Fear mongering has begun yet again around a potential Measles outbreak . Those of us who have been alert to these shenanigans know measles hysteria is a seasonal occurrence and a rather predictable means of promoting the injection. In the past outbreaks at Disney Land in 2014 and NYC in 2019 created similar hysteria. Fingers were pointed erroneously at the unvaccinated. Now that the Covid pandemonium has subside, Measles hysteria will be following suit.
What are the concerns?
In a recent interview on Children’s Health Defense TV(CHDTV), Andy Wakefield shares that this is a big concern for the entire population. We can only speculate about the implications for individuals who have gotten the Covid shot, but the outcome could look grim due to increased blood clotting. As Andy explains, there are too many unknowns because we have intervened with nature so much.
Natural measles was historically a mild childhood virus occurring mostly in primary school. Mortality declined significantly prior to the inoculation coming out in 1963. The natural disease confers lifelong immunity, protecting both older populations and very young infants. Nursing babies historically acquired immunity from their mothers who conferred natural measles antibodies through breast milk, and the elderly were protected with lifelong immunity from wild measles acquired as children. In her ultimate wisdom, Mother Nature bestowed this mild virus upon children between the ages of 4-12, exercising their immune systems, granting lifelong immunity, and sparking developmental leaps.
What are the facts?
Andy clarifies many important facts about measles—it’s history, symptoms, and the documented fallacy of the [conventional immunity products] causing previous outbreaks. He illustrates why the shot is ineffective, and how it can put lives at risk. Andy explains how we have become susceptible to measles because of the vaccine, which decimated natural immunity.
“The healthy population of Americans do not have any neutralizing antibody titers to speak of, should Measles come back. That makes us all susceptible to measles….We have all become susceptible because of the vaccine and there’s nothing we can do about it…The [shot] will not protect us.”
Should you be worried about measles?
Families in the Real Vitality Homeoprophylaxis (HP) program will be relieved to know that they are boosting their immunity specifically to measles. HP is a great way to boost immunity to childhood diseases like measles. It also helps regulate immunity in individuals who may have deregulated their immune systems through the use of conventional immunity products. To learn more about Real Vitality’s HP Programs—guided by board certified homeopaths visit our site. Interested in learning how to boost immunity to measles? Sign up for a Custom Immunity Package.
In Quest for Real Immunity, world renowned immunologist, Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, explains that many childhood diseases can be solved by proper nutrition or supplementation. It is always wise to eat nutritionally dense food and seek appropriate supplementation when necessary.
We are not at the mercy of “deadly diseases.” With natural support and calm thinking, we can rely on real immunity.
New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.
Many who have experienced the current virus going around have a similar experience: General malaise quickly sets in, but a myriad of common viral symptoms often flood the system simultaneously. Which symptom does one choose to address first?
That’s where Real Immunity’s Viral Ally comes in handy. Featuring a combination of 13 common remedies for viral symptoms, taking it as soon as one notices symptoms can help to sort out a case so that the symptom picture clarifies and the remedy that best addresses what is being expressed can be properly selected.
The newest product in the Real Immunity suite. What to grab when symptoms arise.
With the early onset of viral symptoms, we often have inflammation in many parts of the body. People may experience headache, sore throat, congestion, stomach upset, or other evidence of early viral symptoms.
Homeopaths know that it is important to keep people moving through the phases of healing. Viral Ally helps move symptoms along so that we can get a clearer picture of what is needing to express. From there, the appropriate remedy can be selected with ease. It’s important to keep symptoms moving along so we don’t get stuck in one area and we can have full resolution. Viral Ally seeks to offer support in moving people through healing. It’s an essential first line to have on hand when illness strikes.
Let’s take Jane’s case as an example of how Viral Ally can be used:
Jane knew something wasn’t right. Her head was pounding, and her eyes ached. She had errands to finish, kids to feed and put to bed and other tasks she couldn’t ignore. She knew she was getting sick, but was just experiencing general malaise and foreboding, so she just continued to push through. She took a dose of Viral Ally before bed, which moved her immune system to express itself more clearly. By the next morning, Jane experienced severe diarrhea and vomiting. Her symptom picture had clarified, with symptoms indicative of Arsenicum album.
New to homeopathy? Welcome–we made a helpful resource just for you! Sign up to get for our free Homeopathy 101 just for newbies.
There’s so much to know, but we make it easy!
There’s a safer way to build vitality and the terrain without risk: homeoprophylaxis.
The mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was over 28 percent: those treated by homeopathic physicians had a mortality rate of just 1.05 percent. Homeopathy works!
The body has natural intelligence and the capacity to heal itself. It needs to express symptoms, have discharges, and be supported by natural means such as homeopathy. A runny nose is purging sinus waste products. A cough purges the airway. A fever resets the immune system, eliminates toxins, and restores the bacterial balance thus maturing the immune system. We can often see developmental leaps after a fever.
How Homeopathy Works
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old science of medicine that addresses both acute and chronic conditions. It’s based upon the principle of “like treats like.” If something in nature is capable of causing symptoms, early homeopaths who “proved” remedies found remedies that addressed those symptoms. To treat homeopathically every symptom of an illness is noted – physical, emotional, and mental – and a remedy is chosen that most closely matches the exact characteristics.
For example: if stung by a bee, you are likely to experience pain, and hot redness with inflammation. Apis mellifica (bee venom) prepared homeopathically can quickly reduce all of these symptoms. It’s safe with no side effects due to the principle of minimum dose.
Minimum dose means the source material is diluted repeatedly until there are no original molecules left. This dilution is then applied to small lactose/sucrose pellets and taken by mouth. The individual’s vital force recognizes the frequency of the source material and sets healing into motion. The immune system then initiates healing naturally, without getting stuck at any stage, or suffering any side effects.
One of the most urgent questions young parents face is how best to cultivate their children’s immunity.
How to Chose & Use a Homeopathic Remedy
Each of the following remedies can be found at most co-op or natural food stores, and will be effective for influenza or flu-like illnesses. For dosing, simply start with a dose each hour for three doses, then give 3 doses per day until symptoms are 70-80% improved. A dose consists of 2-3 pellets of 30c potency.
Don’t touch the pellets with your fingers. Just tap them into the cap of the vial and pop them in the mouth to melt. If no relief after three doses, then re-evaluate symptoms and remedy choice. If you have a peaceful sleep after dosing, this is a good sign that the vital force has recognized the remedy and it’s a good match. You may see a dramatic improvement, or a gradual one. The goal is to support the system so it doesn’t get “stuck” in any phase of the illness, but moves through the stages smoothly. Frequently, the stages are actually shortened with the aid of homeopathic remedies.
Keynotes listed below are the main symptoms in a case. An illness can have many symptoms, so the question to ask is “what one symptom, if removed, would make it possible to feel better? What is most limiting in the case?” That symptom is the leading keynote upon which you should prescribe. Don’t worry if all symptoms listed under the remedy aren’t evident. You need a few strong keynotes to go on, and then consider “modalities.”
Modalities are either times of the day when symptoms are better or worse, or what condition or activity reduces the discomfort. Many people will say nothing makes them feel better. In this case, you just observe what they have a desire for. Hot drinks? Cold drinks? Activity? Company? To be left alone? These are all various modalities.
Building Terrain
Influenzinum increases vitality, activating innate immunity towards flu-like illnesses. An excellent study from Brazil (2011. International Journal of High Dilution Res. “Homeopathic medicines for prevention of influenza and acute respiratory tract infections in children:” blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial) concluded that use of homeopathic medicines minimized the number of flu and acute respiratory infection symptomatic episodes in children, was cost-effective, and carried no ill effects, encouraging the homeopathic prophylactic potential to be investigated in further studies.
Choosing a method for flu-like symptoms is a wise choice when your goal is to support real immunity naturally. Purchase Cilla’s preferred Influenzinum product.
Remedies for Influenza or Flu-Like Symptoms
Remedies for flu-like symptoms include Aconitum and Belladonna.
More detailed information on remedies for Influenza and flu symptoms, can be found in the class Homeopathy and Influenza.
This is the first remedy to think of when coming down with a flu-like illness. It can be taken within the first 24 hours of symptoms suddenly appearing. This is especially true if the symptoms came on after being exposed to harsh weather or a cold wind. You can often nip the virus in the bud with Aconitum in this way if taken immediately. The symptoms you may see are a fever with chills, flushed cheeks and a rapid pulse.
Arsenicum album
“Don’t leave me alone!”
Great restlessness and anxiety; you can see pacing, jitteriness, or hand-wringing
Fear of being left alone
Ominous feeling that they could die
Very chilly
Vomiting and/or diarrhea
Worse between 11 pm-1 am; the illness frequently starts at this time
Very thirsty but only wants small sips of water
“Feel the heat radiating from me.”
Rapid onset of symptoms
High fever
Red, flushed face; Pupils dilated
Delirium or hallucinations with fever
Can be right-sided symptoms
Body is hot yet hands/feet are cold
Worse with motion
Worse at 3 pm
Craves lemons
“Leave me alone!”
Severe aching
Wants to go home
Irritable and averse to answering
Marked perspiration
Desires warm drinks
Worse from motion or jarring
Worse at 9 pm
“I ache horribly.”
Unbearable aching
Chilled to the bone
Thirst for cold drinks
Pain in bones
Desperate: moaning
Fever over 102
Severe headache
Vomiting of bile
Watery coryza
Worse 7-9 am
Desires cold food or ice cream
Ferrum Phos
“Inflammation is starting.”
No clear local symptoms
General malaise
Sore throat
“I’m so weak and heavy.”
Debility, weakness
Dull; foggy
Eyelids droopy; eyes may be half open
Head heavy
Tremulous weakness
Thirstlessness even though there is fever
Onset of fever slowly over 1-3 days
Yellow coating on tongue
Chills running up & down spine
Chills alternating with flushes of heat
Nux vomica
“Every nerve is frayed!”
Overly sensitive to all stimuli
Intense chills
Sensitive to light, noise, touch
Nausea and vomiting
Severe headache
Sore throat with raw sensation
Body aches better with warmth
Desires warm food and drinks
Rhus tox
“I’m so stiff unless I move around a bit.”
Sore throat
Cold sores on lips; tongue red on the tip
Moderate to high fever
Chilly and restless
Bed feels too hard; whole body aches
Pain relieved with slow movement
Craves warm drinks
Stiffness; desire to stretch
Our Viral Ally product is a great “first response” all-in-one homeopathic combination remedy that addresses many of the symptoms listed above.
Colleagues and clients from around the world have reached out to inquire about what many seem to be experiencing when in the presence of recently injected individuals.
While there is no conclusion about what could be happening, it’s obvious among practitioners that clients are having symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, and unusual bleeding or menstrual abnormalities.It’s also noted that in the original Pfizer study summary, there are references to the possible shedding of the spike protein through skin to skin contact, or respiratory exposure. So perhaps this is not fueled by imagination.
At Real Immunity we have termed this perplexing phenomenon Post-Injection Transmission Syndrome. (PITS)
The Real Immunity Team has examined the PITS symptoms reported by participants in our recent survey. The symptoms of these participants directly mirror those reported above.
If indeed, we are experiencing some sort of bio-resonance, or perhaps sharing of pheromones, then it makes sense that an energetic intervention could be very helpful.
I have investigated the use of flower essences for immune support. I have used these in my practice and find them to be incredibly effective while being exceptionally gentle. I have identified three essences that could be very helpful. They are Pine, Crabapple, and Yarrow Environmental Solution:
Yarrow SF: protective of noxious radiation, pollution, EMF, or residual effects of toxic exposure
Pine: supports self-acceptance, forgiveness of self and others, healing process, acceptance
Crabapple: associated with being cast out of paradise, physical purification, true evolution/adaptation
Mixed together, these three flower essences can gently support and protect external assaults on the energetic level. Here’s the summary of a study by Jeffrey Cram PhD. reflecting the physiological impact of energy medicine applied with flower essences.
To purchase Environmental Protection Essence, click the image below.
Flu-shot propaganda has reached an all time high. No longer do we have a flu season, it seems to be year-round!
To counter this flood, the Real Vitality Team has put together a download called Let Real Vitality Walk You Through the Flu, to help lead you, step by step through any viral symptoms. Make sure you keep that handy!
For those who want to study up on the flu, check out the flu resources from Real Vitality below.
INF-CV: How to Dose and More
Helpful tips on: What is in Influenzinum? (What is it made of?) How would one dose? Are there concerns individuals with asthma and other diseases should be aware of when using Influenzinum? How can Influenzinum be ordered?
Nine Remedies for the Flu
Cilla’s virtual class offering homeopathic advice to help you handle fevers, vomiting, aches, pains, and more.
Purchase INF Homeopathic influenzinum is prepared from a broad spectrum of current and historical influenza viruses. Homeopathic dilution and succussion render the contents devoid of all original molecules. INF-CV is the foundational influenzinum product with an added component to boost immunity during current outbreaks.
One of the most challenging cold and flu symptoms are coughs. To help guide you through addressing coughs homeopathically, we’ve created a free cough download.
HP is an energetic form of homeopathy that dilutes and potentizes natural substances to act upon the vital force, or energy system, of an individual. Produced under stringent guidelines, HP can be administered in small pellets that are taken orally, or liquid form. A natural method to familiarize the immune system with a disease on the energetic level prior to coming into contact with that disease in nature, individuals are more likely to repel the disease altogether, or if contracted, more able to mount a natural and adequate immune response.
Is it Safe?
There has never been a death or injury from the use of HP with children, adults, or pregnant women. It is non-toxic, contains no preservatives, adjuvants, antibiotics or toxic components of any kind. When children accidentally swallow large amounts, there is no cause for concern since this is an energetic form of treatment. There are no molecules of the original substance.
Is it Effective?
Emerging studies from Cuba over the last decades confirm the easy administration and effectiveness of homeoprophylaxis.Along with his notable success using HP for leptospirosis, Dr. Gustavo Bracho, of the world-renowned Finlay Institute also studied the effects of HP with Hepatitis A, Dengue Fever, Acute Respiratory Infections and Acute Diarrheal Diseases.Significant reductions in all of these diseases resulted from use of HP.
Dr, Isaac Golden, the world’s leading researcher of homeoprophylaxis, in his recent article stated:
I published two articles in 2019 describing in different ways the use of HP in three countries in over 250 million people on an annualised basis, by mainly government agencies in those countries. One of the examples given is especially appropriate in the current situation with [the current virus].
Readers may recall the Swine Flu scare which swept the world around 2009/2010. In my country it led to the Federal Government spending around $120,000,000 on vaccines, most of which remained unused. Billions were spent in the USA on the development and sale of the vaccine, and similarly in many other countries internationally.
However, the Cuban government had seen the remarkably successful HP immunisation programs against Leptospirosis in 2007 and 2008, and instructed the Finlay Institute (Cuba’s vaccine manufacturer which, under the inspired leadership of Dr Conception Campa Huergo (a real scientist) and her Vice President Dr Gustavo Bracho, prepared the HP interventions), to homeopathically immunise the entire population of Cuba over 12 months of age against Swine Flu – around 9.8 million people.
When Dr Bracho and I studied the 2010 data it became clear that we could not quantify the success of the program against Swine Flu because there were practically no cases, and it was not possible to say how many travellers entered the country carrying the virus. However, in the same intervention Finlay also immunised against Pneumococcal disease, and the published data shows a clear reduction in the disease in 2010, and a return to expected levels in 2011, and shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Incidence of Deaths from Influenza and Pneumococcal Disease per 10,000
Attesting to the individualized nature of homeopathic prescribing, Dr. Golden’s recent recommendation for boosting immunity in the presence of the current viral epidemic has been: homeopathic Bacillinum, Pneumococcinum, Influenzinum (3 types), Arsenicum album, Justicia adhatoda, Gelsemium, Bryonia and Antimonium tartaricum.
Other well-respected homeopaths have suggested the use of other remedies, like Arsenicum alone, or a mixture of remedies intended to address potential symptoms. Since HP is intended to support and enhance natural immunity, there is no ‘wrong’ answer to the components utilized.
The Real Immunity Influenzium CV30 formula applies Dr. Golden’s recommendation to include homeopathic Bacillinum, Pneumococcinum, and 3 types of Influenzinum. The additional remedies included in his preparation can apply to the symptom presentation of many respiratory illnesses once contracted. Our recommendation is to contact a qualified homeopath if symptoms develop in order to be addressed professionally and individually.
Please note that due to recent warnings by the FDA issued to natural practitioners, it’s important that we mention that homeopathy “does not treat, cure, or prevent specific diseases.” Homeopathy enhances natural immunity, decreases susceptibility to disease, and exercises the immune system in such a way as to improve health outcomes. In order to avoid censorship and get this information out, the Real Immunity Team has gone to great efforts to craft this message.
In light of current expensive allopathic protocols and potential effects of pharmaceutical prescribing, Dr. Golden advises the following:
Homeopathy could assist all Governments immediately, at a low cost, without any risk of side-effects, and make a definite impact on the progress of [the current virus]. In decades to come I expect historians to look back at recent decades of pharmaceutical aggression and their domination of many health systems, and measure the immense cost, and the damage to millions of lives caused by those who prevented decision makers from seeing the true evidence-based benefits of safe and inexpensive natural options.
Here at Real Immunity we applaud and support forward thinkers such as Dr. Isaac Golden and the Cuban government in their application of safe, effective, and well-researched methods of protection. We encourage you to share this information far and wide to raise consciousness, as we promote non-toxic methods to build real immunity. Then contact your qualified HP provider to take the next step.
New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.
Wondering if you may have the flu? Want to be prepared in case your family does come down with the flu? You’ve come to the right place.
In Cilla’s online class Nine Remedies for the Flu, she shares a brief, yet impactful history of the use of homeopathy versus conventional methods for various flus. As you may have guessed, homeopathy came through with flying colors in several cases with unprecedented results. Frequently, the conventional treatment for influenza actually caused severe side effects, as in the case of the 1918 Spanish flu when Aspirin was employed to lower fevers and it simply drove the illness to the lungs.
Be prepared for flus and viruses with homeopathic knowledge! These nine remedies will help you manage whatever comes your way in the most gentle and natural way. The practical tips will prepare you to use nine remedies for fevers, vomiting, aches, pains, and more. Ideal for the mom who wants applicable knowledge to use with her family right away.
Most Real Immunity followers are already familiar with the Health Helix, Cilla’s visual explanation of how illness, when suppressed, can be driven deeper into the body. The Health Helix presents a visual explanation of the damage conventional drugs and suppressed symptoms can cause by giving many examples, like how the use of cortisone cream actually is correlated with later onset of asthma as benign skin issues such as eczema are driven deeper into the body.
Cilla starts the class by making an important distinction regarding the flu: Often what we think is the flu is a different virus or illness, but regardless of the cause, flu-like symptoms: fever, headache, lack of energy, sore throat, runny nose, and body aches can be addressed with homeopathic medicines. Cilla reviews nine remedies for the flu (or flu-like symptoms), including physical and emotional indications for the use of each. In the class she discusses how to distinguish flu symptoms from flu-like viral symptoms as well.
This class is so much more than a list of remedies though. There’s quite a bit of homeopathic theory as well. Cilla shares how mainstream thinking regarding viruses is shortsighted for various reasons. One reason is because our bodies are mostly comprised of bacteria, viruses and parasites: four pounds of such materials on average. She names the many viruses that most humans have riding along with them and shares that usually there is nothing at all wrong with these viruses lying latent in our bodies “as long as we just live in a balanced state.” She further shares that viruses, in fact, are essential for human evolution.
To better understand how homeopathy can benefit and address flu symptoms, Cilla addresses many of the misunderstandings regarding the immune system and the flu shot. She shares that herd immunity can only happen when one acquires a disease naturally, which creates a cell-mediated immune response. It’s important to note that injections do not create a cell-mediated response, instead, as Cilla explains in her class, they artificially elevate antibody production (which compromises general immunity). Cilla shares research that shows the increased risk of respiratory viruses associated with the flu shot. Antibody production is not the gold standard for immunity.
Furthermore, Cilla warns that vaccines are often recommended for individuals who are actually at greatest risk of suffering a side-effect from the injection. She shares the many issues associated with flu shots in pregnant women, and how injections after age 50 are associated with neurological damage.
Another misconception that Cilla rebukes is that fevers are problematic. She shares why it is important to support a fever, how to support a fever and issues related to suppressing fevers. Fevers are simply another way the body discharges symptoms, and we never want to suppress such discharges. She offers information on how to support the flu and fevers using cell salts as well. By supporting the discharge process of flu symptoms with homeopathic remedies recommended in this class, Cilla shares that she has often seen lengthy flu symptoms truncated from two weeks to a few days. She shares a story of how she used Bryonia, when indicated for her flu-like symptoms and within hours she was back to normal.
Cilla ends the class by offering suggestions on how to homeopathically address flu symptoms. Learn more here.
More Flu Resources:
Join the Knowledge Vault for free flu resources and more
The Health Helix: Understanding how suppressed symptoms can become chronic problems
Cilla recently offered a live discussion regarding Influenzinum. In this live, she answered the following questions:
What is in Influenzinum? (What is it made of?) How would one dose? Are there concerns individuals with asthma and other diseases should be aware of when using Influenzinum? How can Influenzinum be ordered?
A brief description of Cilla’s answers can be found below.
Cilla discussed Influenzinum and how to use it in a recent Facebook live.
What is in Influenzinum?
There are various forms of Influenzinum on the market, however, the one she sells is her favorite for various reasons. Cilla’s remedy is very broad and she finds that it is the most effective.
Another perk is that one bottle can be used year after year. (Cilla shares a method of stretching the remedy in the video linked above.)
How Would One Dose?
Choosing how to dose is very personal and dependent upon two factors: Exposure and susceptibility. For example, if you are flying or work with children, that increases your exposure and may mean you’d want to take the remedy more often. If you are susceptible to the flu or viruses, you have an increased susceptibility and may want to take the remedy more often as well. Generally, Cilla recommends a dosing schedule of one to four times a month, depending on your exposure and susceptibility.
Are there concerns individuals with asthma and other diseases should be aware of when using Influenzinum?
The basic answer to this question is “no.” For more questions regarding immunity, check out Cilla’s first film in her three part docuseries, Quest for Real Immunity, which reveals the relationship between humans and viruses. That film is a great first step into understanding the complex intellect of our immune system and how to enhance its effectiveness.
It is important to know that nothing, including Influenzinum is 100% effective. Cilla recommends that families be prepared in case they do contract the flu. She offers a class called 9 Remedies for Flu for individuals who want to be prepared.
How can Influenzinum be ordered?
Cilla’s Influenzinum
The preparation that Cilla recommends and sells can be ordered here.
New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.
Pregnant women, babies as young as six months old, the immuno-compromised, and the elderly are all being told they need an annual flu shot. This has not always been the case.
Pregnant women, babies as young as six months old, the immuno-compromised, and the elderly are all being told they need an annual flu shot.
This has not always been the case. Before 2000, only the elderly were advised to receive these inoculations. And the elderly didn’t actually benefit. Researchers report that the increase in elderly influenza inoculation coverage in the U.S. after 1980 wasn’t actually accompanied by reduction in influenza-related mortality. (Read findings here.)
Let’s take a deeper look at effectiveness and safety issues, along with a natural option.
A study in the American Journal of Perinatology found that women who received flu inoculations during pregnancy had the same risk for influenza-like illness as uninoculated women. The same was true for their infants.
What About Safety?
The safety of flu shots in pregnant populations has never been adequately tested. For example:
Questionable ingredients
Many inoculations still contain thimerosal, despite claims that it’s been removed. According to the CDC, 48 million flu inoculations now available contain mega-doses of thimerosal. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) for thimerosal warns that it may cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects in humans.
In 2014, $4.9 million was paid out to individuals with adverse flu shot reactions. By 2015 they paid out $61 million, as reflected in this report from the U.S. court of Federal Claims.
Many pregnant women, hospital workers, doctors and nurses are asking for homeopathic influenzinum for natural immune boosting during flu season. Naturally sourced, influenzinum causes zero injuries. It’s safe for infants, the elderly, and pregnant women.
Interested in learning more about how to address the flu and flu-like symptoms homeopathically? Cilla’s class Nine Remedies for the Flu is an excellent resources for families looking for alternatives to the flu shot.
Check out the Influenzinum CV30 survey results here.
Ignaz Semmelweis (1816-1865), a Hungarian physician, died in an insane asylum in 1865 at the age of 47. He was committed for suggesting that child-bed fever and deaths were caused by germs: germs from the filthy hands of doctors who had dissected cadavers then immediately delivering babies.
The medical and scientific communities were highly offended at Semmelweis’ suggestion that they should wash their hands.
After hand-washing protocols were implemented, the mortality rate dropped from 18.27 per cent, to 1.27 per cent, to zero.
They next said germs do exist.
German microbiologist Robert Koch identified the relationship between specific germs and diseases. He devised a method for testing which germ caused which disease.
Not long after, a German and a Frenchman were revered for their “discovery” of germs.
The French wine industry engaged French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) to identify the process of fermentation. It was all about the wine. He developed ways to prevent wine from being contaminated by unwanted microorganisms. Thus, “pasteurization” was born.
Robert Koch (1843-1910), a German microbiologist, took it a step further by identifying the relationship between specific germs and diseases. He devised a method for testing which germ caused which disease, and Koch’s Postulates resulted. These four postulates are worth examining, as they inform the battle-ready stance against bugs that prevails to this day.
Koch nabbed the bacteria responsible for dreaded tuberculosis, winning him the Nobel prize for advancing this newfound knowledge that germs caused disease.
With germs as culprits, we began to inoculate.
Prior to Pasteur and Koch conducting their research, the English physician Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was experimenting with cows. He observed that milkmaids who contracted cowpox, a relatively mild disease, were immune to deadly smallpox. One such milkmaid caught cowpox from Blossom, her dairy cow. Jenner took pus from the milkmaid’s sores and rubbed it onto a scratch on a subject’s arm. His subject, James Phipps, did indeed come down with a mild case of cowpox, and this is where it gets interesting.
Jenner then intentionally infected James with smallpox. The boy’s enhanced immunity was able to resist the smallpox virus and he didn’t get sick. Presto–inoculations were invented.
The risk with using foreign media is the inevitability of also acquiring unknown viruses common to species other than humans. We have seen repercussions of this with polio inoculations containing Simian Virus 40.
Germs can now be manipulated.
At the same time, a medical doctor from Vienna, James Compton Burnett (1840-1901), expressed concern over the new practice of innoculation. Steeped in homeopathic theory, Burnett postulated that grafting a foreign disease onto the body would have far-reaching negative effects.
Inoculation exemplifies an attempt to exercise domination over all pathogens, and insulate the human biome from perceived pathogenic effects.
The human vital force evolved to acquire infectious contagious disease naturally. The innate wisdom of the vital force governs the physical body, the energy body, and the spiritual body. It has been doing an eloquent dance with the process of maturing the immune system since time began. The principle of vitalism governs this concept.
Vaccinosis is the grafting of a foreign disease onto the human being by bypassing the normal mechanism of contracting disease, which takes place through mucosal membrane. Injecting pathogens directly into the bloodstream is an unnatural introduction.
Have you noticed the increase in exaggerated forms of inflammation such as eczema, asthma, mollescum, and serious autoimmune irregularities? This is because when you impose an immune challenge containing excipients and foreign mediums, bypassing the innate arm of the immune system, the humoral arm overreacts, producing a terrifying array of compensatory responses. The individual now has unfamiliar disease grafted upon the human biome.
For more information on vitalism and factors that detrimentally effect our immune system, check out Cilla’s class on the Health Helix.
Manipulating germs carries terrifying risks.
This manipulation derails the brilliant design of Mother Nature and her natural evolution of immunity that’s taken place over millions of years. Burnett posited that homeoprophylaxis would be much safer and support the natural immune process. Homeoprophylaxis aims to integrate and synchronize the human species with other life forms, in the most compatible way, instead of imposing separation.
In the late 1700s Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), physician, chemist, and linguist, discovered that his patient taking homeopathic belladonna was immune to the scarlet fever epidemic to which all her family members had succumbed. With this, the first homeoprophylaxis application was discovered. It continued to work prophylactically for others and the King of Prussia mandated its use to stem future scarlet fever outbreaks.
Homeoprophylaxis collaborates with germs.
Since there is no material substance in a homeopathic remedy, it does not act in a physiological manner. Rather, it is energetic, meaning the solution contains the frequency of the source material after being diluted repeatedly until no molecules remain. And why is this important?
Manipulation carries risk, then let’s not manipulate! Mother Nature knows what she’s doing. The evolution of these microbes—bacteria and viruses–has occurred right alongside of humans. All life forms have a place and are interrelated. We will never understand the full implications of manipulating them to what we assume is our benefit.
Homeoprophylaxis honors our relationship with other organisms. Instead of manipulation, it offers cooperation. By introducing the frequency of a pathogen to the human organism, a recognition takes place. It’s like downloading information.
According to Carlo Rubbia, Italian physicist and Nobel Laureate (1984) in physics, “Less than one billionth of the universe is matter – the rest is energy and information.”
Recognition of this information provides a reference point. When the pathogen is met in nature, its frequency is recognized. Either the human doesn’t contract the disease, or a natural and appropriate immune response takes place. As studies have shown no antibody production with homeoprophylaxis, there is no artificial emphasis on the humoral arm of the immune system.
Natural immunity is the goal.
Gustavo Bracho, PhD, is an immunologist with the Findlay Institutein Havana Cuba. In 2010 he injected rats with leptospirosis after orally receiving homeoprophylaxis. Eighty percent did not contract the disease while producing no antibodies. The rat control group without homeoprophylaxis all died. Bracho and others have suggested that becoming familiar with the frequency of a disease confers all the benefits of receiving the wild disease, without the risks. Because there is nothing material in the exchange, there is no resulting chaos from manipulation through attenuation, additives, or introduction in a way other than nature’s way by contraction through mucous membrane.
Homeoprophylaxis does not manipulate.
We have a clear example of wreaking havoc by suppressing bacteria when antibiotics were the magical discovery of 1928 and in full scale use by the 1940s. Sure, they gave a one-two punch to the scourge of syphilis, but at what cost? It became too easy to simply prescribe antibiotics for every perceived infection. When you reduce one population, another expands to take its place, and here we go again. Manipulation!
This has not been the case with over 200 years of clinical observation of homeoprophylaxis. In fact, based on Isaac Golden’s 15-year study with 3000 children, more robust long-term health was observed in the HP group than in unvaccinated children. Surprisingly, they experienced fewer ear infections, allergies, and eczema.
To ensure health, we must co-exist.
We benefit from the presence of other life forms to communicate information, to digest our food, maintain homeostasis, and even shape emotional temperament. They are in, on, and around us all the time, contributing to our immune maturation and evolution.
By introducing pathogens in their energetic state, one disease at a time, there is no disruption of the natural relationship we humans share with these microbes.
We do not have all the answers. We never will. In the end, we benefit from the presence of these other life forms to communicate information, to digest our food, maintain homeostasis, and even shape emotional temperament.
Additionally, according to the endosymbiotic hypothesis, cellular mitochondria closely resemble certain bacteria and this symbiotic relationship was probably formed millions of year ago in the process of evolution.
Our relationship with all other life forms is meant to reflect respect and mutual cooperation in order to assure the balance of life itself. Relating with pathogens as information is more beneficial, less invasive, and enables peaceful co-existence.
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