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The Future of Immunity: A Health Freedom Manifesto

By Immunization

Step back and take a look. Take a good, long, 30,000 ft look at what is going on. We are at a critical place in the history of humanity. Panic, confusion, and overwhelm abound. Anxiety, depression, and mental illness caused by extreme isolation and financial uncertainty are epidemic. Ask yourself: Are you living with awareness of what is going on, or have you been swept up in the chaos?

Many are trusting everything outside of our own bodies: masks, inoculations, testing methods. And we’re not even sure if we can trust those. Consider the confusion and contention surrounding each of these topics. Are the numbers accurate? Are they bloated? Do masks work? Do they not work? Do they actually cause harm? Is testing accurate? What does the “science” say? It’s utterly overwhelming. It makes the head spin, doesn’t it?

What does it mean to be aware of what is going on, without being swept up in what’s going on? Standing in awareness is the act of centering oneself. It is using the panic and overwhelm that you notice in your body. When we notice our body is screaming at us, we can simply redirect our focus. The harder you look for reason in the outside world, the more mind-centered you are. Staying in the mind only keeps us further from the truth, our truth. Focusing outward is not providing any answers.

The higher dimensional way in which we are designed to navigate this world is energetic. Everything is actually energy…and your physical body is designed to navigate the physical world through your resonance…We’re not designed to do it with the mind…The mind can be manipulated. The mind can be controlled. The mind can be deceived,Lorie Ladd

The ‘systems’ we have long held as bastions of truth are beginning to crumble. Politics, healthcare, education are just a few such systems in the process of being restructured. Corruption, greed and deception are rapidly being revealed via social media while the mainstream media continues to expound whatever current narrative promotes special interests. What’s the answer?

The future looks pretty darn bleak if we place our trust in an ever-shifting reality outside of our inner wisdom. It’s time to start checking in from the inside instead of from the outside.

The answer is that the future looks pretty darn bleak if we place our trust in an ever-shifting reality outside of our inner wisdom. It’s time to start checking in from the inside instead of from the outside. Start simple. Are you in touch with your own body telling you when you need to eat, to sleep, or visit the toilet, or are you dependent on some outside source to tell you that? Do you choose your shoes, or does someone else tell you what to wear? These are simple but distinct ways in which we listen to our inner wisdom. Take a critical look at how much you are swayed by media and advertising. How much are you swayed by fear?

The future of immunity is dependent on transmuting fear, for fear both shuts down critical thinking and produces stress hormones that compromise immunity. Bruce Lipton talks about these hormones actually being used therapeutically after organ transplants to shut down the immune system to prevent it from acting naturally and rejecting a foreign organ. Listening within can quell the fear and stress. Remember when the stress rises and the chaos calls you out, that it’s really a call to go back in.

Our sensitivity to energy will be instrumental for the most robust immunity in the future. Are we creating a future where we shut down our immune system with stress hormones, or are we creating a future where the immune system has been nurtured by our ability to center IN ourselves? The future is ours to choose.

Remember: Human beings are endowed with the ability to detox, and to strengthen our immune systems through the act of catching viruses and resolving them. Again and again, this process is what matures innate immunity – our God-given ability to discern self from non-self. The time in now to take responsibility for our own health. The future of immunity depends upon our ability to look within and discern what’s best while using both our intuition, listening to the body, and critically thinking. Overcome fear with education, trust your intuition to know what feels best, and have confidence in the survival of the human race without dependence on the shifting sand of public opinion.

What are the next steps for those of us who want to empower our future immunity? Please read the Health Freedom Manifesto below. The Real Immunity Team is pairing with other like-minded organizations to halt the loss of health freedoms. A detailed list of action steps is specified in this manifesto:

Health Freedom Manifesto: A Call for Reform in the Time of Pandemic
Please comment below if you’ve read, agree or have shared it with your community. 

The vaccine issue is the greatest civil rights issue of the 21st century. And it goes beyond the decision of whether we are free to get a shot or not, but whether we are free to own our bodies, whether we are free to think our own thoughts, and whether we have human rights in the face of a giant government-techno-medical industrial complex

We all come from different circumstances. You might have a child that was injured by an inoculation, you might have a child who hasn’t been inoculated, or simply want the right to customize the schedule. You might just want to have the free choice. You might be Democrat or Republican or an activist in a different movement, or maybe enough is enough with rights being taken away in the name of public health, science, and the pandemic.

Whatever your circumstances, though we may be all different creeds, different beliefs, different demographics, but we are all bonded together by the issue at hand. 

We want to feel empowered to live our lives as we decide best, and we refuse to permit medical, pharmaceutical, and political systems to control our bodies, our lives, and that of our families, and we reject their authoritarian narratives.”

Though you might feel alone with your beliefs, realize that there are many of us. We number in the millions. You may pass us on the street without knowing what we truly believe. We may live in your same county, or your same state, or we may be halfway around the world. But we desire the same thing and we share the same circumstances. 

Do you believe in the following?

  • Full informed consent without coercion or retaliation in which you are truly free to decide what should be done with your body as a fundamental human dignity,
  • A transparent medical and public health system that tells you what you need to know to make a fully informed decision,
  • A vaccine safety program that has been fully studied, has done saline double-blind comparisons, studied the effects of increased recommendations, and has devoted time to understanding the full etiology regarding injuries,
  • Removal of liability protection from the pharmaceuticals, a practice which perverts normal consumer protection and creates perverse incentives for lapses in safety and bloats a recommended schedule.
  • Safeguarding the Constitution, protecting scientific and moral dialogue.
  • Reform of public health, to remove conflicts of interest in inoculation policy making, acknowledge the reality of injuries, rectify known biases in safety assessments, and  move beyond the reductionistic focus on infectious disease and start measuring actual health of the populace. 

If you believe in the above, then you are one of us in the movement. WE ARE A MOVEMENT.


And we will say so to the powerful interests in our society, to the politicians, scientists, doctors, public health specialists, decision-makers, corporatists, etc. Let them hear our voice and feel our strength. 

Now you might wonder “what can I do in the face of all this pandemic mess?” The authorities tell us to be compliant for the good of the community, and that it will all be over if we just do what they say. And a slow removal of human rights occurs just like a frog in a pot slowly being boiled. 

Instead we have to cut through the mainstream narrative by demanding:

  • Any removal of human rights should be temporary, and justified under a strict criterion of emergency. Any pandemic responses need to be backed by evidence-based criterion.
  • Government and citizen checks and balances have to be in place to check any pandemic measures from overreach. Transparency and independent regulatory oversight to prevent this opportunism and to remove conflicts of interests.
  • 1st amendment rights, freedom of speech, and Constitutional freedoms must be upheld as the pandemic creates the opportunity for opportunism and profit-making on part of corporate and political entities. It is especially important that all scientific voices and citizens harmed by pandemic responses are heard.

What we need you to do now is the following:

  • Join as many of the groups in the Movement as you can. This includes ICANN, Children’s Health Defense, MAMM, NVIC, Real Immunity, your state group, and the myriad of other groups fighting for health freedom.
  • Stay in contact with the above groups, and, when a call-to-action arrives, ACT with all your heart and might. Millions will be doing it with you.
  • We need your help in spreading our news and our call-to-actions. In the face of growing censorship, we rely upon you to be our voices. Spread these to friends, families, thought leaders, politicians, and decision-makers in your area.
  • Vigorously refuse and fight against any mandated inoculations, and any tools of coercion that encourage their uptake. They both win and profit when they institutionalize the practice of removing rights under the guise of infectious diseases.
  • Learn how to safely protect your family from infectious diseases by visiting
  • Make a copy of this manifesto, rewrite it in your own words if you feel like it, and spread it. They can censor this doc. They can censor a url. But they cannot censor a message whose time has come. These words are our words, our collective voice. 

Relationships During the Pandemic: Taking the 30,000 Foot View

By Homeopathy

Rent: noun
1: an opening made by or as if by rending 2: a split in a party or organized group: SCHISM

A dear friend tearfully approached me expressing her fear that our relationship would be fractured over differences of opinion on the pandemic. It broke my heart to think that a cherished friendship could fall apart as a result of the turmoil taking place in the world.

Relationships are based on communication. As long as there is honest communication, differences don’t matter. Love transcends differences.

Perhaps you too have experienced a “rent” in relationships. Here are some important things to remember:

  • Relationships are based on communication. As long as there is honest communication, differences don’t matter. Love transcends differences.
  • People who love each other, support each other. They don’t judge each other. We are entitled to learn, evolve and grow at our own speed. This isn’t a race.
  • Despite the maelstrom of conflicting information, we can still be pro-active with our health. Terrain theory vs germ theory totally applies here and that’s another discussion. Suffice it to say, take responsibility for your health and trust, don’t judge yourself for your choices.
  • The track record of homeopathy in many epidemics is stellar. Between using homeoprophylaxis and having homeopathy for treatment, fear can be greatly reduced. This brings us to the elephant in the room:
  • Transmuting fear is part of the bigger picture. Because this is a global influence, step back and take the 30,000 ft view — the spiritual perspective. Part of it is:
  • Humanity is transforming. We are being called to raise the level of consciousness individually and as a result, collectively. This includes moving from a 3-dimensional consciousness to a 5-dimensional consciousness. And this means:
  • When we perceive reality as good/bad; right/wrong; black/white; true/false; us/them–it’s a 3-dimensional view. Duality causes us pain.

5-dimensional consciousness is embracing non-judgement and love. We are safe, we are observing instead of judging. If there “is opposition in all things” as we are taught by religions around the world, then the energy present that divides and frightens us is especially strong right now. The call is to transform that energy and keep moving back into 5D perception.

There are no easy answers for how to accomplish this monumental shift in awareness. The challenges are unique to each person. We need to be forgiving with ourselves. In the process we will move back and forth between 3D and 5D consciousness. It’s actually necessary for the pendulum to swing. This is how we learn – by feeling the discomfort, learning to recognize the contrast, and then making a conscious choice about how we want to see the world.

We are powerful enough to do this.    

A Review of 1986: The Act

By Immunization, Real Immunity Film Series

If you have been on the fence regarding the safety of inoculations, it’s time to watch 1986: The Act. Many are unaware that the number of inoculations required prior to 1986 were less than a third of present day recommendations, or that this increase is correlated with a drastic surge in autism.

Andy Wakefield has done an outstanding job of recording the historical evidence, (much of which has been censored), regarding the series of events that brought us to the 1986 V Injury Act. Originally created to hold drug companies liable for compensating those who were injured by inoculations, the 1986 V Injury Act was later manipulated by the same companies to legislate their own protection from liability. In the meantime, inoculation safety has gone by the wayside, as without liability, there is no incentive to create safe inoculations.

Set against the backdrop of a couple doing research before the birth of their baby, crucial information is unearthed and placed on a timeline to provide a clear picture of events that have been hidden from the public eye for decades. Included are many historical news reports that allow the viewer to connect the dots themselves. We watch as the couple uncovers these secrets kept from public view in order to maintain faith in inoculations, including:

1986: The Act provides a chronological history of the events leading up to the 1986 V Injury Act and what has become of the act today.

  • The man-made Polio epidemic resulting in 200,000 defective Polio
    vaccines that caused paralysis and death
  • The Swine Flu Vaccine that set a precedent for the Pharma industry to receive immunity from product liability
  • The failure of North American V companies to deliver a safe DPT shot, that cost only pennies more, even though one was widely used in Japan
  • Studies showing the younger you are when you receive the MMR inoculation, the higher your risk of autism
  • The African American Effect that shows black children are at a greater risk of autism after being inoculated
  • The CDC’s claims to phase out Thimerisol in inoculations, were made while concomitantly making recommendations for pregnant women and children to get the controversial flu inoculation that has dangerous amounts of mercury

As the couple discover more and more manipulated court cases, studies, and data and listen to live interviews from parents whose children became autistic after receiving their vaccinations as well, it becomes obvious to them both that they are witnessing the biggest medical coverup of our time. It would be difficult for anyone who watches this film to not come to the same conclusion. The clincher comes when the couple learns about direct to consumer advertisement, and they realize they must now confront the stark reality that there is no one out there advocating for children. In tears, the wife asks: “Is this even a safe place to have babies anymore?”

Many experts weigh in throughout this film, including Del Bigtree and Wakefield, who are both featured in the Real Immunity Film series. Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the NVIC anchors most of the dates and facts shared, and attorney Mike Hugo chimes in with important legal information.

The sobering take-away is that it is indeed left in the loving hands of parents to do their due diligence and educate and advocate for their own children. This is brought home by Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s chilling point regarding the government and CDC’s tendency towards routinely ignoring parents: “I don’t see how you can outright dismiss 10,000 virtually identical stories from all of these mothers who saw what happened to their child and just say that never happened. That’s not science, that’s mysogyny.”

Blog Resources:

  • Ready to do your due diligence? Learn about Real Immunity by watching the Real Immunity Film Series.
  • Want to learn more about what Homeoprophylaxis is and what alternative immunity resources are available to you? Sign up to receive the free HP Resource Sheet!
  • Interested in finding your tribe and learning more about Real Immunity with a group? Join a Real Immunity Empowerment group!
  • Concerned about the potential of mandatory and risky medical interventions? Purchase the Preparing for the Worst digital download.


Interested in getting our guide on newborn procedures?
It includes information on:

  • 4 common newborn procedures
  • What you need to know
  • Alternatives
  • Research and study references

Leading an Empowerment Group is Easy: See How Others Have Made It Work

By Real Immunity Film Series

Interested in leading an Empowerment Group but still have questions about how they work?

Empowerment Groups are an opportunity to educate your clients on how to build a healthy terrain, how to raise healthy kids, and how to have real and enduring vitality–without having to create your own class! It’s also a great opportunity for those looking to earn additional cash.

Meet three individuals and learn how they set about helping themselves and their group members embrace a new paradigm health paradigm. It was easy to execute and brought them together for support in a meaningful way.

Check out the Q and A section at the bottom of this blog, that answers commonly asked questions.

Meet Adrian

Adrian is a school counselor who has been using her time during quarantine to finally get together with some like-minded friends on Zoom. She decided it would be a lot of fun for her group of five friends to watch the Quest for Real Immunity Film together and participate in the Empowerment Group. The members of the group all chipped in $5 each to cover the costs of the program (it is currently on sale for half off!). They have their own “happy hour” once a week where they watch the 30-minute episodes together (Adrian shares her screen with the group) and review the discussion questions afterwards. Their sessions are very laid back, and sometimes the group’s husbands chime in too. The group has decided they are going to all chip in for a one-hour question and answer session with Cilla as well.


Meet Heather

Heather is a prenatal yoga instructor. She has seen the Quest film already and wanted to share it with her students, as she feels the concepts are essential for new parents. Before purchasing the program, she selected the dates and times that she would be holding her discussion sessions and posted this information on her Facebook page. She had enough people interested to create two groups (groups are limited to 10 students) so she purchased two Empowerment Group programs. She charged each of her group members $10 each, and made a little extra money to cover her fees and time. Currently, she is meeting twice a week with both of her groups. Heather looks forward to being able to run these Empowerment Groups as an on-going part of her prenatal education program and hopes that when quarantine is over she can meet with her groups in person.

Meet Philicia

Philicia is a stay at home mom to six kids whom she homeschools. She wanted to create an opportunity for the teenagers in her homeschool coop to learn the concepts of Real Immunity as part of their health curriculum. Philicia organized a group of six teenagers who are currently meeting once a week to discuss the concepts of the episodes that they watch on their own. The parents all pitched in to cover the costs for the program, and the group will be setting up a Q and A session with Cilla, as so many amazing questions have come up during their discussion sessions. Philicia mentioned that the program has really been an enlightening experience for all of the students, and she wishes she were exposed to these concepts at such an early age as well

Below you will find common questions asked about Empowerment Groups and the answers:

Can my group members watch the episodes in their one time?
Yes, group members can view each episode on their own, and then you would convene (via Zoom, Skype, phone, in person, etc.) to have a group discussion. It is also an option to view the episodes together, as Adrian’s group did, above.

How often should my group meet to discuss? Is once a week ok?
You can roll it out on whatever schedule you’d like. During the beta testing, we found that one session each week worked well, but you can create whatever schedule works for you and your group members.

What is the total cost to leaders?
$42.99 is paid by the group leader. (Leaders can ask participants to chip in a small fee, or not). It covers links, discussion questions, discount for participants who want to take Cilla’s online classes. If leaders want to run another group, they will need to repurchase the program each time.

In what format will I be receiving the material?
You receive the episode links immediately upon purchasing and you will be able to distribute these to your group members as you see fit. The discussion questions/materials are online for you to grab and you are able to access this material as soon as you purchase the program.

Can the material be shared with my group members?  
It’s your choice as the leader, but we found it makes for a better discussion if you act as a catalyst instead of just feeding them the questions to answer on their own. Again, your choice.

If you’re interested in more details, including: Costs, what’s included, where to join or find out more about leading an Empowerment Group, testimonials from our focus group, and more, please go here.

Blog Resources:

Lead an Empowerment Group
-Watch this video with Cilla describing the benefits of Empowerment Groups
-Read this blog on Empowerment Groups to learn more on how they work
-Testimonials, example Empowerment Group discussions, and more can be found here

Go It Alone or Get Support: Why a Practitioner-Supported HP Program Is Better

By Immunization

Guest blog by Real Immunity Team member, Courtney Ingham

In my on-going search for ways to enhance and protect my children’s immune systems, I have taken many detours. I’m definitely a DIYer at heart, but after much consideration, I chose to enroll my children in Cilla’s homeoprophylaxis (HP) program.

In 2010, when my oldest was 2, I stumbled upon Cilla’s book and I was determined to get my kids going with HP. I knew about homeopathy, have taken many classes, and I figured I was a smart girl and I could figure this out for myself. Despite my good intentions, that never happened. The book sat next to my bed, the remedies I needed were in a shopping cart online, never to be ordered. Each time I got the gusto to place my order, I felt overwhelmed with insecurities and questions.

What if there was a reaction? What if I didn’t stay on schedule? (That was likely, as I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter soon after my initial investigations into HP). I also wasn’t certain I fully understood what I was doing. It became clear that I was really going to need much more education, and confidence to go at it alone. In the meantime, while stammering around, we added another baby to the family (and also several goats), and I was distracted by life enough to put my inquiries on the back burner.

Fast forward to 2018—my children were in public school with a religious exemption. They were previously homeschooled, but for this year, we decided to “try it out.” When New York State cut our experience short by axing religious exemptions at the end of the year, we were faced with a big decision: Get the injections so the children can attend school, or homeschool. We chose to decline the injections, and that decision led me to pick up the HP conversation again. This time, I decided I wanted the support of a homeopath, and I enrolled my children in Cilla’s program. I immediately knew it was the best choice, and I haven’t regretted it for a moment. Here’s why:

Support: New things are often more surmountable with human to human interaction

When I entered the program, not only did I receive an HP kit, I received an education on HP and the immune system. Everyone who enrolls receives a one-on-one session with a certified homeopath. How easy it was to be able to ask the questions I had and get answers that made sense, from a real human! Much different than using a book and trying to meander through the process alone.

Courtney’s three children ages 12, 8 and 6. All partake in the Real Immunity HP program.

Another thing received from the program is a video presentation that shares exactly what you need to know to give the HP remedies to your family. With this video, anyone is able to get started using HP—even beginners who know nothing about homeopathy. Most questions are answered in this video.

Having guidance is beyond valuable. For instance, you may want to rearrange your schedule to take the Tetanus nosode if you are embarking before summertime when children are much more likely to be running around barefoot. Summer will certainly be a lot easier on me as a parent knowing that my often-barefoot kids have another line of defense against tetanus!

The booklet that Cilla distributes is also helpful. More than just education and a bunch of remedies, you’re getting the tried and true schedule on how to dose the remedies, based on Issac Golden’s longitudinal HP study. The booklet leads you through the program, offering a place to record the date you administer the remedies, as well as any response that may occur while undergoing the program. It helps you know how many doses to give and what will be the next remedy on your schedule. It really helps you move through the program with ease. Should you have any concerns, you are able to contact your homeopath to get their feedback: It’s such a relief to not have to go at it alone!

Education: It’s much more dynamic to learn from a professional than to try and learn something from a book or website

Many parents are first called to HP because they think it is accepted by schools. Sadly, it is not. Nor does HP promise titiers. But what I learned through Cilla is that titers don’t equal immunity, and that was a big surprise! Cilla informed me that while shots stimulate the humoral immune response, (where antibody production occurs,) this can cause side effects like inflammatory diseases (yikes!). She explained that the innate arm of the immune system, (often disregarded by many medical professionals and politicians), provides the cell mediated response, which HP addresses. In other words, I learned that antibodies aren’t the gold standard of immunity! No wonder HP doesn’t promise to offer such subpar markers of “immunity!”

Cilla also shared with me that Dr. Isaac Golden, leading expert in HP, studied 3000 children who underwent HP programs and found that they had way fewer illnesses and infections compared to their cohorts who didn’t take the shots or HP. He attributed this to the fact that they received the diseases in an energetic form, thereby gaining all the health benefits of the natural disease with none of the risks.

Our family decided that since we were vested in building and supporting health and wellness that we would definitely partake in the program in order to receive those benefits. With a 91% effective rate with no side effects, it definitely raises many questions as to why HP isn’t recognized as a legitimate alternative. (Note: Many governments, such as India and Cuba do recognize the benefits of HP.)

What others are saying about joining an HP program:

“To work with a practitioner who was supporting my role as a mom and respecting and encouraging my innate knowledge of my child was a game changer. We’ve been so thrilled to have found Cilla and homeoprophylaxis. My children have not yet completed the whole program, but I do feel that I see their systems growing stronger each month with every dose. I had a friend today comment just how healthy my kids always are! Thank you, Cilla for your message, knowledge, and willingness to devote your life to families like ours, we are so grateful!”   – Sarah J.

“Cilla is a professional in every sense of the word. She has been a delight to work with and is very knowledgeable and so helpful in providing guidance and direction with her programs. I appreciate Cilla’s efforts as she strives to help so many that are seeking for great ways to provide immunity for their families!” – Dr Jeff K.

To find out why other parents decided to join an HP program, sign up for our FREE HP Resource Sheet.

Blog Resources:

HP Clinical Studies


Enroll in a Real Immunity HP Program

What to do if you must get the shots

Read Cilla’s HP Blogs

Want to learn to follow your intuition and find your tribe? Join an Empowerment Group!

Schedule a free 15 minute Complimentary HP Inquiry Session to determine if HP is a good fit for your family.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Real Vitality Empowerment Groups

By Real Immunity Film Series

Living a Real Vitality lifestyle is easier said than done, right? It certainly takes a lot to move from the limited and fear-based conventional view of health and wellness to a place where one has complete ownership of their health and immune function. Yet lately, that call has become loud and clear for so many during these tumultuous times when health care freedoms are challenged more than ever before.

It also takes a lot of support to feel confident enough to forgo the recommendations from physicians that don’t quite feel right. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to not feel like you have to go at it alone?

And what about that feeling…That sense that there’s a better option out there? That is what we call intuition, and the purpose of the Real Immunity Film series is to help people align with their innate intuition and liberate that voice that is asking questions and interested in more options.

Over the last year, the Real Vitality Team has tested out a new product called Empowerment Groups, that are aligned with the values and intentions of the Real Immunity film series. This product seeks to provide further guidance and support through the essential points in the first film, Quest for Real Immunity.

By creating a study-group format for viewing and discussing the films, it is now possible to have community and support through all the questions and fears that arise when embracing Real Immunity:

What’s the best option for my family?

Who are the experts I can look to?

How does this lifestyle look?

How can I make it work for my family?

What basic information and skills do I need to live a Real Immunity lifestyle?

Empowerment Groups are a way for you to find your tribe!

Who Are Empowerment Groups Perfect for?

  • Parents who want to be fed support (rather than fear) for the health and wellness choices they are making for their children
  • People who want to be empowered about their health in a world full of confusing and complicated options
  • Parents who want to build their instincts when it comes to the health of their children
  • People who want to know who the experts in the field of natural health are, and how to access their messages
  • Individuals seeking their tribe, people who share their common health beliefs

How Do Empowerment Groups Work?

First, one must decide if they want to lead an Empowerment Group.

If you have decided you want to LEAD a group, your Empowerment Group will have access to the three 30 minute episodes of the Quest for Real Immunity film. The Empowerment Group Leader is equipped with a discussion packet and guidance on how to lead a discussion for each of the three sessions with the materials found in the class portal. By using an application like Zoom, group leaders can offer their Empowerment Group remotely to individuals around the world, or they can choose to host a more intimate, in-person gathering with those living close-by.

Empowerment Groups are limited to a maximum of 10 individuals (plus a leader), and leaders can choose to charge their group members a fee for the ability to participate in the program.

It is also an option to purchase the program for yourself, for those who are not interested in learning with a group. Parents have purchased the program and taught it to their high school students or coop groups. There is no minimum number required to conduct an Empowerment Group.

If you are interested in LEADING an empowerment group, feel free to share the image below on social media to help build your group:

What are the “perks” of  Empowerment Groups?

While Quest for Real Immunity can be streamed at home by anyone, by joining a Real Immunity Empowerment Group, not only will you be able to watch the film, but you’ll be able to take part in lively discussions around the topics in the film.

During our beta focus group sessions, we found that the participants reported a greater understanding of the topics as well as a greater sense on how to implement the concepts relayed by the film after participating in the program. An example of some of these concepts covered are:  Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory, the gifts of childhood diseases, allopathic vs. homeopathic health solutions, using and developing your intuition, understanding the innate intelligence of the body, moving past fear, and many more. For anyone interested in venturing into or supporting a Real Immunity lifestyle, Empowerment Groups are an essential starting point.

If you’re interested in more details, including: Costs, what’s included, where to join or find out more about leading an Empowerment Group, testimonials from our focus group, and more, please go here.

Blog Resources:
Lead an Empowerment Group
Watch this video with Cilla describing the benefits of Empowerment Groups
Testimonials, example Empowerment Group discussions and more

Cuba’s Big News: A Safe Alternative

By Clinical Studies, Infection

Cuba has long been a leader in using homeoprophylaxis, also called HP, to prevent endemic and epidemic diseases. Recently, Cuba announced that it would be using HP as for the current novel epidemic.

HP is an energetic form of homeopathy that dilutes and potentizes natural substances to act upon the vital force, or energy system, of an individual. Produced under stringent guidelines, HP can be administered in small pellets that are taken orally, or liquid form. A natural method to familiarize the immune system with a disease on the energetic level prior to coming into contact with that disease in nature, individuals are more likely to repel the disease altogether, or if contracted, more able to mount a natural and adequate immune response.   









Is it Safe?

There has never been a death or injury from the use of HP with children, adults, or pregnant women. It is non-toxic, contains no preservatives, adjuvants, antibiotics or toxic components of any kind. When children accidentally swallow large amounts, there is no cause for concern since this is an energetic form of treatment. There are no molecules of the original substance.

Is it Effective?

Emerging studies from Cuba over the last decades confirm the easy administration and effectiveness of homeoprophylaxis.  Along with his notable success using HP for leptospirosis, Dr. Gustavo Bracho, of the world-renowned Finlay Institute also studied the effects of HP with Hepatitis A, Dengue Fever, Acute Respiratory Infections and Acute Diarrheal Diseases.  Significant reductions in all of these diseases resulted from use of HP.   

Dr, Isaac Golden, the world’s leading researcher of homeoprophylaxis, in his recent article stated:

I published two articles in 2019 describing in different ways the use of HP in three countries in over 250 million people on an annualised basis, by mainly government agencies in those countries.   One of the examples given is especially appropriate in the current situation with [the current virus].

Readers may recall the Swine Flu scare which swept the world around 2009/2010. In my country it led to the Federal Government spending around $120,000,000 on vaccines, most of which remained unused. Billions were spent in the USA on the development and sale of the vaccine, and similarly in many other countries internationally.

However, the Cuban government had seen the remarkably successful HP immunisation programs against Leptospirosis in 2007 and 2008, and instructed the Finlay Institute (Cuba’s vaccine manufacturer which, under the inspired leadership of Dr Conception Campa Huergo (a real scientist) and her Vice President Dr Gustavo Bracho, prepared the HP interventions), to homeopathically immunise the entire population of Cuba over 12 months of age against Swine Flu – around 9.8 million people.

When Dr Bracho and I studied the 2010 data it became clear that we could not quantify the success of the program against Swine Flu because there were practically no cases, and it was not possible to say how many travellers entered the country carrying the virus. However, in the same intervention Finlay also immunised against Pneumococcal disease, and the published data shows a clear reduction in the disease in 2010, and a return to expected levels in 2011, and shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Incidence of Deaths from Influenza and Pneumococcal Disease per 10,000







Residents of Cuba, 2000 to 2013

Most recently, the Cuban government has distributed PrevengHo Vir© to boost natural immunity in the presence of the current viral epidemic. Its homeopathic ingredients are: A. barbariae 200c, Bacillinum 30c, Influenzinum 30c, Tuberculinum aviare 200c, Pyrogenium 200c, Arsenicum alb 200c, Eupatorium perfoliatum 200c and Baptisia tentoria 200c.

Attesting to the individualized nature of homeopathic prescribing, Dr. Golden’s recent recommendation for boosting immunity in the presence of the current viral epidemic has been: homeopathic Bacillinum, Pneumococcinum, Influenzinum (3 types), Arsenicum album, Justicia adhatoda, Gelsemium, Bryonia and Antimonium tartaricum.

Other well-respected homeopaths have suggested the use of other remedies, like Arsenicum alone, or a mixture of remedies intended to address potential symptoms. Since HP is intended to support and enhance natural immunity, there is no ‘wrong’ answer to the components utilized.

The Real Immunity Influenzium CV30 formula applies Dr. Golden’s recommendation to include homeopathic Bacillinum, Pneumococcinum, and 3 types of Influenzinum. The additional remedies included in his preparation can apply to the symptom presentation of many respiratory illnesses once contracted. Our recommendation is to contact a qualified homeopath if symptoms develop in order to be addressed professionally and individually.

Please note that due to recent warnings by the FDA issued to natural practitioners, it’s important that we mention that homeopathy “does not treat, cure, or prevent specific diseases.” Homeopathy enhances natural immunity, decreases susceptibility to disease, and exercises the immune system in such a way as to improve health outcomes. In order to avoid censorship and get this information out, the Real Immunity Team has gone to great efforts to craft this message. 

In light of current expensive allopathic protocols and potential effects of pharmaceutical prescribing, Dr. Golden advises the following:

Homeopathy could assist all Governments immediately, at a low cost, without any risk of side-effects, and make a definite impact on the progress of [the current virus]. In decades to come I expect historians to look back at recent decades of pharmaceutical aggression and their domination of many health systems, and measure the immense cost, and the damage to millions of lives caused by those who prevented decision makers from seeing the true evidence-based benefits of safe and inexpensive natural options.

Here at Real Immunity we applaud and support forward thinkers such as Dr. Isaac Golden and the Cuban government in their application of safe, effective, and well-researched methods of protection. We encourage you to share this information far and wide to raise consciousness, as we promote non-toxic methods to build real immunity. Then contact your qualified HP provider to take the next step.

If you are interested in learning more about HP please check out the following links:
Clinical Studies
Learn more and sign up for an HP Program
Influenzinum CV30 Survey Results

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

There is a Choice: A Review of Cilla’s HP Book

By Homeopathy, Immunization

For anyone looking to broaden their understanding of immunity, inoculations, homeoprophylaxis, and historical evidence for homeopathy, the support and research to investigate these and many more topics are found in Cilla’s book, There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis, An Appeal to Mothers.

This is Cilla’s second book, and it’s a gold mine of resources to support families considering alternatives to inoculations. You’ll come away feeling confident that you are on the right path to health. While providing concrete research and evidence in regard to vaccines and homeoprophylaxis, this book isn’t written to overwhelm; laypeople can come to the book to have their questions answered and feel supported by Cilla’s gentle words and recommendations. Here is a list of just some of the topics covered:

The Big Business of Inoculations, The Immune System (cell-mediated and antibody mediated response), Chronic and Acute Disease, Germ vs. Terrain Theory, Vaccine Studies, Homeoprophylaxis, Current and Historical Evidence for HP, Dr. Isaac Golden (founder of HP), Your Legal Rights, CEASE Therapy

Cilla begins her book by sharing her own family’s experience with inoculations and how she came to choose HP as a viable alternative. She describes the overwhelming, yet empowering experience that came from her daughter’s diagnosis of aseptic meningitis after being inoculated. The story from there is an all too familiar one: Her pediatrician refused to validate the clear evidence that her daughter had an inoculation injury. What followed was the understanding that “no one was going to look out for my kids as I do. It was up to me. Period.” From there Cilla made it her life’s work to support other mothers and offer them alternative choices to the inoculations offered by conventional medicine.

She goes on to share this alternative, Homeoprophylaxis (HP), but not before she discusses the deception campaigns that have long made alternatives to inoculations unavailable. She goes on in her second chapter to reveal the year-to-year sales growth of the various vaccines offered, as well as how many of the CDC administrators are also high-ranking executives or consultants of major pharmaceutical companies, an obvious conflict of interest.

As Cilla has often shown us, one cannot appreciate the power of HP without first understanding the immune system and how the body responds to disease. She describes the body’s response to the multivalent inoculations as problematic: “Allowing the body to mount a complete response to one disease at a time is the most beneficial.” She goes on to describe what a “complete response” looks like on page 61 of her book. Paola Brown, President of Americans for Homeopathy Choice and creator of Teach Me Health and Homeopathy interviewed Cilla and created a really neat illustrated depiction of this complete response, and how homeopathy can be used to assist the body when needed, you can view this illustration by clicking here.

To watch Paola Brown’s illustration of the Cycle of Illness, click here.

Cilla goes on to describe that as HP only introduces one disease at a time, the immune system is able to “mount a response and resolve the disease effectively.” Here are some other essential points she covers regarding HP:

  • HP improves your overall terrain, utlizing a method that used diluted and potentized (homeopathically prepared) particles.
  • HP respects the immune system by offering one disease at a time through the natural route of the mucous membrane.
  • HP contains no adjuvants, antibiotics, detergents, foreign DNA and other materials that can cause adverse reactions and side effects.
  • HP has been utilized since the 1800’s, and has been endorsed by many nations and countries for epidemic diseasesThe major benefit of HP is that is “educated the immune system” strengthening the terrain to overcome disease symptoms and/or mildly symptomatic cases should the disease be contracted.

If you are looking for more support in broadening your understanding of HP, this resource has everything you need–including solid advice on how to make the best choice for your family. You may also be interested in signing up for our free HP Resource Sheet.

For parents who are not on the same page as far as what choice to make, Cilla also offers valuable input on how to find common ground. You can hear the non-judgemental voice of a homeopath in her sage advice regarding the importance of listening and validating one another:
“Once they feel validated, they are actually able to listen without getting defensive…All I want to do is empower parents. I’ve spent many years gathering information and seeing the clinical results of my patients. If I can share that, with you, or your partner, you will have more information to make a good decision for your child.”

For families interested in finding out if HP is a good fit for them, you can schedule a brief 15 minute appointment with Cilla.

Purchase Cilla’s book There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis here.

And again, if you are interested in watching Paola Brown’s illustration of Cilla’s Cycle of Illness, click the caption on the image below (which is Paola’s adorable drawing of Cilla!)

Click here to watch Paola’s presentation.

New to HP? Want to learn more? Grab our free HP Whitepaper Resource, covering the top points you’ll want know about HP. Our Whitepaper includes important links to the history of HP, it’s applications, important facts, and even landmark studies. Common questions are all answered there.

Learn to Think About the Flu Homeopathically

By Clinical Studies, Homeopathy, Immunization, Infection

Wondering if you may have the flu? Want to be prepared in case your family does come down with the flu? You’ve come to the right place.

In Cilla’s online class Nine Remedies for the Flu, she shares a brief, yet impactful history of the use of homeopathy versus conventional methods for various flus. As you may have guessed, homeopathy came through with flying colors in several cases with unprecedented results. Frequently, the conventional treatment for influenza actually caused severe side effects, as in the case of the 1918 Spanish flu when Aspirin was employed to lower fevers and it simply drove the illness to the lungs.

Be prepared for flus and viruses with homeopathic knowledge! These nine remedies will help you manage whatever comes your way in the most gentle and natural way. The practical tips will prepare you to use nine remedies for fevers, vomiting, aches, pains, and more. Ideal for the mom who wants applicable knowledge to use with her family right away.

Most Real Immunity followers are already familiar with the Health Helix, Cilla’s visual explanation of how illness, when suppressed, can be driven deeper into the body. The Health Helix presents a visual explanation of the damage conventional drugs and suppressed symptoms can cause by giving many examples, like how the use of cortisone cream actually is correlated with later onset of asthma as benign skin issues such as eczema are driven deeper into the body. 

Cilla starts the class by making an important distinction regarding the flu: Often what we think is the flu is a different virus or illness, but regardless of the cause, flu-like symptoms: fever, headache, lack of energy, sore throat, runny nose, and body aches can be addressed with homeopathic medicines. Cilla reviews nine remedies for the flu (or flu-like symptoms), including physical and emotional indications for the use of each. In the class she discusses how to distinguish flu symptoms from flu-like viral symptoms as well.

This class is so much more than a list of remedies though. There’s quite a bit of homeopathic theory as well. Cilla shares how mainstream thinking regarding viruses is shortsighted for various reasons. One reason is because our bodies are mostly comprised of bacteria, viruses and parasites: four pounds of such materials on average. She names the many viruses that most humans have riding along with them and shares that usually there is nothing at all wrong with these viruses lying latent in our bodies “as long as we just live in a balanced state.” She further shares that viruses, in fact, are essential for human evolution.

To better understand how homeopathy can benefit and address flu symptoms, Cilla addresses many of the misunderstandings regarding the immune system and the flu shot. She shares that herd immunity can only happen when one acquires a disease naturally, which creates a cell-mediated immune response. It’s important to note that injections do not create a cell-mediated response, instead, as Cilla explains in her class, they artificially elevate antibody production (which compromises general immunity). Cilla shares research that shows the increased risk of respiratory viruses associated with the flu shot. Antibody production is not the gold standard for immunity.

Furthermore, Cilla warns that vaccines are often recommended for individuals who are actually at greatest risk of suffering a side-effect from the injection. She shares the many issues associated with flu shots in pregnant women, and how injections after age 50 are associated with neurological damage.

Another misconception that Cilla rebukes is that fevers are problematic. She shares why it is important to support a fever, how to support a fever and issues related to suppressing fevers. Fevers are simply another way the body discharges symptoms, and we never want to suppress such discharges. She offers information on how to support the flu and fevers using cell salts as well. By supporting the discharge process of flu symptoms with homeopathic remedies recommended in this class, Cilla shares that she has often seen lengthy flu symptoms truncated from two weeks to a few days. She shares a story of how she used Bryonia, when indicated for her flu-like symptoms and within hours she was back to normal.

Cilla ends the class by offering suggestions on how to homeopathically address flu symptoms. Learn more here.

More Flu Resources:

Join the Knowledge Vault for free flu resources and more

The Health Helix: Understanding how suppressed symptoms can become chronic problems

Flu Remedies to Get You Started

Flu Shot Side Effects

How to Use Influenzinum

Where to Purchase Influenzinum 

Cilla’s online classes, including her flu class

Are You Ready to Answer the Call?

By Real Immunity Film Series

“The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.” 

― Oprah Winfrey

Where does consciousness and the way we think enter the picture when it comes to healing? Can our thoughts and feelings affect how we experience health?

If you’re on the Real Immunity wavelength, it is likely you embrace the concept that the physical body does not work in isolation from the mind and emotions. As we move into a new decade, more and more people are discovering the limitations of modern conventional medicine, while simultaneously embracing the opportunities offered to us through alternative medicine and the consciousness movement.

Free agency is a gift. What stops us from exercising it? Fear of failure? Of the unknown?

When we bring consciousness to the conversation, we realize quickly that we can let go of fear of the outcome, and we accept that there is no such thing as a mistake. All things work together to lead us to greater awareness and deeper wisdom for the next choice. Suddenly, we are empowered.

“When fear makes your choices for you, no security measures on earth will keep the things you dread from finding you. But if you can avoid avoidance – if you can choose to embrace experiences out of passion, enthusiasm, and a readiness to feel whatever arises – then nothing, nothing in all this dangerous world, can keep you from being safe.”  Martha Beck

Our level of awareness plays an enormous role in our choices. Choosing Real Immunity takes a hard look at just how much our consciousness influences everything. And not only our own, but that of our parents and their ancestors as well.

I reached a point in my own healing from a cancer diagnosis when I realized that my thoughts were playing a huge role. Getting control of them through meditation and visualization would in turn be reflected on the physical level. So, I referred to one of the best in the consciousness movement – Dr. Joe Dispenza.

“The brain learns by surprises and mistakes. We need to embrace and experience what’s happening – the richness and fullness. Then when we are bored, we’ll create a new experience.” Dr. Joe Dispenza

Spending a week at one of his retreats, I was blown away by the information and the intensity of the experience. I knew I wanted to interview him for the film. His message was inspiring. That’s the mission of my third film, Choosing Real Immunity, to share interconnected messages from health professionals and leaders in the consciousness movement that help the viewer to delve deeply into what it means to heal in a way that engages a sense of well-being and trust in the body that is missing in the conventional medical paradigm.

If we continue the same old conversation about health, the conversation led by “conventional wisdom,” we are eliminating the gifts our own knowing and consciousness can bring to the picture. We eliminate the potential the vital force brings to the table when we constantly look outside of ourselves for the answers. As a homeopath, Choosing Real Immunity was my answer to the question: “What understandings can contribute the most change to the current paradigm of healthcare?”

“The vital force has the power to heal. What stands in the way is tension. Whatever helps to alleviate the tension, a choice; a decision; an act; a healer, the body then has the available energy to heal and can do so effectively.” Cilla Whatcott

I am honored to be able to share this third and final film in my Real Immunity series with you, and I invite you to join me as we embark upon an entirely new conversation about health, immunity, and consciousness.

You can view the Choosing Real Immunity trailer by clicking the image below:

Listen to health experts, physicians and leaders in the consciousness movement share their knowledge and experience in Choosing Real Immunity.