at a couple cell salts and what they specifically address for a better understanding of how they can be used.

Calcium fluoride: This cell salt is useful in conditions where the body hasn’t “bounced back.” Postpartum, when tissues remain chronically relaxed, is an opportunity to try Calc fluor. Other times that this tissue salt may be used is for enlarged glands, prolapse, muscle weakness, hemorrhoids, and cysts. The mental/emotional picture may be that the person is a hard worker motivated by fear of poverty and the need to excel at what they do. In our Cell Salts class, we cover the facial features that can be used to help diagnose a need for this cell salt as well.

Silica: Known as the “homeopathic surgeon,” Silica helps the body to push out splinters and foreign objects that do not belong in the body. Silica is great for promoting healthy hair, skin and nails as it stimulates keratin production. When we see brittle nails, infections, constipation, and boils, Silica is indicated. The mental/emotional picture includes the inability to make decisions, need for approval from others, and stubbornness.

Yes, cell salts, like homeopathy, are completely safe for pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy offers the perfect opportunity to use cell salts, as mom and baby’s bodies go through so many changes and require nurturing and support. In Cell Salts, there is a wonderful protocol shared by Cilla that can be started in the third month of pregnancy. This protocol supports the different systems that baby is developing: Structural, neurological, blood, and mucous membranes.

Purchase the Real Immunity Cell Salt Kit here