Step back and take a look. Take a good, long, 30,000 ft look at what is going on. We are at a critical place in the history of humanity. Panic, confusion, and overwhelm abound. Anxiety, depression, and mental illness caused by extreme isolation and financial uncertainty are epidemic. Ask yourself: Are you living with awareness of what is going on, or have you been swept up in the chaos?
Many are trusting everything outside of our own bodies: masks, inoculations, testing methods. And we’re not even sure if we can trust those. Consider the confusion and contention surrounding each of these topics. Are the numbers accurate? Are they bloated? Do masks work? Do they not work? Do they actually cause harm? Is testing accurate? What does the “science” say? It’s utterly overwhelming. It makes the head spin, doesn’t it?
What does it mean to be aware of what is going on, without being swept up in what’s going on? Standing in awareness is the act of centering oneself. It is using the panic and overwhelm that you notice in your body. When we notice our body is screaming at us, we can simply redirect our focus. The harder you look for reason in the outside world, the more mind-centered you are. Staying in the mind only keeps us further from the truth, our truth. Focusing outward is not providing any answers.
“The higher dimensional way in which we are designed to navigate this world is energetic. Everything is actually energy…and your physical body is designed to navigate the physical world through your resonance…We’re not designed to do it with the mind…The mind can be manipulated. The mind can be controlled. The mind can be deceived,” Lorie Ladd
The ‘systems’ we have long held as bastions of truth are beginning to crumble. Politics, healthcare, education are just a few such systems in the process of being restructured. Corruption, greed and deception are rapidly being revealed via social media while the mainstream media continues to expound whatever current narrative promotes special interests. What’s the answer?
The answer is that the future looks pretty darn bleak if we place our trust in an ever-shifting reality outside of our inner wisdom. It’s time to start checking in from the inside instead of from the outside. Start simple. Are you in touch with your own body telling you when you need to eat, to sleep, or visit the toilet, or are you dependent on some outside source to tell you that? Do you choose your shoes, or does someone else tell you what to wear? These are simple but distinct ways in which we listen to our inner wisdom. Take a critical look at how much you are swayed by media and advertising. How much are you swayed by fear?
The future of immunity is dependent on transmuting fear, for fear both shuts down critical thinking and produces stress hormones that compromise immunity. Bruce Lipton talks about these hormones actually being used therapeutically after organ transplants to shut down the immune system to prevent it from acting naturally and rejecting a foreign organ. Listening within can quell the fear and stress. Remember when the stress rises and the chaos calls you out, that it’s really a call to go back in.
Our sensitivity to energy will be instrumental for the most robust immunity in the future. Are we creating a future where we shut down our immune system with stress hormones, or are we creating a future where the immune system has been nurtured by our ability to center IN ourselves? The future is ours to choose.
Remember: Human beings are endowed with the ability to detox, and to strengthen our immune systems through the act of catching viruses and resolving them. Again and again, this process is what matures innate immunity – our God-given ability to discern self from non-self. The time in now to take responsibility for our own health. The future of immunity depends upon our ability to look within and discern what’s best while using both our intuition, listening to the body, and critically thinking. Overcome fear with education, trust your intuition to know what feels best, and have confidence in the survival of the human race without dependence on the shifting sand of public opinion.
What are the next steps for those of us who want to empower our future immunity? Please read the Health Freedom Manifesto below. The Real Immunity Team is pairing with other like-minded organizations to halt the loss of health freedoms. A detailed list of action steps is specified in this manifesto:
Health Freedom Manifesto: A Call for Reform in the Time of Pandemic
Please comment below if you’ve read, agree or have shared it with your community.
The vaccine issue is the greatest civil rights issue of the 21st century. And it goes beyond the decision of whether we are free to get a shot or not, but whether we are free to own our bodies, whether we are free to think our own thoughts, and whether we have human rights in the face of a giant government-techno-medical industrial complex
We all come from different circumstances. You might have a child that was injured by an inoculation, you might have a child who hasn’t been inoculated, or simply want the right to customize the schedule. You might just want to have the free choice. You might be Democrat or Republican or an activist in a different movement, or maybe enough is enough with rights being taken away in the name of public health, science, and the pandemic.
Whatever your circumstances, though we may be all different creeds, different beliefs, different demographics, but we are all bonded together by the issue at hand.
We want to feel empowered to live our lives as we decide best, and we refuse to permit medical, pharmaceutical, and political systems to control our bodies, our lives, and that of our families, and we reject their authoritarian narratives.”
Though you might feel alone with your beliefs, realize that there are many of us. We number in the millions. You may pass us on the street without knowing what we truly believe. We may live in your same county, or your same state, or we may be halfway around the world. But we desire the same thing and we share the same circumstances.
Do you believe in the following?
- Full informed consent without coercion or retaliation in which you are truly free to decide what should be done with your body as a fundamental human dignity,
- A transparent medical and public health system that tells you what you need to know to make a fully informed decision,
- A vaccine safety program that has been fully studied, has done saline double-blind comparisons, studied the effects of increased recommendations, and has devoted time to understanding the full etiology regarding injuries,
- Removal of liability protection from the pharmaceuticals, a practice which perverts normal consumer protection and creates perverse incentives for lapses in safety and bloats a recommended schedule.
- Safeguarding the Constitution, protecting scientific and moral dialogue.
- Reform of public health, to remove conflicts of interest in inoculation policy making, acknowledge the reality of injuries, rectify known biases in safety assessments, and move beyond the reductionistic focus on infectious disease and start measuring actual health of the populace.
If you believe in the above, then you are one of us in the movement. WE ARE A MOVEMENT.
And we will say so to the powerful interests in our society, to the politicians, scientists, doctors, public health specialists, decision-makers, corporatists, etc. Let them hear our voice and feel our strength.
Now you might wonder “what can I do in the face of all this pandemic mess?” The authorities tell us to be compliant for the good of the community, and that it will all be over if we just do what they say. And a slow removal of human rights occurs just like a frog in a pot slowly being boiled.
Instead we have to cut through the mainstream narrative by demanding:
- Any removal of human rights should be temporary, and justified under a strict criterion of emergency. Any pandemic responses need to be backed by evidence-based criterion.
- Government and citizen checks and balances have to be in place to check any pandemic measures from overreach. Transparency and independent regulatory oversight to prevent this opportunism and to remove conflicts of interests.
- 1st amendment rights, freedom of speech, and Constitutional freedoms must be upheld as the pandemic creates the opportunity for opportunism and profit-making on part of corporate and political entities. It is especially important that all scientific voices and citizens harmed by pandemic responses are heard.
What we need you to do now is the following:
- Join as many of the groups in the Movement as you can. This includes ICANN, Children’s Health Defense, MAMM, NVIC, Real Immunity, your state group, and the myriad of other groups fighting for health freedom.
- Stay in contact with the above groups, and, when a call-to-action arrives, ACT with all your heart and might. Millions will be doing it with you.
- We need your help in spreading our news and our call-to-actions. In the face of growing censorship, we rely upon you to be our voices. Spread these to friends, families, thought leaders, politicians, and decision-makers in your area.
- Vigorously refuse and fight against any mandated inoculations, and any tools of coercion that encourage their uptake. They both win and profit when they institutionalize the practice of removing rights under the guise of infectious diseases.
- Learn how to safely protect your family from infectious diseases by visiting
- Make a copy of this manifesto, rewrite it in your own words if you feel like it, and spread it. They can censor this doc. They can censor a url. But they cannot censor a message whose time has come. These words are our words, our collective voice.